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  1. Diane, I had a similar experience and was instructed to go straight to the legal dept. at AOL. You can easily file a DMCA complaint with any search engine that is listing the copy of your site, and it will be removed shortly. Google's policy is to post a copy of every complaint they receive at ChillingEffects.org. The others don't do that. AlltheWeb DMCA: http://www.alltheweb.com/info/about/dmcapolicy.html Covers AlltheWeb and Lycos AltaVista: http://www.altavista.com/web/legal/copyright AOL: http://www.aol.com/copyright/infringement.html Covers DMOZ AskJeeves: http://www.askjeevesinc.com/docs/ajinc/legal/legal.html Covers AskJeeves and Teoma Google: http://www.google.com/dmca.html Getting a copy out of Google basically eliminates it from the web since Google feeds Yahoo!, AOL, Netscape, Alexa, iWon.com, Earthlink (when you select "The Web" as a search option), and Compuserve. LookSmart Directory and Search Results: http://aboutus.looksmart.com/corp.jhtml?page=terms MSN Search Engine: http://www.microsoft.com/info/cpyrtInfrg.htm Yahoo Directory: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/copyright/copyright.html Good luck. C. J. Newton
  2. Try submitting to the directory branch which lists the businesses in your locality.
  3. Re: DMOZ policies on advertising ? Shaman, You never know. There just might be some minors here. Can you just send your notes directly to dfy, since he seems to be responding to them? That way you won't have to post links to porn sites in this forum.
  4. A status report that tells whether the site is in, awaiting review, or rejected would be nice. There are lots of ideas like this circulated on the internal forums about how to improve the technology. Basically, the tech staff is overworked. DMOZ is what it is, a bunch of volunteers working with the tools they have at their disposal to build a useful resource. This very forum is a volunteer effort - this isn't paid for by AOL - DMOZ editors do it. The same goes for many of the tools we use on the inside. Eventually maybe someone will build the very tool you've described. Then again, maybe not. For now, this forum seems to work very well for people requesting updates.
  5. Not to worry. The site is awaiting review in the accessories cat. Check back after at least a month for status.
  6. >> http://homepage.mac.com/dafitza Beautiful.
  7. Well put Texas45.
  8. How do you feel about applets <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> ?
  9. Re: submission status for http://billfishingcostar Mmmmmm... Billfishing <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  10. Hit reload a few times, or try it from a different browser. All the directory pages below that link have PageRank.
  11. Revisit them now. The little green bars are back. It was probably a glitch (or is that glich?)
  12. Just remember, the index.html isn't necessary. Just use http://www.geocities.com/westmanmb/ C. J.
  13. Send a private message to hutcheson or orlady, both of whom have posted in this thread.
  14. Off topic I know, but: You could put "Softmine" in your title. That should have a dramatic impact on your rankings for the word. Right now you have "Home" as your title.
  15. Please provide the category path in CLICKABLE URL format: e.g.: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/ . I.e., let us know where you submitted the site.
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