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Everything posted by thehelper

  1. Posting in this forum is totally optional so you are really going to have to wait and see if anyone else posts on your thread. You can always email the editor of the category you submitted to or the editors higher up the tree but no editor has to respond to or acknowledge any feedback. Good Luck!
  2. /images/icons/smile.gif
  3. Yes that means keep waiting.
  4. Unless I am seeing something different from you the archive.org link you gave shows a site that has a domain registration placeholder page in place. This is pretty normal for sites when they sign up for a domain name.
  5. I have not looked into the listing status of your sites but I did look at the sites myself. If I were the editor of one of the categories you submitted to I probably would not list those sites. What I would probably do is go through and add all those links to the directory. The best way to avoid this is have about 500 links but a directory of 40 links is going to get borged - but that is just me.
  6. thehelper


    Ack - I'm a moron /images/icons/smile.gif Welcome to ODP modesix!
  7. thehelper


    Hello modesix! Welcome to the forums! You know the ODP is very short on editors - if you are not currently and editor I seriously recommend signing up because editing in the ODP Rocks!
  8. What category did you submit the site to? I briefly visited the site and noticed it appeared to be a comparison service of online vendors utilizing affiliate links. Whenever you have affiliates links as the main content of your site you have to understand that you run a chance of getting rejected as the ODP guidelines state that editors do not list sites that are primarily affiliate links - no matter how you slice them and dice them.
  9. You have to understand that the 2 posts are from editors that are not shopping editors. Editing in Shopping is not easy. The only advice I can give to editors answering on Shopping matters is that if you are not a shopping editor it might be best to state that at the beginning of a post. My advice to minderson remains the same - find a category that fits your site and resubmit - don't submit the site all over the place, pick one category that best fits and submit there. If you are still not listed follow up a month in this forum or email the editor of the category and if there is none or you do not get an answer keep emailing up the tree giving a week for each editor to respond in between. Also, make sure you write a good non hyped description - and if you want to refer to this thread in your submission place the url to it at the end of your submitted description with a note to the editor. Just my 2 cents.
  10. [This is reply to WLauzon] That editall also posted back and apologized for saying it. Everyone makes mistakes.
  11. I am dying to know why that the site being mentioned is thought to be an affiliate. I just cannot see it and I thought I was pretty good at spotting that type of stuff.
  12. It is best to submit your site to the single most appropriate category for your site. It appears that you sell a whole bunch more than just tents - you are not going to get a listing in the Tents category I can tell you that. I suggest resubmitting your site to a more appropriate category and see what happens.
  13. Yahoo stores can act as a shopping cart for people that do not want to host there own shopping cart. Just because a store is a yahoo store does not automatically mean it is an affiliate.
  14. Reading your sites services it sounds like it is B2B or at least a big focus is on that. Your consultants page shows you have a lot of organizational development, leadership training, strategic planning, etc professionals who are focusing on businesses. If I were you I would go for the Australian B2B category because that is where a Consulting or Consultants category might spawn. You also said that is where the company is based - so it qualifies. It is my opinion that is where you will probably end up anyway regardless of where you submit and it will be probably be the fastest route to a listing by eliminating the sorting step. Just my 2 cents.
  15. As already stated that category is pretty backlogged. However, you might want to check your site versus this section of the guidelines http://dmoz.org/guidelines.html#Making Product Listings Sites devoted to the sales and distribution of a single product should be avoided, particularly if they are affiliate sites or if the site is merely a distributor for a manufacturer already listed in the Directory. The purpose of the ODP is not to replicate the individual listings of an online shopping catalog. However, individual product sites offering substantial information, tips, advice, and usage information for consumers are generally acceptable. Note the caveat substantial information - and in my interpretation I would say substantial unique information. I believe Phizer is the only real seller of Viagra and everyone else is a reseller - so if you are just using a bunch of content provided by Phizer it has probably already been done and is probably already in that category. Please note that this is just my interpretation of the guidelines but I have been known to edit a little in the Pharmacy category. Good Luck!
  16. Your site is still waiting in that category for review. There are many other sites also waiting - the category is backlogged so it might be a while before you are listed. I looked for a company mailing address or physical location of your business to see if I could get you into the proper Regional category just to get you listed - if there was not a big backlog there also - but that information is not on your site. The best thing to do is wait and if you want to email someone you just email the editor of the category and if there is no editor just keep going up the category tree until you find one to email. Hope this helps
  17. Since your site does not have address information (I could not find it) it has been moved to a different area and is currently awaiting review. Unfortunately the category it is waiting in is a little bit more backed up than the category you submitted to so I advise that you just be patient a little longer. Give it one more month - if you are still not listed post back and let us know.
  18. Probably the last 500 sites I added to the ODP were NEVER submitted. I wonder if these people even know they are listed? Will my listing them effect there traffic - I don't care. I list them because I found them and they apply to the category I was searching for. Even if you stuck a tag on the site I would still list it if the site was useful to the category.
  19. If you somehow manage to convince dmoz to remove your listing just don't tell anybody who knows about Search Engine Optimization that you did it. I don't have Google toolbar installed on this machine but I think Society: Religion and Spirituality: Hinduism has some serious page rank since its close to the top of the category tree. Google - AOL Google - and Yahoo Google all use Page Rank to determine relevance and that is a serious chuck of traffic you are messing with. It would be interesting to see how much less traffic your site receives if it is successfully removed from dmoz. I suggest going to a SEO forum - Jim's World or Webmaster's World and ask them if what you are trying to do is wise. The SEO experts in those forums give good advice and anwer questions for free.
  20. Normally sites are not removed per submitter requests. How do we know that the person requesting the removal is the owner of the site? I am not accusing you of that but it is something that has to be considered.
  21. Many categories in the ODP do not have editors. Categories without editors are edited by editors higher up in the tree and by higher level editors who can edit throughout the directory.
  22. Re: struggle - perseverance - success ? I for one have learned alot from this thread.
  23. Re: struggle - perseverance - success ? The main content area of the site is for content not for affiliate links - imho. You have bar console content and the main presentation is affiliates. Try putting your affiliate links in the console style or reduce the presence of them on the page and put the content in the main sections of the page and maybe you will have better luck.
  24. Re: struggle - perseverance !! success ? The Gambling issue is being looked into.
  25. Re: Summitted site about 4 months ago Chicago is actively edited so you will probably get listed there without too much delay but I would give it at least a month.
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