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Everything posted by thehelper

  1. Currently the site is totally about Link Survey (it seems to be the only product) so for now the main url fits. When you get new products you can submit update requests for your url. However, you can submit whatever URL you want and it will be up to the category editor or whoever reviews the site to which url they list it under. You might want to make a note at the end of your description that you are going to have more products in the future and they should consider listing the deeplink instead of the main site. Good Luck!
  2. The url that you gave shows to have never have been touched and is not in the unreviewed que of the category you mentioned. You should resubmit it. I can tell you this though, the url that you say you submitted will not be listed rather it will be changed to http://www.antssoft.com/ as that appears to be the main page of the site. Good Luck!
  3. You will only be able to get one listing in the Shopping branch of the directory for your site. See the 1st and 2nd bullet on the following page http://dmoz.org/Shopping/desc.html Hope this helps -
  4. Your site has been listed in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Classifieds/Free_Classifieds/ since Feb 23 - 2002.
  5. Actually I believe it was mentioned that the bizrate issue was being looked into so I don't really think that a so called destruction of the thread is going to make any difference in the outcome. Lighten up wayfarer, this is a new forum and we are just trying our best to help.
  6. Many very comprehensive sites have multiple deeplinks listed - it is the exception rather than the rule but it does happen. It really all depends on the content - in ODP content is king and sites with lots of unique and useful content as judged by an editor tend to be better represented.
  7. Nope, assuming that this is the right locality http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Scotland/Fife/Glenrothes/ I suggest you submit there if you have some kind of physical location or presence there. Don't submit each area subsection of your site to regional because regional is for where you are located not necessarily where you serve.
  8. I would totally leave your Topical listing alone, dont try to move it, don't try to mess with it. You are properly listed there and the only thing you could do is probably get the site moved which could cause it to get de-listed during that time (there is a chance) and you don't want that. I would submit the site to the proper regional category and you can get an additional listing if the address is on the site. After you get both a topical and a regional listing, if you feel a subsection of your site provides significant information for maybe recreation or whatever you can try to submit a deeplink but I would not do it unless you had a significant amount of information about the subject. Good Luck and hope this helps -
  9. Your current listing is valid for the Regional branch and your site is not appropriate for News and Media because your site is a directory. Just because it links to news sites does not make it a news site - it is a directory. You might be able to get another listing if you can find a place outside of Regional where your site might fit and also if you have any different language versions of your site submit them to the appropriate category in World. Good Luck and hope this helps -
  10. I don't think you can have 2 applications in the que at a time so if it let you apply again your other application might have already been dealt with. Good Luck!
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. Hello and thank you for posting - Your site http://www.debbiesdominicantravel.com is listed first in the category http://dmoz.org/Regional/Caribbean/Dominican_Republic/Travel_and_Tourism/ and has been for quite some time. Your other site http://www.debbiescaribbeanresortreviews.com shows to have been gone for a year now in a site move. I would resubmit that site unless it is a mirror or doorway or whatever (I did not check). If you are having a problem with google though I dont think it is ODP because the other site is listed and has been.
  13. BTW - I wrote a description for the main site and submitted it to the unreviewed que in http://dmoz.org/Business/Industries/Telecommunications/Wireless/Location_Based_Services/ That category seems to be actively edited and should be reviewed soon by all indications. I would have just listed the site but I was unsure if that was the proper placement and the category had an active editor. Good Luck!
  14. If it were me I would not list that site rather I would list your main site http://www.thewirelesswatchman.com/ in the appropriate category. The type of listing you are looking for is a deeplink and while appropriate in some cases it does not look like it is here - imho. The reason is that the deeplink provides very little information to the category that it is submitted to. Though it will be up to the editor of that category whether or not they list the site I just wanted to let you know that there is a possibility it might not get listed due to the slim content provided.
  15. Re: submission denile When you look at your page 3/4 of the page is affiliate content. I guess you are using your online games and game guides as your unique content but when you weigh that versus the affiliate content you have you are in the negative and I would reject on that - imho.
  16. Re: Check Status? Site is still waiting in the que along with hundreds of others. The pharmacy categories do not have active editors so it will probably be a while.
  17. Re: Site Visits but no listing Your site still has not been reviewed yet and is waiting in the que along with about 80 other sites. There is no editor in the category but 2 editors in the category above but it appears that area is backlogged. It might be a while.
  18. The site you mentioned has not been reviewed yet. The category you submitted to has an editor and has about 80 sites in the que waiting. It looks like it might be a while.
  19. There is no automatic notification system. Editors rarely email submitters when a site is added to the directory.
  20. I agree with you Hutcheson 100% but could never had said it so eloquently (even if I knew how to spell it). Essentially though, my post was a closure post - thanks for waiting sorry I could not help you further which did not make sense with a meta editor adding valuable information directly before it. It was not anything like you posted and trust me, editing it did not remove anything valuable from the conversation, imho. But since I am posting anyway thanks to the submitter for agreeing to be patient and sorry I could not help more.
  21. edited - no need for this post since Hutcheson posted
  22. So we are supposed to list every subsection of industrialquicksearch just because they have a domain for each one of the subsections. I am sorry but a lot of people try to do this and generally we do not list the subsections. We do not list the individual categories from Yahoo, Looksmart, or other directories either, we just list the main site.
  23. I am sorry but there is no record of your site being rejected under the url that you gave. The records indicate that your site submission was very recent - so please give it approximately one month before you follow up on the matter. That is all the information I can give you at this time.
  24. I cannot speak for any dmoz editor other than myself. As for a submission status system - there is this forum.
  25. You have not been rejected under that URL. You are still waiting. If you have submitted two or more times than you are sitting in the unreviewed que 2 or more times.
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