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Everything posted by jordancpeterson

  1. If the reviewing editor agrees then I guess it'll probably be listed. When is anyone's best guess. <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />
  2. Yes I do! I'd love to review all the sites waiting for review in Shopping Business and Computers. But there are only so many editors and much more spam and the like that it takes time to go through all of these things. I know you stated that you've applied to edit the category and you were (presumably) rejected. I don't know the reason you were rejected but I should say that Shopping receives a lot of abuse. So a Meta reviewing your application is going to be a little wary when accepting you there (not saying you wouldn't be accepted -- just saying the odds are probably not in your favor). You should also keep in mind that our guidelines state regarding Conflicts of Interest Quoted from http://dmoz.org/guidelines/conflict.html If you really want to do something to help the ODP out apply for a non-affiliated category and edit there (Regional is always a good start!). What windharp is saying is correct. It sounds harsh but we don't need submitters. Seriously! We as editors can go out and find sites we think are relevant to list. We want to make the best directory for the public (not the submitter). If the reviewing editor that reviews your site finds that it will be a good resource, it will be added. The fact of the matter is we are severely overwhelmed.
  3. Another Recreation/Aviation editor!!! YES!!! Welcome to the team! <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
  4. Humans do it better! <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
  5. Welcome aboard! <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
  6. Re: B4 I submit how many cats can i submit this si I think s/he is already fixing the issue. <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" /> By the way, nice use of Flash (although what the other say about it is true <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> it did load fine for me though). <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
  7. What about applying for a Regional category (e.g. where you live maybe)?
  8. I'm assuming this is the category. Computers/Internet/Domain_Names/D/
  9. You’re an editor!? /images/icons/shocked.gif
  10. http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Wedding/ /images/icons/smile.gif
  11. I doubt that it will be listed as the Shopping editors usually will only list one link to a site.
  12. Thanks ettore. /images/icons/wink.gif
  13. This thread sure brings back memories. /images/icons/smile.gif By the way Phil, I don’t think I ever told you congratulations on your award. Well I do now.
  14. Ok, I don’t know whom or why they changed your listing, but yesterday afternoon it was listed under the URL http://www.MortgageCreditProblems.com/ but the title of the listing said ‘Thornton Mortgage, Inc.’ Look at Google’s equivalent of the category. Google - Business/Financial_Services/Mortgages/United_States/Minnesota/ You can see that it is listed under the name ‘Thornton Mortgage, Inc’ but the URL is actually http://www.MortgageCreditProblems.com. This morning the listing has changed to the URL http://www.thorntonmortgage.com/. Don’t ask my why, I’m just going by what any regular web user would see.
  15. Wait a minute. The best I can tell is that http://www.mortgagecreditproblems.com/ is listed in Business/Financial_Services/Mortgages/United_States/Minnesota/ under the name Thornton Mortgage, Inc. Does this help?
  16. You submit them via your dashboard to the other category (editors don’t complicate the issue /images/icons/wink.gif ). Write a good title and description (you’ll get credit for that) and that is about all you can do. You’ll just have to wait just like everyone else. There are a few other ways that you can help it along, as you’ll see once you become an editor. Hope it works out and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. /images/icons/smile.gif
  17. Phil posted while I did! That’s great to hear Phil! /images/icons/smile.gif
  18. lissa makes some very good points, especially the one about continuing the experiment! /images/icons/laugh.gif I just thought about something Phil. You could be making history by being the first person to keep a running dialog of what is happening to your editing career here in the public forums. Keep it up! /images/icons/smile.gif Let’s have a vote to see what everyone else thinks about Phil continuing his free trial membership! /images/icons/wink.gif <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://resource-zone.com/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1017871762jordancpeterson"> <p>Should Phil stay as an editor? <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="1">Yes, without a doubt! <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="2">Yes, give it a go! <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="3">Yes, you’ll make it! <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=option VALUE="4">Sure, give it all you got! <INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form> My personal feeling about why you were rejected the second time is that a Meta hit the wrong button. Of course I don’t know but that is what I’m going to assume. For all of you other editor wannabes keep trying! Don’t give up. The above is a prefect example of persistence. If you have questions don’t hastate to ask them here.
  19. Wait for 24 hours and I'll get you that e-mail as I promised you Phil. It’ll have a ton of tips so stand by. Oh and welcome aboard! /images/icons/smile.gif
  20. Re: In stores soon, Internet Barbie To get a bit back on topic. The two suggestions that arttworks stated are very good suggestions. I have always thought that it would be nice to have these features. Unfortunately it would cause many problems that have been mentioned above. Even if we decided we wanted these ideas there still is a bit of a problem as mentioned above also. Us editors beg for things that we can’t even get done. We would like faster servers and software improvements that would help us edit faster. But unfortunately it’s not possibly. Remember we are a volunteer project. We all should be thankful for the staff and hardware that Netscape gives us (yeah, yeah, it sounds weird but what would you do without a company like Microsoft to keep everyone on their toes). If you feel it could be done better why don’t you start your own directory? We’ll even let you use our content to get it off the ground! /images/icons/smile.gif
  21. Hey! Check out my profile and see where I say Open Directory Project? They changed it to Microsoft Directory! /images/icons/frown.gif
  22. Hey I like the new layout of the category pages! Can we keep them?
  23. A bit of a correction to what mensan says. The attribution must be on every page that ODP content is on. Quote from http://dmoz.org/become_an_editor/ <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>…attribution HTML must be included on all web pages that use Open Directory content, as described in the Open Directory license.<p><hr></blockquote>
  24. If any search engine ever starts to use the ODP data all by it’s self I feel they’ll have made their biggest mistake. We all know why Google has had its success! They use multiple ways to rank sites. No one way will ever be perfect. But Google does use our descriptions. /images/icons/smile.gif
  25. All I can say is only time will tell which directories and search engines will succeed and those that won’t. Time will tell! /images/icons/smile.gif
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