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flicker last won the day on April 25 2004

flicker had the most liked content!

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  1. Or, if you have the URLs of the store listed under both its yahoostores and vanity addresses, you can give them in this forum: http://www.resource-zone.com/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=abuse and someone will look into them. Most times these mirrors have been added by mistake, not abusively, but we still want to fix them.
  2. I doubt Bobrat was trying to offend you, Schluggi. You really and truly do not understand our system; this is a fact, not an insult. 1) You think that a subcategory is "abandoned" when, in fact, the main Lingerie editor can and does edit there. You are wrong; it is irrelevant to the review of your site which subcategory it is waiting in. This is how our editing system functions. 2) You think we are required to list multiple businesses under the heading of the same company. We are not. This is not how our organization selects sites for listing. 3) You think it is OK to submit sites which link to adult content to the non-Adult directory. It is not. This is not how we organize our data. 4) You think that Google's PageRank system is our concern. It is not. Google and the ODP are separate entities NOT under the heading of the same company. They do not tell us how their PageRank algorithm works and we do not have any influence over their search engine at all. They use our data (as do many other places). That is all. We have no control over them or their system. 5) We don't care what the PageRank, search engine results, or financial status is of any given website. We are not in the business of website promotion. From our point of view, it doesn't matter whose business does better at any of those things, yours or your competitor's. So you are never going to see us move your listing to a higher-PR category, give it keywords you like better, multiple listings, etcetera, only to affect your website traffic. That's not our business. Hopefully, you now have a better idea of how the ODP works. From the information you have given us, it is clear that the reason your site is taking so long to review is because it is marginally compliant with our guidelines: it was submitted to a too-general-but-higher-PageRank category of the wrong directory, and it belongs to the same company as an already-listed site. I can tell you that websites in this situation take at least three times as long to review as sites that are unique and submitted properly. If you had submitted to the correct subcategory of Adult in the first place, your site would probably have been reviewed by now (though not necessarily listed). Hope that helps. This is the way our directory works; if you really don't like it, you don't have to submit your site to us. We are, after all, providing a free service.
  3. Yes, Kokopeli is right. Sorry if I was somehow unclear. Which subcategory you are waiting to be listed in is irrelevant to HOW LONG it will take for your site to be reviewed. It may or may not be irrelevant to your PageRank. I have to say though that if you're relying on one more link from an ODP category you've probably already lost that battle. And to be a little more explicit about your wait time: one year may be a little long for a submitted site to await review, and I for one would like the average to be significantly below that. However, one year is NOT long at ALL for a site belonging to a business already represented in the ODP to await review, and if I had my druthers, I'd leave all duplicate and subdivision sites like this one for last. There are plenty of people waiting for a *first* listing. If people want to fish for a second listing for PageRank reasons, they should be willing to wait patiently until we're finished with more urgent matters. Flicker
  4. >This is not true Actually, it is. All editors can edit in the subcategories of their category. Always. That's how the system works. There are no exceptions. If the editor hasn't added your site yet, it is probably because there are many unreviewed sites currently in Lingerie in general and he is very busy. Which subcategory you are in is irrelevant to how long it will take. Nine months is not an uncommon, nor unreasonable, wait. No conspiracy theory is necessary. There are millions of websites out there. Yours is only one of them. It can take a while for any one given site to be considered for a listing. If you need immediate Internet exposure, you'd better look someplace else. We're really not a website promotion service. --------------- Disclaimer: This post constitutes an unofficial, personal opinion not necessarily shared by other ODP editors, the university, or my cats.
  5. >Not to mention the editor for the main category pushed >the site in an "abandoned" category. I can't comment on your submission in particular; however, your site isn't in an "abandoned" category at all. The Lingerie editor just moved it to a more specific subcategory of his same category. He can edit there just as well as he can in the main category.
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