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Everything posted by dstanovic

  1. Khym_Chanur, Respectfully I would have to state that we belong where we were originally placed under your description of services. Do I need to list everything that we provide within our website? I have listed below the service % of our business although I did not know this was a requirement of the Designers category. domain name registration assistance - 90% of our sites hosting assistance - 75-80% search engine submission - 100% developed sites/stand alone service maintenance - probably 70% (have to check) custom graphics - 100% developed sites hosting services - we recommend a host and assist as above e-commerce - very few but we can develop any ecommerce site server-side programming and databases - 20% of developed sites complex Flash, XML, or DHTML driven web design - trying to get away from Flash etc but we still do it. consulting - all the time As I have listed above I believe we belong in the full service dept. We have never turned away a customer yet that we were unable to fulfill their needs. We do mostly referral work so our site has taken a back-seat to our customers needs. I will agree that we target the service and small business industries since we have found this to be a very good market. We do not provide services of any kind to the adult or gambling markets, but that is a personal choice we have made. Like I say, just because we do not have a long list of services offered on the site does not mean we do not provide them. If I had known this was a requirement to be listed in the general designers section of DMOZ I would have done that a long time ago. You certainly have my permission to change my description to include the above services and I will be more than happy to include a "List Of Services" page on this website. Respectfully, Dave Stanovic Edited: Were these sites moved in any given order like alphabetically since I notice there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason for the ones that were moved and the one still listed in the top "S" category. Under this category there will be very few left if you are going by the descriptions (which I don't believe should contain every service that is offered by a development company). My 2-cents
  2. I just noticed one of my sites was moved to a lower category. Does this happen often? Why is it done? Site in question SEO Ohio Web Design (www.seo-ohio-web-design) Was at http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/S/ Now at: http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/Basic_Service/S/ I don't get upset often, but I see no reason to move the site to a lower category. I don't believe my skills as a web designer or web promotion has degraded - but my listing has. Dave Stanovic
  3. Umm..... The whois registration data lists the same owner for all three domains/sites. DMOZ will not hold "this" against you for having three sites. They just cannot contain the same information/pages. You can ask an editor for a more detailed explanation of this as I am just a user of these forums.
  4. Just an update, Keith aka kctipton has already fixed this issue. Thanks, Dave Stanovic
  5. Seems the site that you want to register has several clones. If these are not yours (which I doubt) you should seek copyright infringement issues. They all have the same Whois data. I would try to give them some unique pages before trying to submit to DMOZ /images/icons/wink.gif
  6. I think he means they are the same sites as far as FAQ pages and other information pages. /images/icons/smile.gif
  7. OK this will be a first to this forum and I hope both users and editors will take note. Being the honest person that I am (pat-my-own-back) and how I always rant about DMOZ/ODP being a level playing field etc - I must report myself /images/icons/smile.gif I had submitted my site (www.the-home-improvement-web.com)to http://dmoz.org/Business/Industries/Construction_and_Maintenance/Directories/ and then was told it would be more appropriate to be listed at http://dmoz.org/Business/Industries/Construction_and_Maintenance/Directories/North_America/United_States/. I did that and was listed at the http://dmoz.org/Business/Industries/Construction_and_Maintenance/Directories/North_America/United_States/ so everything is dandy - right. Not really - I was just checking on a competitor and noticing how many listings they had in DMOZ and thinking how "someday" I may be able to get deep links for my different categories. That's when I noticed my "SECOND" listing in http://dmoz.org/Business/Industries/Construction_and_Maintenance/Directories/ It kills me to do so - but can one of you great editors remove my "Second" listing at http://dmoz.org/Business/Industries/Construction_and_Maintenance/Directories/ (crying). I think it is only fair and my original listing is more appropriate since this is for USA only. I would rather play by the rules than to get another listing in DMOZ at the expense of an honest mistake by an editor. OK – now I have done my one little part of making the DMOZ directory a little better (I am going to get a beer and cry in it now). P.S. Please do not tell anyone on another forum that I visit or they will laugh me out of there /images/icons/smile.gif It reminds me of the time the ATM machine gave me $100.00 more than I had asked for and it didn't show on my receipt. I took it into the bank and they all thought I was crazy /images/icons/smile.gif Sincerely, Dave Stanovic I was just checking at http://dmoz.org/Business/Industries/Construction_and_Maintenance/Directories/ and I see there are many sites in there that are USA only some even just covering one state. So let me know what is the most appropriate category. Of course I would like to be listed in the uppermost of the category I can but my original listing better describes our site.
  8. My 2-cents. I hope being a Yahoo Store is not the reason for it not being listed. If it is, you guys/gals have a serious problem on your hands because you have tons of Yahoo stores in the directory /images/icons/smile.gif
  9. Re: A whole directory vanished? I just want to add my 2-cents. I can understand someone being upset if they shutdown and scrapped a whole category that I had a site in. I would rather have them do that then leave 2 sites in that category. As I have always said, "DMOZ has always been a directory where the playing field is even" - you cannot buy your way in or push a competitor out. If everyone is out the playing field is once again even. Just my 2-cents
  10. Re: http://www.1-rated-british-smoked-foods-salmon-balsamic- And I thought my URL was bad for users. Try typing/remembering that one /images/icons/wink.gif I mean no offense but I believe your "stuffed" URL will cause you more problems in the long run then it will help. Many older browsers can not deal with that long of a url including the Yahoo editors I believe /images/icons/smile.gif Just a user-My 2-cents
  11. David_1cog, << I think that is rather hard and unfair. There are so many categories that could be suitable for many sites and for someone with zero editorial experience it's really a case of taking a best guess at times. >> I was not speaking of your submission /images/icons/smile.gif I was echoing Jim's post. I have read in these forums that many editors actually spend more time going through the spam and intentional duplicate submissions (like in mirror sites) then being able to include legitimate submissions. So who's being unfair to who? The spammers, people that just submit thinking the editors will work it out, or the person who takes the time to ask questions if they have any. There are and have been many places/forums on the net before this forum to ask questions relating to DMOZ/ODP (just do a search in your favorite SE). I would lay money that the editors spend more time analyzing a submission for the correct category than the average user that is submitting. Again, my post had "nothing" to do with yours /images/icons/smile.gif
  12. jimnoble, <<When submissions stand out from the crowd by having what appear to be guideline conforming titles and descriptions, I do have a terribly unfair habit of editing them first>> As I believe it should be. If someone cannot take the 10-20 minutes to submit to the correct category and/or uses a promotional/spammy description etc I think they should wait longer for review. It would leave the impression that they don't care - why should the editors. My 2-cents /images/icons/smile.gif
  13. I can only speak for myself, but DMOZ/ODP is the "first" place I submit a site to. I also consider it the most important to be listed in. If you are in DMOZ/ODP the SE's will find you and so will your visitors /images/icons/smile.gif I don't want to offend anyone but I have had enough chuckles from this thread to last me the whole weekend /images/icons/wink.gif Dave S.
  14. kctipton, I don't think people realize that the description in DMOZ does not count near as much as being in there in the first place. I have yet to see a truly terrible description in DMOZ. I think people get confused with what they hear about Yahoo descriptions and relate it to the ODP /images/icons/wink.gif My 2-cents
  15. << The problem is ODP ruins my rankings in many search engines. >> Wow, how did you ever figure a DMOZ listing will hurt your results. It can only add unless you have zero content (but then of course you wouldn't be in DMOZ). I think you better think this over before making such a request. It is true that as of late INK has been using some descriptions from DMOZ listings, but you probably wouldn't be able to find your listing in the SERP without it /images/icons/smile.gif
  16. arlarson, English is my native language - I just do not have the proper skills /images/icons/smile.gif I want to thank all of the editors that have responded, and keep up the great work! Sincerely, Dave S.
  17. arlarson, Thanks for replying /images/icons/smile.gif I appreciate you taking your time and looking into this. I would really enjoy being an editor except I’m afraid my punctuation and grammar are not up to that level /images/icons/smile.gif Thanks again for adding me into the queue. Sincerely, Dave S.
  18. hutcheson, << Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! Don't try typing, you'll regret it later, and not just for the incoherence of it... >> I am a two-four finger typist when I have both hands - now I'm down to two /images/icons/smile.gif I did not take anything you said as personal and appreciate any/all feedback. I know all of the editors are doing the best they can. I am patient believe it or not - I just saw the same numbers and my heart sank /images/icons/frown.gif Are the higher tier/category editors generally more active? I have read elsewhere in this forum that the higher tier/categories tend to have much more spam then say the "regional" categories. I guess this would also negate the efforts of the editors for the higher tier categories and tend to slow them down /images/icons/frown.gif Thanks Again and Have a Great Day/Evening, Dave S.
  19. hutcheson, Thanks for the reply. My experience has been that Google/Yahoo (Google results) brings in 95% of traffic on my other site. My other site has very good-great positioning for relevant key words on other SE's, yet is still driven by Googles results. I have paid the usual Inktomi, Lycos, and Ask/Teoma for this site (mentioned here). I know by far the best way to get into Google is through an ODP/DMOZ listing. I am in "no way" suggesting that the ODP/DMOZ "owes" me a listing or that it should be in tomorrow. I also appreciate the fact that the editors are volunteers and if you read through this forum or any other forum on the net relating to the ODP/DMOZ I am the first to defend their practices and applaud them for their efforts. I have and will put in a lot of time/effort for relevant original content on any site that I build, for without useful information a site is not going anywhere to begin with (my opinion). I am sorry if I should not have asked the question, or you/others may have taken my question in the wrong way /images/icons/frown.gif If you have any other questions I would be more than happy to answer them. Sincerely, Dave S. P.S. If my writing seems a little unfocused or incoherent that is because while in the process of taking a picture for installing replacement windows for an article I am working on for the site, I literally fell out of the window and broke my wrist and thumb. The Darvocet that I am on does strange things to ones writing abilities /images/icons/smile.gif
  20. Rafal, I have one other question for now /images/icons/smile.gif When I submitted the above site to the above category a week ago I noticed the category had 33 listings and the date last edited was May 10th. It is now a week later and I was wondering if my math is flawed? Since 0 listings have been added in the past week and you had stated there was approximately 50 to review, am I correct in thinking this may take many months to over a year to get my site listed ? I did/do not expect to be listed in this short of a time, but I know my site is going “nowhere” without a listing in the ODP /images/icons/frown.gif Sincerely, Dave S.
  21. Axacta, << Well this "bud" has had enough. You win - but the directory looses...>> I hope no offence was taken as I certainly did not try to offend anyone /images/icons/wink.gif I think if you look at all of the major directories and search engines available you cannot help but agree that the ODP/DMOZ directory has the most level playing field for "all" those that submit their sites. Have A Nice Day /images/icons/smile.gif Dave S.
  22. Axacta, <<I will reverse your question to you - why should it make a difference to you if Christianity were to be placed on the Home Page in the second tier? >> It does not matter to me. I am saying I do not believe the ODP should base it's structure upon "popularity" or a "user" request based upon their belief that it is of greater importance than other sub-categories in the same classification. The ODP/DMOZ is the most level playing field that I know of. I still cannot believe you are still pushing this point which does not make any sense at all /images/icons/frown.gif
  23. Axacta, I would really like to know what difference this change that you want so badly would make? People searching for christianity on the ODP/DMOZ will surely find the directory/websites. Since you are obviously into the christian faith do you believe it matters if you sit in the front or the back of your church or place of worship? Does it really matter? My 2-cents Dave S.
  24. What's being said here is that "all" categories are listed alphabetically. They certainly cannot start changing the whole structure of DMOZ/ODP by size/number of listings or popularity /images/icons/wink.gif
  25. Sure has been quiet around here today. All of the editors must be buzzing away editing listings and keeping everyone happy /images/icons/wink.gif I really enjoy reading the posts on this forum and I guess the bulk of users questions can be answered by reading the previous posts /images/icons/smile.gif Dave S.
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