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Everything posted by theseeker

  1. There a few issues in this thread I'd like to address, but I don't have a lot of time for a post tonight. First, to save you some time looking through them, a-better-way.com and theherbspecialist.com have several listings in the MLM categories. These categories are currently being re-evaluated and most of them will be removed. I have been doing a bit of work in parts of the Classified sections so I took a look at the multiple listings of bestads.com. I agreed that two of those listings, the deep links, probably were not appropriate deep links. There are reasons sometimes for a deep link, that aren't always obvious. In the case of the B2B deep link for bestads.com, it is possible, from some of the signs, that it was listed when the category had less links. If a category is lacking in links, a category editor will often look for and list deep links and sites that would not be listed if there were more, and higher quality sites, in the category. In other words, the site had more content in comparison to the sites that were in there when it was listed, but did not when re-evaluated now. Categories are often being re-evaluated.
  2. >> I mainly wanted to know if it's possible to be listed in other categories << Listing a site in more than one category is very rare. Editors look for the category that the site best fits into, and list it there. It is possible to have a listing in a Regional category, and in a category in the Topical area of the directory, but usually, they will not get listed twice in the same tree. This means that the consideration will not be whether your site fits in the News and Media category, but whether it fits *better* in the News and Media category or the Internet/Directories category. It sounds like it is placed correctly at this point.
  3. There are some signs that there are problems with the newapp form. This happens from time to time. It may take a few days to sort it out and get it working again. Once I know it is, I'll try to post here again to let you know. >>if it's just a glitch with the form submittal I'd be glad to email the form to someone<< We don't have any way to approve someone without going through the normal form. But saving the answers was a good idea. /images/icons/smile.gif
  4. Your application is still waiting to be looked at by an editor familiar with the area.
  5. Re: trouble with submission Your site should be re-evaluated based on its present state, but it wouldn't hurt to include in the submitted description that the site has been changed since the last time it was submitted. [Just add it to the end of the description in brackets like this]
  6. >>>@theseeker: <<< Um. thehelper != theseeker But you're forgiven. Now run off and post in the "editors I confuse" thread. /images/icons/wink.gif
  7. Leanna, I did some geek magic and found that at a point right before your connection, your ISP that is, there are problems causing some "Packet Loss". Which means you might be having problems getting through to some websites. I can't tell you if this actually is the problem, but it's the first thing I think of when someone can't get through to a website and everyone else can.
  8. >>If you are inspired, you could email editors either in those categories or in a higher level category notifying them of this issue and maybe someone will address it.<< Or you could apply for a category, learn how the system works, and then propose a good solution. You have the knowledge for the categories, and it sounds like you can be fair when dealing with possible competitors. These are two of the main ingredients to a good editor.
  9. It would be best--you'd have a better chance anyway--if you applied for an existing category. Most of the category structure has been set now and changes like new categories require some discussion, so I don't believe many new editors are going to be accepted into newly created categories that way, with the exception of Movies, Television programs, etc, where new ones come along all the time. Once you've been accepted to a category, learned the ropes, and shown that you can edit it in a fair and non-biased manner, you'll be in a better position to recommend the creation of a new category like that.
  10. One quick note on the "chainsaw=1", which I suspect you're seeing in your logs. This is a parameter that is passed to the internal program where we edit sites. It simply tells the program that we want a big, long list of sites to edit all at once. It's a bit more complicated than that, but that's the essence. Most sites that I visit will have that in their referrer logs no matter what I do or think about the site, because I have a DSL connection and can handle long lists.
  11. There is a bit of a backlog in that area of Education and your site hasn't been looked at yet. I am hoping I might be able to do some work in that area in a week or so. Best bet would be to give it a couple more weeks before requesting an update.
  12. Looks like there was some confusion because the site www.emailpinoy.com is a regional directory and already has a regional listing. It had been moved around a little and was waiting to be reviewed in http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/E-mail/Free/Web-Based/E/ along with http://mail.emailpinoy.com/, which I felt was the better URL for that category. So http://mail.emailpinoy.com/ in now listed.
  13. While looking into this for you, I went ahead and processed the updates that were waiting, including yours.
  14. I tend to download the RDfs with Opera. Quite often, Opera will even resume if interrupted. I have a DSL connection so it doesn't take too long.
  15. >>One thing I've learned since yesterday is that there aren't all that many metas so, hopefully, these posts will have made a small difference. << As someone who just became a meta, I can say that this post and others in here have already influenced how I will approach my responsibilities. I know I will always try to give feedback on any application I deny. There's nothing I want more than to see people succeed at being editors.
  16. This would be a good post to test my signature in. /images/icons/smile.gif
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