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Everything posted by donwiebe

  1. Sorry, there's been no change in status: it's still awaiting review in [cat=Shopping/Sports/Wrestling]Shopping: Sports: Wrestling[/cat]. If you don't see it listed sometime in the next six months, please feel free to return for a status update on or after 12 March.
  2. Sorry, there's been no change in status. Please note we've increased the time between status updates to six months. Feel free to come back on or after 10 December for another update.
  3. No change: it's still awaiting review.
  4. Your update request has been received, and is awaiting review.
  5. The site is currently in the queue, awaiting review.
  6. <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>All independent representative's sites need to be submitted to the appropriate sub-category in Buusiness/Opportunities/Networking-MLM.<p><hr></blockquote> Just to clarify, as mentioned in http://dmoz.org/Business/Opportunities/Networking-MLM/desc.html ODP policy on Independant representative's sites has changed: independent representative's sites are no longer being listed at the ODP.
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