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  1. Sorry for the delay on this. Our discussions sometimes take a while (we call it "ODP time" ). There was definitely some editor confusion about this site, but it seems that it was mistakenly deleted. It's now listed in Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Hosting/E , should appear in future RDFs, and should be on the public side soon, if not already. Thanks for your patience with this, and sorry if this has been a frustrating process.
  2. Re: Status Request for http://www.artofthesouth.co Still waiting for review in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Visual_Arts/Ethnic_and_Regional/North_American/ . Another editor (independently) tracked down the site and listed it in http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Regions/South_and_Southeast/Arts_and_Entertainment/ . If it's appropriate for the Shopping category, the submission will still be considered for listing there.
  3. In response to http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=47028 http://www.allfreeguide.com/ was rejected, and is unlikely to be listed. See http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#notinclude for some possible reasons why.
  4. The site was rejected from the California cat for not having enough regional content. The submission in http://dmoz.org/Society/People/Personal_Homepages/B/ is still waiting for review.
  5. I don't know enough about the area to comment (and that is likely the case of most editors passing through here, not to mention most ODP editors). I just sent brmehlman a note though; maybe he'll offer some thoughts when he gets a chance.
  6. The submission was rejected. See http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#affiliate for some possible explanations why.
  7. All this will be compounded by the fact that the http://dmoz.org/Computers/Data_Communication/ categories are backlogged from a lack of editors that spend a lot of time there. Have you considered applying to be an editor? Perhaps there is a small subcategory that interests you (the whole Wireless tree is too large, but maybe you'd consider the Wireless/Satellite cat, or perhaps some other cat that interests you. If you just want to get your site listed, you shouldn't do this. But if you're interested in improving the directory... Note that a category being backlogged doesn't mean that the standards for acceptance change (and I think sometimes makes it more difficult to be accepted for a category). There's some useful reading in the sticky threads at the top of the "Become an Editor" forum. Just a thought...
  8. You should submit your site once to the most appropriate category. Submitting to a smaller one isn't going to help (it'll just get moved to the right place and then wait, or if you submit a real lot, the site might not be listed at all). If you think a different category is best, let us know in this thread and we can move the submission -- no need to resubmit.
  9. Re: http://www.wi-fitechnology.com/ Sad to say, not much has changed, though it does appear to be waiting in the holding area. We've deleted one duplicate submission -- there's no need to resubmit.
  10. Re: home-based-business-opportunities-guide.com The site is waiting for review in that cat.
  11. The site is still waiting in http://dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Romance/ with several hundred others. Since editors work on many different tasks, there's no way to predict the next time someone will stop in on this category. And even when someone does, (s)he is not required to look at the unrevieweds in a certain order, or to even look at them at all. The submission will be reviewed sometime; sorry we can't be more specific than that. Check back in a couple months, if you like.
  12. Re: Status Request for http://www.artofthesouth.co It's still waiting (in a medium-sized pile) in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Visual_Arts/Ethnic_and_Regional/North_American/ .
  13. I'll ask about http://www.e3servers.com/ in the internal forum. As far as your other observations , if you post them to a thread here, we'll take a look.
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