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Everything posted by dstanovic

  1. Rafal, I don't worry /images/icons/smile.gif I know that every active editor wants to get the sites listed as fast as the site owners. I am a patient person /images/icons/smile.gif Thanks For The Reply, Dave S.
  2. gimmster, I agree completely. I have seen sites listed very quickly when submitting to the correct regional/local category. I believe many of the Regional->Localities editors can stay on top of things a lot easier and do not have near the spam factor to wade through. It also lessens the degree of the question "Does this site belong here or some other category". In my previous post I was thanking "all" editors and these forums which have helped many people such as myself. I really have a great deal of respect for all of you after volunteering for some time myself in the Compuserve forums for a leading notebook manufacturer. My 2-cents, Dave S.
  3. Rafal, Thank you for the information and I appreciate your time looking into this /images/icons/smile.gif Looks like I may have quite a wait as the category shows "This Category Needs An Editor"/images/icons/frown.gif Thanks Again, Dave S.
  4. Rafal, I don't want to push my luck or wear-out my welcome, but is there any information on how backed up the submissions are in the following category that I submitted to? http://dmoz.org/Business/Industries/Construction_and_Maintenance/Directories/United_States/ As you have probably already realize from my posts that I place a great deal of value in a ODP listing /images/icons/smile.gif Sincerely, Dave S.
  5. Neil, It is now Listed /images/icons/smile.gif I just emailed the client. I cannot believe the great response time of the editors in the categories that I have dealt with. As I always say "You guys/gals are Great", thanks and keep up the great work! Sincerely, Dave S.
  6. totalxsive, Thanks for your input /images/icons/smile.gif I agree the only place that it belongs is the regional/local - they made a good move by submitting to the correct category. I figure since it does add value to the very small local category, it may be listed /images/icons/smile.gif Thanks Again, Dave S.
  7. cjtripnewton, That is an excellent article - my hats off to Laisha Anderson for writing it. I had just received an email this morning from a client who has a one page web on our site and wrote that he had submitted the page to his regional/local category of the ODP. He asked if it would be accepted since this is the "only" web presence they have. I emailed back that I wasn't sure /images/icons/frown.gif Maybe one of the editors could answer this for me? The site/page is at: http://www.the-home-improvement-web.com/web-pages/mmoore/MMooreConstruction.htm and the category they submitted to is http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Ohio/Localities/M/Munroe_Falls/Business_and_Economy/ I did include in my reply that they should email me some more content/text to place on the page. Thanks to anyone able to answer this specific question /images/icons/smile.gif Dave S.
  8. apeuro, This does seem like one of the less crowded sections. I did a search on Google and then looked up quite a few and they seemed to be scattered throughout the ODP. I will finish it up and submit. Thanks Again, Dave S.
  9. Since all of the editors have been such a help in the past I thought I would ask one more question (for now) /images/icons/wink.gif I have a site that I have been working on that is a home improvement directory. I am hoping (and working on) that it will contain quite a bit of informational topics along with the directories of professional services. I am sure it will take some time to grow and become popular but I need your opinions since I will be finalizing the main pages content this weekend and hopefully be submitting to ODP. What category(s) do you feel are the most appropriate for this site. I know you have a lot to do but I would appreciate any feedback on this matter as I would rather submit it to the correct category the first time! http://www.the-home-improvement-web.com/ Thanks in advance /images/icons/smile.gif Dave S.
  10. donaldb and totalxsive, You people are something else! It's no wonder why I always recommend these forums /images/icons/smile.gif I want to thank the both of you and all the editors that spend their time helping others and reviewing sites for inclusion in the ODP. You DO make a difference and I appreciate it /images/icons/smile.gif Sincerely, Dave S.
  11. totalxsive, Thanks for checking /images/icons/smile.gif They had told me elsewhere in this forum some time ago that there was quite a backlog. I won't hold my breath. Thanks Again, Dave S.
  12. ettore, Noticed your site has PR6 on main page. Great Job guys/gals! /images/icons/wink.gif Dave S.
  13. I believe our site was down when a editor viewed it. I noticed in my logs this morning that it was viewed/hit by /editors/editcat-unrev.cgi cat=Computers/Internet/Web_Design[...] This site is already listed in the “regional” section but we were waiting for the listing in http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/S/ The site is SEO Ohio Web Design. The problem with the site is they are doing work on a major Internet Backbone connection provided by Quest Communications (not my host) this weekend and all sites that depend on it are down or working “very” slow at times and at other times the problem is not there at all (heads up if you are seeing an abnormal amount of sites down/slow). So please do not judge this incident as normal. Thanks, Dave S.
  14. samiam, Thanks for the reply /images/icons/smile.gif As always the information I receive from this forum helps me to understand what's "really" going on. I now understand why google picked up our "regional" listing around the tenth of the month but never picked up our "business" listing. It probably didn't matter anyways since google totally messed up when indexing our site this last time around and reverted to a very old cache of our site. Hopefully the month of May will be better for everyone in the same boat as we are in /images/icons/smile.gif Thanks Again Sam, Dave S.
  15. samiam, I have the same concern over the odp search. I have been wondering why Google did "not" pick up my business category listing on it's last update. If I go to http://dmoz.org/Business/Industries/Construction_and_Maintenance/Design/Kitchen_and_Bath/ and search by my Company name "only" in that category, I am not found. Why is this? Same answer you are telling other poster? Thanks For any info, Dave S.
  16. Just to let you know unless you made a mistake typing http://www.aberva.com/ gives a 404 page not found. Is your site up and running?
  17. ettore, <<Google will still play the 'Google dance' in www, www1, www2 and www3 for a while, checking for the right PR to assign.>> You sure have that right /images/icons/smile.gif This "dance" has not settled yet, at least on my site. As of yesterday afternoon when doing a check using the query site:www."mysite".com home improvements on www3.google.com I had 7 of my new pages listed. They had all migrated to www.google.com when I checked in the evening and I had excellent positions for relevant terms. Now this morning I am nowhere to be found in Google except my "regional" ODP listing. All pages have vanished from www. WWW3 shows some pages from February before a site re-design. My Page rank has dropped drastically from the last index when my ODP was not even factored in. I don't understand and will wait until the dust settles before making a conclusion. Dave S.
  18. hutcheson, << That works out to over 90% of the time spent dealing with spam. >> That is amazing /images/icons/frown.gif I believe that if someone is spamming the ODP they should be removed for a year, if they keep it up they should be banned permanently! You guys/gals have better things to do than waste your time with these people when there is such a backlog of legitimate sites trying to get in. It's to bad there is not some type of across the board filtering system that could automatically detect uncategorized/legitimate sites from the spammers. Dave S.
  19. Jeez, On my google toolbar it shows 2/10. But then I have noticed this on my pages as well. It has jumped in the past week from 5-6, then blank (but not zero, then to 2/10. It goes up and down by the hour with this new index. Sometimes it's loading new pages, sometimes old (cache). Right now on the main www.resource-zone.com it is showing a 2/10. We will see when things settle back down. You are right 6/10 is very good (wish I was there).
  20. I just noticed the forums must have been indexed by Google. I have not searched for them but I noticed it on my Google Toolbar. Page rank is low but that's probably due to the way Googles been acting during this update. Dave S.
  21. foetusized, Thanks for the heads-up /images/icons/smile.gif Thanks, Dave S.
  22. I just want to thank all of you (editors) again for your help. I have been listed (new site) in my "very" regional directory and they did a great job on the description. They really move fast! Sincerely, Dave S.
  23. The only advice I can give is to choose the "one" most relevant category and submit your site there. The nice thing about DMOZ is that you cannot “buy” your way in. They have a completely level playing field. I believe in the future the general public is going to get tired of the irrelevant search results I have been finding lately just because someone “bid” the most for a keyword. The quality of search results is going down-hill very fast in my opinion and I believe we will see a big turn around in the next couple of years. The pay-per-click is really getting out of hand! My 2-cents, Dave S.
  24. apeuro and vmcknight, Thanks to both of you /images/icons/smile.gif Dave S.
  25. vmcknight, I cannot find a category under http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Ohio/Localities/C/Cuyahoga_Falls/Business_and_Economy/ that seems to fit the description of Web Design etc. Any tips or ideas? Sincerely, Dave S.
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