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Everything posted by windharp

  1. Years ago the site was submitted in Shopping/Visual_Arts/Artists/Mixed_Media and was not accepted because it was no online-shopping site. The category you mentioned has no waiting submission for that URL. Anyway, using the apropriate letter-subcategory would save us the work of sorting...
  2. Look at the bottom. If no editor name is given, look into the higher categiries until you find one. [Apart from this editors a lot of editors are able to edit the whole directory, so "abandoned" categries have someone to take care of them] For example http://ch.dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Computer/ has the listed editors "ikoch" and "windharp" <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  3. The site is still waiting with a bunch of others in the category. Simply because noone got around to review them. We cant give any timeframe, since editors are volunteers and not necessarily need to do a minimum amount of edits per Day :-)
  4. There is nothing more definite we can tell you. There are no "minimum editing amounts" or something, editors are volunteers - so no timeframe is available. Please note that status updates are not given before a month after the last one to save us some work.
  5. Re: Help for changing the description the normal data is in "content" The Kids&Teens directory is a bit special, it contains age tags and is prepared for restricted access by age groups. Thats why it is put into a seperate file "Netscape" files are not interesting for anyone but netscape, its a nonpublic part od the directory used by some versions of the netscape browser. At the moment there are no datafiles for parts of the directory, sorry. Only way to look when a category has been changed would be to look at the category itself, the "last change" date is at the bottom. For looking at categories, preferably use the mirror at http://ch.dmoz.org/ which is about a day behind but gives you a much better performance. (It is a "public side only" mirror so it does not interfere with editing) For the times downstream users need for updating their data: Thats not our concern, its fully up to them. We provide a new RDF dump every week (if no problems occur), they have to download it themselves. Even Google <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  6. Thats exactly the prediction we can make. Between now and some years :-) For the size: Sorry, we dont want people to decide where they submit by comparing numbers. Submissions should be made by choosing the best category. I wanted to give a rough estimate, but due to soem kind of bug (hmmm... never had this before) I am unable to connect to the apropriate dmoz-category at the moment.
  7. Re: Help for changing the description If you want to know the status you only need to view tags.html - thats the last status report. Should be "RDF pushed" :-) If you want to download the data you hasve to download the big file, unpack it (its zipped as you can see on the .gz filetype). Its plain text then.
  8. If the editor has no rights to edit the target-category, of course the entry cant be published there by him. We try to avoid moves from the public side to an unreviewed queue, but from time to time its necessary to move a site...
  9. Sorry for the broken link. Forgot to change it from the "editor only" to the public address. Fixed it above. For the regional question: If a category like this exists: Yes of course that would be bad stile. But in most regional categories (since they are splitted on town level) such categories are not existant.
  10. Most likely not that one. At least your submission is not waiting there.
  11. We dont need that, thats right. As the guidelines state: Good descriptions: - Do not repeat the title of the site or sections of the category path name. it's all in the guidelines. So a description in a car-rental category containing "A car rental site" would be a bad description per our guidelines. While in a regional categpory (the hometown of that service) this is a quite necessary part.
  12. Wie ich oben schon geschrieben habe: Wenn jemand einen Beitrag (egal welchen Inhalts) an alle bereits bestehenden Threads anhängt, dann finden wir das nicht besonders toll. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Dadurch werden alle anderen Diskussionen gestört. Was Du heute Mittag gesehen hast, war genau dies, eswegen ist es bereits wieder entfernt. Das erste Posting hab ich nicht gelesen, wenn es jedoch vom Ton her dem zweiten entsprach, dann war es mehr eine Beleidigung als eine konstruktive Diskussion. Ausserdem sagen die Richtlinien (siehe Sticky Posts im Abuse-Forum) eindeutig, dass Abuse nicht hier diskutiert werden soll, sondern einem Meta-Editor zur Kenntnis gebracht. Das hat einen einfachen praktischen Grund: Wenn ein Editor wirklich absichtlich Dinge tut, die nicht mit den Richtlinien übereinstimmen, dann ist es wesentlich einfacher dies zu untersuchen, wenn es nicht in der Öffentlichkeit ausgewalzt wird. Während nach einem Posting ein Metaeditor sich die Sache anschaut, liest ein anderer Editor das Posting und korrigiert die Fehler. Ein weiterer schickt dem verursachenden Editor eine Mail mit dem Hinweis, "er habe da wohl einen Fehler gemacht", usw.
  13. Und seine Methode den Beitrag dann an jeden Thread hier im Forum anzuhängen war auch nicht besonders kooperativ :-(
  14. We cant give predictions for "time to list" - editors are volunteers and have no limitation on the amount of editing. Might be between some minutes and a year.
  15. While rechecking sites it was moved to http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Classifieds/Homes_-_FSBO where it now waits for an local editor to review it.
  16. I would says they should, since only links of webhosters with M belong into that category. If you would edit a category about crocodiles, giving an example site about elephants wouldn't fit the category either.
  17. Please continue in the old thread so we have easy access to old information. Thanks.
  18. As stated in the posting guidelines, without knowing the category you submitted to, we cant tell anything.
  19. Re: Site Status Did you submit to the category in the first post? Your site is not waiting there, but is has not been deleted since you posted you resubmitted either.
  20. Its added to the normal "new sites" queue, but markes as an Update request. So it depends on the editors editing there.
  21. Ach ja, noch was: Editoren brauchen das externe Forum eigentlich gar nicht benutzen unhd damit zusätzlcihe Arbeit für andere generieren. Ich empfehle einen Blick in dieses Posting (Nur für Editoren zugänglich).
  22. Use the "Update URL" link in the upper right of the apropriate category. You should be aware that processing times can be as long as for new submissions. Make sure that it is clear that the new sites equals the old one or has moved, so the editor can check that its ok.
  23. Wir könnten alle in Frage kommenden Kategorien durchsuchen (und ich hätte da zumindest keine Liust drauf). Eine einfache Möglichkeit gibt es leider nicht.
  24. Die genannte Kategorie ist für allgemeine Foren zum Thema Computer/Bildung. Spezielle Foren zu einem Thema (wie hier Lichtwellenleiter, Netzwerke) werden auch bei dem Thema gelistet. Und dort ist bereits die Hauptseite aufgenommen, daher kommt eine Listung des Forums nicht in Betracht. Siehe dazu auch den Abschnitt zu Deeplinks in unseren Richtlinien.
  25. Re: Help for changing the description You should try to read between the lines... If I (or another editor) would touch this entry based on a forum posting, it surely would not end up in the form you requested.
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