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Everything posted by sabre23t

  1. Your site is still patiently waiting in the cat with about 5 dozen other sites. The listed editor is still active, though he haven't logged in the past few days, but there are a few other editors working in this area. The http://editors.dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Internet/Servers/Address_Management/ category shows "Last update: 21:34 PT, Saturday, July 26, 2003".
  2. Re: Multiple Listings in sorted order Great work nameintel. <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> I especially like the new http://www.whois.sc/members/reverse-ip.html that is clickable from any domain showing Reverse IP: Web server hosts 223 websites (reverse ip tool requires free login). << Very cool. This should maybe be reposted in a more appropriate forum. Which one would be best? >> Perhaps, even in the "General ODP Issues" forum, referring to whois.sc tools such as ... [*] http://www.whois.sc/dmoz/ [*] http://www.whois.sc/internet-statistics/dmoz-listings.html [*] and features clickable from whois records such as http://www.whois.sc/about.com (including DMOZ listings and Reverse IP), possibly this whois.sc records may even be worthwhile to be clickable from addurl.cgi on DMOZ (ala links to google cache).[/list:u] These DMOZ related features would be useful for DMOZ users and editors too.
  3. I note http://www.molon.de/galleries/Malaysia/ shows as "Empty page". Perhaps that page should be linked to http://www.molon.de/galleries/Malaysia/Malaysia.htm "Malaysia Photo Gallery" and http://www.molon.de/galleries/Malaysia/Travelogue.htm "Malaysia travelogue 29 November - 31 December 2002". And to any other Malaysian gallery pages by you. I note that currently the photo gallery has a link to the travelogue (and vice versa). Hence, I'm leaving the former listed. Ref the other thread http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=19603 about "www.molon.de/galleries/Malaysia/Travelogue.htm"
  4. Seems it was moved to an unreviewed queue. (For editors' reference). Previous reference to this site was in http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=general&Number=7168&fpart=1#Post7168 . I'm reviewing it. Now listing in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Malaysia/Maps_and_Views/Photos/ that is @linked as Photos@ in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Malaysia/Travel_and_Tourism/ .
  5. Link from ODP/DMOZ to this "ODP Public Forum" is in the third paragraph of Open Directory Editorial Guidelines.
  6. Re: http://www.doggtagz.com/ The public side of Shopping/Jewelry/Body/ shows at the bottom "Last update: 6:43 PT, Saturday, November 23, 2002". So sites was last added/deleted/updated then. However, I do see a few editors (other than the listed editor) editing there.
  7. Re: Multiple Listings in sorted order Hi nameintel. Great resource. ;-) When looking at for example ... http://www.whois.sc/geocities.com GEOCITIES.COM Website Title: Yahoo! GeoCities DMOZ: 98373 listings Website Status: Active Web server hosts: 7 other websites hosted IP Address: Visit Website: www.geocities.com Name Server: ICANN Registrar: <no nslookup info?> and http://www.whois.sc/bcsports.net BCSPORTS.NET Website Title: BC Gaming Server Type: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 DMOZ: 2 listings Website Status: Active Web server hosts: 2 other websites hosted IP Address: Visit Website: www.bcsports.net Name Server: NS1.DIGSOLUTIONS.NET NS2.DIGSOLUTIONS.NET ICANN Registrar: NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. <and rest of nslookup info> ... can you make that "7" and "2 other websites hosted" clickable to a list of the domains hosted on that same IP? I think that would make your resource useful even while reviewing a new domain submission not yet listed in DMOZ.
  8. As a non-editor you can use for example http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://dmoz.org/Regional/ to see how the listed editor has changed through the years for the Regional/ cat. And hence see how long an editor has been editing a particular cat. However do note that an editor listed in a cat can edit all the subcats of it. Also there are editall+ editors who can edit anywhere. If you're an editor there are much easier ways to ascertain the above.
  9. Re: http://www.rubylane.com/shops/hands-me-down Can't even guess for you when it'll be, since volunteer editors are like cats. They do what they like. <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> And only do what they don't like very slowly if at all. <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" /> Anyway, the bottom of the public page of the cat currently shows "Last update: 12:30 PT, Wednesday, May 29, 2002" . When that date changes will give you indication that some work has been done in the said cat, and your site is moving along in the unreviewed queue.
  10. Ref another thread. bid2build, your site is still patiently waiting in a very large unreviewed queue in Business/Construction_and_Maintenance/Commercial_Contractors, with more than 1,000 other sites.
  11. Which category did you submit it in? Post a clickable link please. Searched and found you have asked the same question on 25 Sep 02. Please followup there for my response.
  12. Re: http://www.treasuredlocks.com/ The site http://www.treasuredlocks.com/ is not in the unreviewed queue in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Health/Beauty/Hair_Care/Ethnic or http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Health/Beauty/Hair_Care . The submissions were all deleted as "duplicate submissions", perhaps inadvertently. The dangers of submitting multiple times to multiple categories. Is there a third category that you submitted the site to? If not and you like to resubmit, please review the single best category for the site, and submit it only once.
  13. Hi memetic. I'm editing in a small regional branch where web sites are a bit thin on the ground. A bare cat such as a small locality B&E cat might well list even a deep link with one or two pages about a local company from a regional conglomorate web site. Or even a small state B&E cat might list a deep link with one or two pages of unique contents about the economy of the state. However, as the web sites for these localities/states cats grow, there'll be less likelihood of a deeplink or subdomain of big regional/national site, being able to trump the "unique contents" of a locally produced site. http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#include (2nd para, emphasis mine) says ... Consider the relative value of a resource in comparison to others information resources available on your particular topic. Relative value refers not only to the quality of the site, but also to its ability to contribute important, unique information on a topic. I believe the above applies to both independent sites and deeplinked/subdomain sites.
  14. Your site is waiting patiently with about 10 other sites in the cat. The cat has a listed editor and the public page shows it was last updated in July 2002. I guess you have to wait a bit.
  15. Aline, did you previously ask the status of your site here on resource-zone.com (or elsewhere)? Anyway, as giz implies, I see your site is patiently waiting in the unreviewed queue.
  16. Please continue all status request regarding this www.asia-wholesale-jewelry.com here. I note you've created a second thread and third thread elsewhere. Please do not create more new threads regarding this site. The public page of Business/Wholesale_Trade/Jewelry shows it was last updated on 12 Aug 2002. Your site is still patiently waiting in there with more than 200 others. That was after clearing quite a number of duplicate submissions.
  17. Dear moonwalk. Looks like the local editors of Regional/North_America/United_States/South_Carolina/Metro_Areas/Columbia-Lexington/Business_and_Economy/ consider the cat is not appropriate for your www.flamigoed.com and it is not in the unreview queue there. If you're going to resubmit please find another single best category for it. This other post regarding hullaballoosales.com and hullaballoorental.com may be relevant.
  18. Yep, way too early to ask for status. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" /> But since I'm in the neighbourhood, I did see your site waiting with less than a handful of others in the cat. The public page does show an editor last edited there on 31 Aug 02. I also see the editor has been tending that cat every other month or so, so far. I'm a stranger to that neighbourhood, I'll leave it for the local editor.
  19. Hi theSeeker. Google Toolbar on my IE5.5 is showing ... [*] http://dmoz.org/Bookmarks/S/sabre23t/ - PageRank 6 [*] http://www.resource-zone.com/showprofile.php?Cat=&User=sabre23t - PageRank 7 [*] http://www.webmasterworld.com/viewprofile.cgi?action=view&member=sabre23t - PageRank Nil [*] http://www.searchengineforums.com/bin/ubbmisc.cgi?action=getbio&UserName=sabre23t - PageRank Nil [/list:u] Also ... [*] http://dmoz.org/ - PageRank 10 [*] http://dmoz.org/Bookmarks/ - PageRank 8 [*] http://dmoz.org/Bookmarks/S/ - PageRank 7 [*] http://www.resource-zone.com/ - PageRank 8 [*] http://www.resource-zone.com/ubbthreads.php?Cat= - PageRank 7 [*] http://www.webmasterworld.com/ - PageRank 7 [*] http://www.webmasterworld.com/home.htm - PageRank 7 [*] http://www.searchengineforums.com/ - PageRank 7 [/list:u] ... for what it's worth. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  20. Mmmm ... with reference to kctipton's announcement on 9 Aug 2002 of bookmarks not being crawled, looks like http://dmoz.org/robots.txt is now back to ... <pre><font class="small">code:</font><hr># Please do not crawl us faster than 1 hit/second # User-agent: * Disallow: /cgi-bin/ Disallow: /editors/</pre><hr> ... as pointed out in this thread on another forum posted 6 Sep 2002. I did remember seeing it disalllowing crawling of /Bookmarks/ for a while.
  21. Actually I prefer editall to that cumbersome editall/catmv, however if you like you can change my member title to the latter (for accuracy's sake). I note that http://dmoz.org/edoc/editall.html does not differentiate editall and editall/catmv in its sort algorithm that seems to be ... (1) Robozilla is number one (hey, when this happen?) (2) Root is staff (3) Meta including kmeta (4) Catmod aka category meta (hey, some full meta/kmeta get mixed up here; cmic, jorisdelft, mauri, pborer, rinka, sven and vladd [1]) (5) Editall including keditall regardless with catmv/kcatmv or not (6) Cateditall (7) Skrenta is the walrus (hey, when did he gets down there?) "generated 11/Sep/2002" <add> [1] After a few more looks, it seems these full meta are not full kmeta but only kcatmod, so they're considered catmod in the sorting. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> </add>
  22. Re: Info on site submission As what windharp said about "small queue". The unreview queue for Business/Financial_Services/Mortgages/United_States/Washington has grown a little bit more since last check on 5 Aug 02 though. Your site is still patiently waiting there.
  23. Re: Dead/invalid links .... Pixelator said ... >> It seems to me I may be better off not being an editor - perhaps it's the feeling of being too confined in a small number of categories. << Mmm ... You can then aspire to be an ODP editall (or higher), who are entrusted to "edit anywhere in the directory, except in restricted areas". <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Currently there are more than 200 editall+, and all (most <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />) of us started from having permission to edit in only a small cat. I'll have a look at the "misfits URLs" a bit later, if somebody else didn't get to it earlier. It would be nice if you number them though.
  24. This may also be relevant to your question regarding "micro sites", http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#product "Product Listing" >> Sites devoted to the sales and distribution of a single product should be avoided if they are affiliate sites or if the site is merely a distributor for a manufacturer already listed in the Directory. The purpose of the ODP is not to replicate the individual listings of an online shopping catalog. However, individual product sites offering substantial information, tips, advice, and usage information for consumers are generally acceptable. <<
  25. ... looking ... About 3/4 way down in a queue of about 60 sites, assuming the reviewer would sort by oldest first. It'll take some time.
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