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About AlfTheAlien

  • Birthday 05/08/1951

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Unique Content? "Sites get listed because of what's on the site in the form of unique content." So, in a rational world, "trying to get listed" would mean "creating and collecting lots of content not already available on the net, organizing it well, posting it on a website, and cooperating with other people who are creating similar kinds of content." ************************* Rational world? There is no such thing as "unique" on the net anymore. Just about anything you want to know about is posted somewhere on the net. Isn't "cooperating with other people who are creating similar kinds of content." contradicting to "unique"? If everything is similar, then it can't be unique. You shouldn't ban a website from being listed just because it is not "unique" or because it doesn't have "content not already available on the net". If that were the case, then you would have to delete the majority of the sites you already have listed. What you are telling people is that if you don't like the way someone has set up their site (content), then you won't list them. It has nothing to do with being unique. I could understand if it was a site that was a "copycat" of another site, or if it was a mirror site, but not because of unique content. You might want to think about updating your policies for the new world-wide-web, or you will surely be "left in the dust", as it were. Being listed on the DMOZ has nothing to do with whether or not you will be listed on any of the other directories. In fact, you can be listed in all of the other directories and never be listed in the DMOZ, as I have. It is going on three (3) years that I have tried to become listed in the DMOZ and still have not been accepted. I followed all of the sumission guidelines, but still to no avail. So, all I have to say about DMOZ editors is, be picky if you want, cuz after a while you won't have to worry about it. It will die just like a dinosaur. Thank you for letting me bend your ear.
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