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Everything posted by hildea

  1. hildea


    Re: /World/Svenska/Regionalt/Europa/Litauen/ Sigh. See my reply in the thread for Norsk. Hilde
  2. hildea


    Re: /World/Norsk/Regionalt/Europa/Litauen The site has been submitted, and is waiting to be reviewed. Please be patient. It's not very long since it was submitted. I answered exactly the same question by email a few days ago. There's no point in repeating a question many times - it only wastes time, and doesn't speed up things. Regards, Hilde
  3. A few days isn't very long to wait. Please ask again if you haven't heard anything in a few weeks (three weeks after you applied, or thereabouts). Regards, Hilde
  4. hildea

    Bug Thread

    An editor has reported problems with posting here. See http://forums.dmoz.org/forum/threaddisplay.cgi?t=Forum35/HTML/002400.html (editors only) for more info. Any suggestions for helping her out? Hilde
  5. To repeat myself (and other metas): We don't expect perfect descriptions on applications. If we did, a lot of current editors (including myself <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> ) would never have been accepted. We're looking for reasonable attempts at writing objective, informative descriptions, without bLatnaT speling, And, gramtiacal erors, and without Marketing Hype, More Marketing Hype, The VERY BEST Marketing Hype on the Net, And MORE!!!! Looking at the editor guidelines before applying doesn't hurt, but spending a lot of time to make sure that every aspect of the application is strictly and perfectly guideline compliant is probably a waste of time. We expect editors to read and re-read the guidelines, of course. But we don't expect it from applicants.
  6. Re: Editor Priveleges Revoked - with no explanation In case you haven't seen it (I don't remember if it was in place when your login was removed) - this is the message currently given to removed editors when they try to log in:
  7. Thanks for your suggestions, jameskal. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> I'm afraid that I don't see this idea as an improvement, thoguh. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Some reasons why: [*]The titles and descriptions are, to me, the least important part of the application. No, I'm not suggesting applicants should leave them blank or fill them with random text, but a decent attempt at writing an unbiased, informative description without blatant spelinng, and, GraMatikal, erorrs is sufficient. If the application is mostly good, I'll accept it even if the descriptions don't meet the guidelines completely. [*]The choice of sample URLs is fairly important. I want to see what kind of sites the applicant suggests. [*]Seeing all the suggested URLs at once can sometimes give important insight. If one site is described as "An incredibly great resource, with lots and lots of fun stuff!!" and the two others are "A lame site" and "Another lame site", this might give me some hints about the applicant's ability and intention to be impartial. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> [/list:u] (added) The above is a reply to the suggestions in this post As for the sub-editor idea: The main problems I see are that 1) it would increase the workload of the editors who had to review, in detail, the work of all beginning editors, and 2) just doing clean up, without being allowed to add any sites, sounds incredibly boring to me. If we implemented that, I'm afraid a lot of new editors would lose interest and leave the project. We're volunteers, remember? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Editing is supposed to be fun. Regards, Hilde
  8. There is no application for that category in the queue, so that means your application has been rejected. Since Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Promotion: Search Engine Optimization Firms has more than 1000 sites listed, it is far to big for a new editor. I suggest you reapply for one of the subcategories. Also, please make sure you state all your affiliations fully and honestly. Regards, Hilde
  9. Re: Help for changing the description Hi! "Electrical and electronics" are already in the category path. All sites in that category, and in all other subcategories of Business/Electronics_and_Electrical, are about businesses in the electronics and electrical industry. You might find the replies in this thread informative, especially the one from hutcheson. Regards, Hilde
  10. Do you remember which category you applied for? The date would help, too, especially if you don't remember exactly which category it was. Regards, Hilde
  11. It's still in the queue, waiting to be reviewed. Regards, Hilde
  12. What windharp said <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Also, please note: "© If you are using or distributing the Open Directory in modified form (i.e., with additions or deletions), you must include a statement indicating you have made modifications to it. Such statement should be placed with the attribution notices required by Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above." (from http://dmoz.org/license.html ) Hilde
  13. hildea


    If an application is mostly good but the category isn't suitable (for instance too big), we'll reject with a form letter which says exactly that. In some instances we may even accept an editor for another category than the one (s)he applied for, if we're able to make a good guess about which one fits best. We do this, kind of, by turning off the "become an editor" sign in categories which are out of reach for new editors. But it would take a lot of time to do this for every single cat which is too big - we've got more productive (and interesting) tasks to spend time on. You'll find answers to the "Why can't you be more specific with your rejections?" part in the thread A personal experience. Regards, Hilde
  14. Re: jrsvbl - status of application to become edito There's no application for jrsvbl in the queue, and no accepted editor with that name either, so that means your app has been rejected. If you'd like to reapply, you might find the advice in the first thread here useful. For future requests, please mention the category you applied for as well, as that makes things a bit easier for us. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Regards, Hilde
  15. hildea


    There is no application for luvi in the queue (that's what you used as an editor name, right?), so that means your app has been rejected. If you'd like to reapply, you might find the advice in the first post in this forum useful. Regards, Hilde
  16. There's no application for delvair in the queue, and no current editor named delvair, so that means your app has been rejected. Regards, Hilde
  17. Your application is still in the queue. Regards, Hilde
  18. There's no application for that category in the queue, so that means your app has been rejected. Regards, Hilde
  19. hildea

    My app

    You're in the queue, with editor name digital7118. You only applied a few days ago. Please don't ask for status before you've waited three weeks or thereabouts - if everyone asks for status this soon we'll be swamped. Regards, Hilde
  20. What giz said, except he suggests starting with a smaller category than neccessary. We recommend starting with a category with about 100 sites or less. There's some more information at the FAQ and general advice thread at the top of this forum. Regards, Hilde
  21. Your application is in the queue. It's been waiting for less than a week. All applications are looked at, but the people who review them are volunteers who have a lot of other stuff to do as well - both in dmoz and real life. Please be patient. If you haven't heard anything in another two weeks you can ask again, in this thread. Regards, Hilde
  22. Re: Still Struggling with the application process Ouch <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> Nope, you're not in the queue. Are your spam filters still turned off? Hilde
  23. Your application is still in the queue. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> We don't have any statistics on average waiting time, but I did a spot check a little while ago. At that time, the vast majority of applications were three weeks or younger. Fewer than a handful had been waiting for more than four weeks. Hilde
  24. Re: Still Struggling with the application process Yes, please try again now <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Hilde
  25. None of the pending apps for Adult are from anyone named alex roman, so that means your application has been rejected. Regards, Hilde
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