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Everything posted by Daymon74

  1. DMOZ does need the webmasters. Without them there are no websites. Don't be so stuck up. DMOZ is nothing these days. If it's your hobby, enjoy it, but it is no more a hobby today than that of a stone collector, so don't look down your nose at those who wish to get their sites listed.
  2. You quoted everything but the part about giving some of these guys a break. Aside from that, I think you guys need to rethink your idea of "unique". DMOZ itself was never a unique website. When it was created it was just another directory. The only thing different was the fact it was completely human edited. With that in mind, think about some of the webmasters who have put a lot of time putting a unique spin (same thing DMOZ did with the directory) on an old beat to death topic. DMOZ editors don't look at this at all, or even consider it. The second they see something that's already been done they throw it out. Even if the website has a unique way of providing the same worn out content. DMOZ in and of itself is unimportant to the average Joe. Nobody cares, and most don't even know. Nobody searches directories. The only people DMOZ is important to are webmasters, yet you say DMOZ provides no services to webmasters. If it weren't for webmasters DMOZ wouldn't exist.
  3. You know, I've done some looking around in this forum, and have come to realize you editors are nothing but a bunch of old men who got your sites listed a long time ago, possibly AFTER you became editors. I don't need DMOZ, and neither does anyone else. Last summer I had a domain development firm contact me about selling them a site I tried for three years to get into DMOZ. I sold the site for $150,000.00. Low quality? I don't know anyone who would pay $150,000.00 for low quality anything. The problem was never the site, or its contents. The problem was you arrogant old fools trying to keep out the competition in the name of "high quality". Why don't you give some of these guys a break. I'll step off my soap box now.
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