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About foetusized

  • Birthday February 8

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  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  2. I got into that category yesterday and did some work. The unreviewed queue was a mess. I took care of some older submissions (from 2001 and early 2002), a couple update submissions, and deleted a bunch of content-free submissions; but I don't think I got to yours yet. I'll try to get back to work on the category in the next few days. Thanks for pointing out this backed-up category -- Foe
  3. Sure. Go to the Site Submission Status Thread, read the first post for directions on what to post, and then post a message asking for the status -- Foe
  4. I listed your site today whilst editing within Shopping: Entertainment: Recordings and its subcategories -- Foe
  5. Hmm, that is his contact email (and he gets a lot of mail there) but his title is not Editor in Chief, IIRC -- Foe
  6. Took me about one year to become an editall and another year to become a meta, but your milage may vary. It is a slightly-well-known paradox that those who strive to become a meta for personal glory rarely achieve the position; it is only by becoming one with the directory and working selflessly to improve it that one can optain meta status -- Foe
  7. Re: Submitting sites to a category needing an edit Dodgyvinyl: I'm a meta-editor who is listed in the "parent" category Shopping/Entertainment/Recordings and I regularly review the submissions to that Vinyl subcategory since no one is listed there. I've not been able to get in to edit for several days due to to downtime on the ODP site (and some health issues) but I should be able to look at the submissions in that category within a week (if the Lord's willin' and the crick don't rise). That category does need an editor (I'd love someone to help out there) but that doesn't mean that it goes unedited in the meantime -- Foe
  8. I've undone some of the damage; the Stickers Exchange site is now listed in one of the categories where it used to be, and I've left notes to try to prevent this confusion for happening again. I'm not sure where all you've submitted your site; it has been found in the unreviewed queue of some really off-topic categories like http://dmoz.org/Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/S . Stop doing that, please -- Foe
  9. It appears to have been deleted because it is a mirror of http://www.stickersexchange.com/ which was previously listed. It also appears that http://www.stickersexchange.com/ was also deleted for being a mirror of http://www.Label-Exchange.com/ . You need to decide which of the two you would like listed and not submit the mirror as it can lead to problems like this -- Foe
  10. We have an automatic link checker (called Robozilla) that finds some of these problems. It runs every few months, and just completed a run. There are lots of sites throughout the directory marked in red by Robozilla that editors are busily working on. The number of dead links should decrease quite a bit over the next few weeks as they are either fixed to a working URL or removed from public view -- Foe
  11. Re: dmoz Feedback Form Feedback on the main feedback form ( http://dmoz.org/cgi-bin/feedback.cgi ) goes to staff, and is likely to not get a response as they are quite busy and more concerned with the "big picture." Feedback to specific editors (follow the link at the bottom of a category page to their profile, and follow the feedback link from their) is more likely to get results, but one's mileage may vary -- Foe
  12. The old listed link is not dead, but did contain information about the band's new domains http://www.galahadonline.com/ and http://www.galahadonline.co.uk/ , both of which forward to http://www.galahadonline.fsnet.co.uk/ which I listed. So it wasn't dead, but did give evidence that it was out-of-date and superceded by the new site -- Foe
  13. It appears to be the lack of anyone editing within that category. Out of 8 submissions in that category, five were from you about this matter. I've made the change. As a volunteer organization, we all pitch in and help, but there are areas of the directory that sometimes become neglected. There's a difference between refusal to make a change and the lack of someone to do the work. However, when such problems are pointed out, most all editors will do their best to fix them. Hope this helps -- Foe
  14. Yes, this is true for the most part. There are some exceptions. For example, some sites have no "local" presence so they would not get a Regional listing. My personal site, about the hobby of collecting compact discs, falls in this category. Your site may belong in a category in or around http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Business_and_Economy/Internet/ , for instance (but I tend to stay out of Regional, and that's just a personal opinion) -- Foe
  15. We do this already, although the way the system works we add a message to the rejection email explaining why we rejected the application and urging them to reapply to a smaller category (for example). Its not a requirement, but us metas want to get as meny good editors into the ODP as we can, so I cannot see anyone not using this option that we already have -- Foe
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