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Everything posted by thehelper

  1. This forum is for dmoz.org issues - if you are not showing up in Google that is a totally different thing. Though Google uses dmoz data for their directory we have no control over what results show up in Google. You can ask Google questions in Google's public forum http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF8&safe=off&group=google.public.support.general
  2. It appears that the editor did not receive the login information and rejected the site. What I would do is resubmit the site to Society/Relationships/Dating/Personals/Matchmaking and at the end of the description put a note to the editor stating that you are willing to provide a review password and put your email address so they can request it. I think this would be a correct procedure - anyone have any other ideas?
  3. I don't know after reading http://www.free-cell-phones.net/terms_and_conditions.html which seems to disclaim any information on the site. If it were unique content than it seems to me the site could be responsible -this thing says it is all other people's stuff. Pretty much disclaims all content - in my opinion.
  4. The situation has been looked into. It is not our fault if you will not accept the final decision. You can say what you want but the fact remains that you are listed and after a second look the editors have determined that you are properly listed. Remember - the dmoz organization did not say that your site was losing money or was badly designed - that would be solely the opinion of the people making those comments.
  5. I just spent enough time on the site to make a guesstimate of why you received the answer you did from the editor you contacted. I did not compare item for item what was available on the main website and what and was available on the specialized one. It is my opinion that you are making a mistake by holding back items you sell from your main website just to put them on your portal - just because you do that does not mean you are going to get a listing for both.
  6. I have not looked any farther than the link that you gave and my conclusion would be (in my opinion) that the site mentioned is just a portal for selling the same items that are listed at http://www.colours-art-publishers.com/category82_1.htm I am just guessing that is what the editor meant.
  7. I don't want to see you disappear. You are in the industry and you seem to be a reasonable person. I think we can learn something from this and I for one do not want to see you go away. I would also love to see you try another application at being an editor - I think the chances are high you would make a good one.
  8. Re: www.10w40.com - No Advertising That is an awfully good way of showing your content - the naked glory. I wish sites really looked like that.
  9. Yup, and his contact email address is staff@dmoz.org
  10. I don't think any editors need to know about PPC, or PPS, or CPM. I do not think we need to change our review methods. I think webmasters need to change there thinking about CONTENT and put content before the ads and everything would be just fine. That is just my 2 cents though <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  11. PPC, CPM, PPS - these abbreviations might be common and known to you but I am just a lowly ODP editor and do not have a clue. I would understand it much better if you avoided the acronyms or just defined them before you used them. The reason why I say this is it appears your post is targetted at ODP editors and I have a feeling I am not the only one that does not know what those terms mean. (I know PPC is Pay Per Click).
  12. >>We used to only list brick and mortar stores in Regional but it was recently changed so that we now list online stores if they have an address listed. < >That is incorrect. The Guidelines haven't changed. I apologize for giving incorrect information. I guess I really do not know what I am talking about. Sorry for the confusion.
  13. The contact information for staff at dmoz.org is staff@dmoz.org We have no other information to give you - not because we do not want to - just that is the same information we have. If you want to contact the people in charge at dmoz you send email to the above address. If you want to contact someone at Netscape here a link http://wp.netscape.com/company/contacts/index.html?cp=cmp
  14. Re: Submission ignored since 3-2002: balloontime.c motsa is correct - the site does not offer online sales so it does not qualify for a listing in Shopping. That is what I get for not spending enough time looking at the site. Sorry.
  15. Your site is still waiting for review with a number of other sites. The backlog in that category is quite large, it might be a while. You might submit your site for consideration to http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Texas/Localities/P/Princeton/Business_and_Economy/ as well. Hope this helps -
  16. Re: Submission ignored since 3-2002: balloontime.c I probably would have listed the balloontime regardless of being associated with worthington cylinders because of content and scope. I doubt anyone wanting a balloon filling service would think to go to an idustry based site such as worthingtoncylinders.com. However, I am not editing that category and it is up to the editor who reviewed the site whether or not to list it. If it were me - I would resubmit the site, maybe give a pointer to this thread - and ask for reconsideration.
  17. Pending editor approval the site qualifies for a listing in Regional based on this page http://www.heavenlytreasures.com/contact.html
  18. Re: http://www.molon.de/galleries/Egypt_Jan01/page It is really up to the editor of the category you submit to. Deeplinks are the exception rather than the rule, and deeplinks to sites that do not have an index page is a grey area issue. Whenever you hit these grey areas it usually lands on the judgement of the resident editor. Here lies the inconsistency. The problem here is setting a precedent. We already have so many sites waiting it makes it tough when webmasters submit multiple deeplinks to a site - we have to review every one of those submissions. The fact that you do not want to make an index page makes quite a bit more work for the editors. If we say it is OK here then we are probably signing ourselves up for a lot more work. I have no advice for you here - I just wanted to give you my point of view. Please understand that this is just my 2 cents - do you need some change <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  19. Please provide a clickable link to the category you submitted to. Thanks.
  20. Please provide a clickable link to the category you submitted to. Thanks -
  21. Please provide a clickable link to the category you submitted to. Thanks -
  22. Your site has been greenbusted in Regional/Middle_East/Israel/Society_and_Culture/Politics - this means that it has been looked at by an editor that does not have full rights in that category. There are two sites in that category that have been greenbusted. They are currently waiting for approval by an editor with full rights in that category. I do not know anything about that area of the directory and do not know if the site fits better in the Parties subcategory or not - if it is a better fit in Parties then it will probably be moved there when it gets the final review. I am sorry but I cannot estimate how long it will take - I can only say it is still waiting. The nearest editor I can find is in Regional/Middle_East/Israel. Maybe a friendly feedback email to that editor might help - I cannot promise anything though. Good Luck and Hope this helps -
  23. When asking for a submission status report please include a clickable link to the category you submitted to. One other thing, this forum's purpose is to give the status of a submission like if it is still waiting in the que, about how many other sites are waiting, etc. It is not a forum for trying to explain why we should list your site or asking for an expedited listing. Just wanted to clear that up. Please provide a clickable link to the category you submitted to and I am sure someone will look into the status of your submission. Thanks.
  24. The site design is not what makes the site listable. It is the unique content. Your articles and reviews (the ones you did) are why you qualify. The affiliate links and the way the site is designed with almost all affiliate content in the center of the site where content normally goes probably counts against you. However, most of us joined ODP to add sites and not try and find reasons to exclude them so we tend to overlook that if there is content hidden somewhere in the sidebar or at the very bottom of the page. Congratulations on having some unique content - you are one of the few - proud - listable in Gambling sites <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  25. I am sorry but I am not a meta editor and cannot comment on why your application was denied. Possibly it was the sites themselves that were thought to not have met the guidelines. I don't know, I am just guessing. As I said before, it is my opinion that the Gambling webmasters are going to have to become editors if they want to do anything with the Gambling categories. Editing in Gambling is not what I signed up for - so I am not going to do it. I think alot of other Games editors feel the same way. I mean come on, you are in the industry and you are not even that interested in editing the category - why do you think someone not in the industry would want to?
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