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Everything posted by samiam

  1. Re: Multiple Listings in sorted order http://www.whois.sc/internet-statistics/dmoz-listings.html doesn't seem to return any listings..
  2. Re: A 404 Thanks, dpkm - I've taken care of that one. -Sam http://dmoz.org/profiles/samiam.html
  3. Re: http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Telecommunication Welcome! Questions of this sort can probably be best addressed in the internal editor forum, linked from your editor dashboard. The New Editors' forum may be a good starting place! -Sam http://dmoz.org/profiles/samiam.html
  4. Hi - your site is still waiting for review in that category with about 25 other sites. It may be some time before it is reviewed, though. Hope this helps.
  5. Re: Staus Hi - I don't see it waiting for review in that category. There's no edit history, though, so I don't believe it was rejected. If it's possible you submitted to another category, you can post here, or re-submit it to the above category. I looked in some of the related categories, but did not see it waiting. Hope this helps. sam
  6. Your site is still waiting review in that category with about 50 other sites. (A previous submission to a Shopping/ category was reviewed in early September, but the site apparently was not responding at that time.) I wouldn't worry about an extra submission. It just looks like you may have to, unfortunately, wait some time for the category's backlog to be gone through.
  7. Hi - it's been corrected. However, in the future (and for others reading this thread), there is a built-in facility for requesting a change or update to a listing. If you go to the category page at http://dmoz.org/ and click the "update URL" link at the top of the page, and type the URL as it is listed in the category, it will place the update request in the queue. -sam
  8. One thing to remember is that a domain does not a site make - One domain can have multiple sites [the oft-quoted Geocities is an example] One site can be spread over multiple domains. (extreme example: I could buy a different domain for each page of content I have, but that doesn't make each page its own site).
  9. Internal dmoz search returns: "Search database last updated on: Mon Jul 8 06:52:56 PDT 2002 ," so I'll assume it's that which you are referring to. Basically - staff has been doing some tweaking of the process that creates the search database. It's being worked on, and hopefully will be updated soon. It's usually updated weekly; for now, though, we just have to wait. But staff is aware of this issue, so just hang in there.
  10. Is it possible to hace the cookies come from resource-zone.com instead of www.resource-zone.com, so that when viewing the threads at resource-zone.com, things work right? Thanks... sam
  11. This post has the info straight from guy who added the tag narrow2.. (symbolic2 also)
  12. No, this is not a reason to do an update URL. DMOZ only records the URL, the category (ie the topic of the site), and the (usually) editor-created title and description (also the topic and general contents of the site) As long as it is in the correct category, has an accurate title and description, with the correct URL, there is no need to request an update. Changing color schemes, adding meta tags, rearranging the content are all things that you can do to your site which 99.9% of the time gives no reason to request an update. Moving the site's loocation or changing the focus of the site are two reasons why you would want to submit an update request.
  13. the RDF contains the names of the editors for given categories. Google parses them and turns them into links to the dmoz profiles.
  14. Hi - that site is still waiting for review in that category - with a little more than a dozen other sites. You should not resubmit it. The site was recently submitted, so I'd suggest that you'll probably have to wait a few weeks more at a minimum. The category does seem to be pretty well-tended, however, so don't worry too much. -sam
  15. In general, a site may be listed once in Topical and once in Regional branches of the directory. (Though this is subject to editorial descretion). A Regional listing is based on where the "brick and mortar" location is. In this case, I would probably submit to this Pompano Beach. As for topical listings, you might be able to submit to the most appropriate Web Design and Development category and perhaps television or video . Most sites could fit in numerous categories. The goal, however, is to find the category that single best category. When browsing the directory to choose the category to submit to, make note of the Description links at the top right of many pages. These will usually help you determine the scope of the given category. Hope this helps.
  16. Re: Why were so many of the sites I do SEO for rem The sites contain the unique content of http://www.industrialquicksearch.com/ which is properly listed in Business: Resources: Directories. Although the other URLs may have been listed, it was against the guidelines for them to be listed. When this was noticed, they were appropriately removed. The various domains linked from IQS are basically deeplinks to content (though hosted at different domains, a domain does not a site make). Including all the domains would be equivalent to linking to the corresponding Yahoo category in each Dmoz category, instead of taking the links from the categories and adding them to Dmoz. Probably not what you wanted to hear, but I hope you can understand the reasoning. -sam [added: what totalxsive said above, too]
  17. well, there's some (but not quite what you want, I think) information at http://dmoz.org/rdf/ and http://dmoz.org/rdf.html . To the best of my knowledge: In the structure rdf, narrow tags show subcategories. (symbolic tags show @ links - categories located not directly underneath, but somewhere else, but *could* be logically considered subcategories of the current one) narrow1, narrow2, and narrow [and same with symbolic1, symbolic2, and symbolic] show different "sort priorities" given to categories. narrow2 is the highest, narrow1 is in the middle, and narrow is the bottom. For example, see http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Theme_Parks/ and the following snipped from the rdf: <Topic r:id="Top/Recreation/Theme_Parks"> <catid>218</catid> <d:Title>Theme_Parks</d:Title> <narrow1 r:resource="Top/Recreation/Theme_Parks/Disney"/> <narrow1 r:resource="Top/Recreation/Theme_Parks/Defunct"/> <narrow r:resource="Top/Recreation/Theme_Parks/Guides"/> <narrow1 r:resource="Top/Recreation/Theme_Parks/Six_Flags"/> <narrow1 r:resource="Top/Recreation/Theme_Parks/Attractions"/> <narrow1 r:resource="Top/Recreation/Theme_Parks/Amusement_Centers"/> <narrow1 r:resource="Top/Recreation/Theme_Parks/Legoland"/> <narrow1 r:resource="Top/Recreation/Theme_Parks/Water_Parks"/> <narrow2 r:resource="Top/Recreation/Theme_Parks/Individual_Parks"/> <narrow1 r:resource="Top/Recreation/Theme_Parks/Paramount"/> <symbolic1 r:resource="Zoos_and_Aquaria:Top/Science/Institutions/Zoos_and_Aquariums"/> <symbolic r:resource="Equipment:Top/Business/Industries/Arts_and_Entertainment/Amusement/Equipment"/> <symbolic r:resource="Consumer_Information:Top/Home/Consumer_Information/Sports_and_Recreation/Amusement_Parks"/> <symbolic1 r:resource="Renaissance_Faires:Top/Recreation/Living_History/By_Region/Europe/Renaissance/Renaissance_Faires"/> <symbolic r:resource="Manufacturers_and_Designers:Top/Business/Industries/Arts_and_Entertainment/Amusement"/> <symbolic1 r:resource="Miniature_Golf:Top/Sports/Golf/Miniature_Golf/Courses"/> <symbolic r:resource="Tickets:Top/Shopping/Entertainment/Tickets/Theme_Park"/> </Topic> A lot of the tags can be figured out by looking at where it happens and looking at the category at the dmoz.org site. .
  18. Not donald, but sites to mine are usually sites which an editor finds that has many links, and they plan on going through to add those links to the directory as appropriate. See the category description.
  19. The site is waiting in Arts/Animation/Training/ along with about 20 sites. After a cursory glance at your site, it looks like that's a pretty good fit (though I'm not an expert there, and didn't look very long) It will eventually be reviewed by either a future editor in Arts/Animation/Training , an editor in Arts/Animation, an editor in Arts/ , or an editor with 'editall' or higher privileges. This can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. If you are interested in becoming an editor, even just to clear through the currently waiting sites and perhaps add a few others, and you believe you can be fair in reviewing sites, then apply as an editor; there's no minimum time committment - I originally joined only planing to edit in my hometown, and got hooked.. Hope this helps
  20. samiam

    Another Bug

    and -49,480 categories... This happens occasionally and when the staff person who takes care of the backend gives everything a kick, it's fine. It's a known cosmetic bug - don't worry about it. -sam
  21. Your submission of 01/Jun/2002 is still waiting for review in that category along with a large queue (yes, there are that many jewelers submitting sites : -D) It can take several weeks to a few months to for the editors to clear through the queue and review your site. Hope this helps.
  22. Although I'm not an expert in the shopping categories, it appears http://www.buy-tees.com/ has been deleted from the queue because it does not sell anything on the site itself, and is simply re-presenting the content from http://cafepress.com/ . The checkout simply redirects to cafepress' site. Probably not what you wanted to hear, but reading the guidelines may help understand why this is so.
  23. "When DMOZ was started, there were 0 sites. There are many ways to organize this type of data. Staff came up with an initial structure to begin with. I do not know what it was based on, but you've got to start somewhere." It was based on the structure of Usenet. from this article comes a quote from Rich Skrenta, one of the founders of the directory: "We toyed with the Dewey Decimal System, but it didn't really seem to fit well with the content on the web. Eventually we hit on the idea of using a list of Usenet groups as an outline for our category structure. That would provide representative breadth for what people talked about on the Internet. I took a long list of groups and hand-edited them into a hierarchy," Some more history can be found in the articles under this category. -sam
  24. Re: Please help-tryed site submission 10 months ag The dmoz on-site search engine runs on an index which is generated (generally) one or two times a week. When you do a search at dmoz you can see at the bottom when the index was last updated. Changes made since then won't be visible in the onsite search until the next update. As for data users outside of dmoz itself, dmoz makes its data available on a weekly basis. Other users download the data and update their systems on their own schedule, which we don't control, or know much about. As long as your site is in the directory, just a little patience and eventually it'll be available in both on-site search and at downstream data users' sites. -sam (and what apeuro said above)
  25. ODP Social Contract <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>why does not DMOZ start charging a 1 time review fee to make things better.<p><hr></blockquote> You may want to read the ODP Social Contract which states, among other things: <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>1. The Open Directory Will Remain 100% Free We promise to keep the distribution of ODP data, and the submission process to this data, entirely free.<p><hr></blockquote>
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