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Everything posted by hildea
Yes, there is. There's some general information on reinstatement/denying reinstatement here. Regards, Hilde
Ignoring the speling an diksjnari dibeit <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> and returning to the original question: There's no application for http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Colorado/Localities/B/Boulder/Business_and_Economy/Services/ in the queue, so that means the application has been rejected. Regards, Hilde
I did a spot check recently, and found that at that time the vast majority of applications had been waiting for less than three weeks. A handful or fewer had been waiting for more than four weeks. It can vary a lot, though, depending on the category, the application, and how much spare time the volunteers who look after this (and a lot of other stuff) have at any time. If you post the editor name you used and the category, one of us can see if you're still in the queue. (There's no "scorpion" there, so if you used that name, the application has been rejected.) Regards, Hilde
Re: Still Struggling with the application process Sounds like you might have run into the same bug as rfgdxm did <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> I've asked staff to look into it. Regards, Hilde
There's an application waiting for that category. It's about two weeks old, and it has another editor name than your name here. If you'd like to be ultra bultra sure that it's yours, you can send me a PM with your affiliated site, sample sites, or something else you remember from your app, and I can take another look. Regards, Hilde
Your application is not in the queue. If you'd like to apply again, it might help to take a look at the "FAQ and General Advice"-post here. Regards, Hilde
FAQ and General Advice About Becoming an Editor Recommended reading It's a very good idea to read carefully the information provided when you push that "become an editor"-link - both the initial screen and the form itself. This may seem obvious, but a lot of the applications we receive indicate that the applicant hasn't done this. There is also useful information in the Curlie help section. Choosing your first category - size and complexity As the application information states, "Your chances of becoming an editor are greater if you apply for a small, underdeveloped category to start (generally categories with less than 100 sites)." This also includes sites in subcategories. The total number of sites is given in brackets after the category name at the top of the page. It's not impossible to be accepted for bigger categories, but it's more difficult. You do not have to choose a category which is without any subcategories, but please note that a category with a lot of subcategories will usually be more difficult to be accepted to than one with few or no subcategories. Choosing your first category - where? Some common myths include: "It's easier to get accepted in Regional", "New editors aren't accepted in commercial categories (including Business, Shopping and most of Computers)", and "New editors aren't accepted in areas with a lot of unreviewed (including Business, Shopping and most of Computers)". These myths are not true. Choose a category which interests you, and which you feel you can improve. Please note, though, that some areas are more prone to abuse than others. For these areas it is difficult - but not impossible - to get accepted as a brand new editor. It's OK to apply for a category that already has a listed editor. Almost all categories provide opportunities for more than one editor to make useful contributions, and no editor "owns" a category. Also, it is possible that the listed editor is not very active. However, we do try to avoid creating situations where conflict is likely, so there might be a little extra scrutiny of your request if you ask for a category with an editor listed. Choosing your first category - affiliations The application form says it all, really: "We do not bar editors with business affiliations, since those editors with their own sites usually know their competition and related sites better than anyone. This knowledge can be ideal for helping build an authoritative directory. However, we will not tolerate editors who only add their own sites, or maliciously interfere with others' listings in the directory." Being open and honest about affiliations is crucial. Choosing your first category - language You should be able to write well in the language of the category that you're applying for. For everything outside of World, that means that you should be able to write reasonably well in English, including using proper punctuation, spelling, grammar, and capitalization. If English isn't your native language or you feel you don't have strong skills in it, please consider applying for a category in World in the language in which you are most comfortable. Anonymity - or not? In some cases it helps if we can verify who the applicant is, especially if you think your credentials are part of why we should accept the application. And in abuse prone areas, it may be easier to trust someone who is open about his/her identity than someone who chooses to hide behind a pseudonym. ...and finally Murphy's law will invariably cause the server to have a hiccup just as you post your lovingly crafted application. Saving a copy before you push that submit button may save you some tears. After the application is submitted, you will get a confirmation email with a link to click. If you don't get this email, try again using another email address. If you get an error message when submitting the application form, try again using another browser. If that doesn't help, post here, and we'll try to sort it out. The review process Each application is reviewed by an experienced volunteer editor - a meta or a category moderator (catmod). This can take anything from a few hours to several months. If the application is approved, you'll get a welcoming email with further information. Have fun! (And don't forget to read the guidelines.) If the application is rejected, you will usually get a reply - a form letter and possibly some more specific comments. If your application is rejected, feel free to reapply. There is no reason to wait some set period of time before reapplying. You should, of course, try to do something about those factors which caused your application to be denied. - Edited to fix some broken links. - Edited to add language section - motsa - Edited to trim out a sentence that no longer applies - kctipton - Edited to fix some typos - motsa - Edited to fix stale links - elper
I just tried to apply to that category as an new editor, and it went fine - no 404 page. So it seems there's some problem on your side <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Some other posts in this forum describe browser and/or firewall problems when applying, but I can't recall any of those which gave a 404 error. Do you have access to another computer you could try from? Or perhaps someone more technically minded will drop by here to suggest other solutions. Categories which are closed to new applications don't show the "become an editor" link at all - compare this cat which is closed to new apps with this one which is open. * goes to delete that confirmation email I got from dmoz without replying to it - if I actually tried to get a second editor account I would commit a serious guideline violation <img src="/images/icons/ooo.gif" alt="" /> * Hilde
The application form is here - found by going to the category and choosing the "Become an editor" link. The category is defintively open to new editor applications. Hilde
That application isn't in the queue, so that means you have been rejected. If you want to reapply, it's a good idea to read the information provided on the application form carefully, and take a look at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/ . It might also help if you take a look around to see if there's some other category which interests you, as the one you applied for is very small and already has an active editor who doesn't edit any other categories. I've no idea whether this was a factor when your application was rejected, but I'd guess you'd run some risk of tripping over each other's feet if you'd both edit in a cat that small <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> In general, it's perfectly OK to apply for categories which have listed editors, as the listed editor may be inactive, the cat may be big enough for several editors, and/or the listed editor may have lots of other cats to edit. In this specific case, though, the cat is very small and the listed editor is active, so unless you have a lot of new sites to add, you'd probably be happier in another cat. Hilde
There's no application with editor name "webexpert" in the queue. If you used another handle, we'll need that to check. We can look up applications by editor name and/or category, but not by application ID. Hilde
Ettersom det er lenket hit fra http://dmoz.org/guidelines/ og forumet er drevet av metaene er dette vel så offisielt som det kan få blitt. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Jeg innbiller meg at det er en stund siden "unofficial" ble fjerna fra forsida. Men folk er selvsagt velkomne til å diskutere og spørre om ODP på andre fora også - mange vil foretrekke å diskutere på de foraene de er vant til. Hilsen Hilde
There's no application for that category in the queue, so that means your application has been rejected. If you reapply it's a good idea to take a look at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/ first.
Re: Norge Sist jeg talte opp var det rundt tjue redaktører eller deromkring. Aktivitetsnivået varierer selvsagt sterkt. Redaktører kan redigere alle underkategorier under der de har navnet sitt, så vi fire som står oppført direkte under World/Norsk har tilgang til å vurdere alle innsendte nettsteder i den norskspråklige delen. (Dessuten har alle som er oppført med "editall" her http://dmoz.org/edoc/editall.html tilgang, men det er selvsagt ikke så mange av dem som behersker norsk.) Det er jo begrensa hva vi rekker over, så hvis nettsteder du sender inn hører hjemme i deler av katalogen som få/ingen er interessert i risikerer du at det blir en stund å vente.
Re: Norge Ser ut som du har dratt i gang en tråd, så da trenger ikke vi gjøre det. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Herved erklærer jeg tråden for diskusjoner på norsk om ODP for åpnet! Spør og diskuter i vei, så skal jeg og de andre norske/skandinaviske redaktørene gjøre vårt beste for å svare. Den norskspråklige delen av ODP er på http://dmoz.org/World/Norsk . (Nettsteder om Norge på engelsk listes i http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Norway .)
The site is still in the queue. However, after looking at the site and the category description it seems that you have submitted to the wrong category. Since your site is for a business offering services to both private and public sector, and not for a govermental information service, it belongs somewhere in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/ . I suggest you find the most relevant subcategory there and submit again. It's a good idea to mention in the submission that you've mistakenly submitted to another category.
You are still in the queue. (I guess using the word "queue" is a bit misleading, by the way. When I look at new applications, I sort them by category and only look at apps for the parts of the directory I'm reasonably familiar with. This means that applications aren't neccessarily handled in the order they arrive.) Regards, Hilde
There's no application for that category in the queue, so I'm afraid that means your application has been rejected. If you'd like to reapply, it's a good idea to take a look here first: http://dmoz.org/guidelines/ . Regards, Hilde
Are you sure your application was accepted? The stuff about "too many editors" sound like something from one of the rejection form letters. And there's no editor with the name driftwood1 or driftwood. If your application to edit http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Sports/Soccer/ was rejected, I suggest you try applying for http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Sports/Soccer/Collectibles/ . The first cat is fairly big - it's not impossible to be accepted to a cat that size, but it's more difficult. It's also a good idea to take a look at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/ first. Hope that helps! Hilde
Spot on, windharp /images/icons/smile.gif I had only planned to take care of World/Norsk/Spill (=Games). But then I kind of got stuck in there... Hilde
You are still in the queue, shilpi. /images/icons/smile.gif There are about 100 people who can handle new applications. It's impossible to guess how long time any one application will have to wait - it depends, among other things, on how easy or difficult the application is, and how many people are handling applications in the different parts of the directory. (Metas can handle (almost) all apps, but most choose to focus on the areas we know best.) Myself, I had to wait a bit more than a month. But then applying for a relatively big cat in an obscure language, as I did, isn't the best way to get a quick acceptance. Regards, Hilde
Hi! I think that's an excellent suggestion! I've posted a thread about it on our internal fora, with a pointer here. Thanks! /images/icons/smile.gif Regards, Hilde
Hi! That's great! /images/icons/smile.gif To apply, you'll need to fill out this form: http://dmoz.org/cgi-bin/apply.cgi?where=Society/Politics/Alternative_Political_Systems . After you've sent it, you'll get an email which you'll need to reply to. (This is an automatic verification that the email adress is valid.) And then you'll need to wait a bit - there's a finite number of people who review applications. Regards, Hilde
It's waiting for review in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Photography/Digital/Accessories .(If you give the complete URL to the category, it makes things easier for us. /images/icons/smile.gif ) I'm afraid it's impossible to guess how long it will take to be reviewed, but that part of the directory isn't _too_ badly backlogged, so you might have reason to be cautiously optimistic. Regards, Hilde
Hi! Your site is still waiting to be reviewed in that category. Congrats on submitting to an appropriate category, and with a well-written description! (It might still be changed by the editor, of course, but it's far better than most of what we see.) Could we entice you into applying as an editor? The category already has one editor, but that's no hindrance for another to be accepted. Or perhaps you have some other interest which has a category somewhere? And no, we don't send out rejection letters. Regards, Hilde