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Everything posted by windharp

  1. Bis auf den Umstand, daß Du statt obiger URL den Deeplink http://www.usa-tennis.de/index_deutsch.htm angemeldet hast - Ja.
  2. Afraid to say but that category is very crowded with submissions. Dont expect a listing to happen soon.
  3. It was rejected for lack of content.
  4. Sometimes its very difficult with all those affiliate sites to distinguish the real producer of something. I did not look into the topic deep enough to judge about it - but I can see what hutcheson meant. Adding my 2 cents to the discussion: Most of those search results for the product that actually talk about the company that offers the affiliate scheme say it was bio4ce. [btw: Yes its in the queue - which not means that it necessarily will be listed, as always thats up to editors decision]
  5. There is usually no need to resubmit - There are two reasons for not being listed ( I did NOT look at the site, this is a GENERAL answer) : 1) Your submission is rejected (which wont change if your site didnt change regarding to our guidelines) 2) Your submission is still waiting. Resubmission overwrites the old one and so adjusts submission date to the new one.
  6. Please give us at least a month till asking - review times are much longer in many parts of the directory. You would save us lots of work this way.
  7. Please give us at least a month till asking - review times are much longer in many parts of the directory. You would save us lots of work this way.
  8. Bisher hat niemand die Submission (wohin auch immer Du diese geschickt hast - in die oben angegebene Kategorie auf jedne Fall nicht) angefasst. Das heisst, sie wartet dort immer noch auf Review.
  9. If we repeatedly cannot access a site - we cannot review it. If we cannot review a site - we cannot publish it. So if your site is inaccessible with common browsers (which not necessarily are used in the newest version): Sorry, but we cant list it.
  10. Bitte die oben bereits verlinkten entsprechenden Richtlinien unter http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/guidelines/include.html#affiliate lesen. Dass uns sicherlich einzelne Fehler passieren, bestreiten wir gar nicht - wir werden uns bemühen Seiten, die nach unseren Richtlinien nicht gelistet werden sollen auch weiterhin zu entfernen. In diesem Punkt gibt es eigentlich nichts zu diskutieren. Den angesprochenen Eintrag habe ich aus dem Verzeichnis entfernt.
  11. Bitte nicht in mehreren Threads parallel diskutieren. Danke. Fortsetzung bitte nur im anderen Thread.
  12. No good ones, sorry. Staff is still fighting the bugs.
  13. Sorry, but prediction is not possible. Editors don't have a fixed amount of workload to do - and no statistics are available about numbers of reviewed sites per category.
  14. Please keep at least a month between requests. Thank you. Btw: If your site does qualify as "Having content" I dont see a reason for being so nervous. And thats something you should know best yourself <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Changes could have many possible reasons, for example a link to an alternative language that was changed, ya typo that was corrected etc. ppp.
  15. Thats not precisely what has happened. You submitted to http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/ to be precise and an editor moved your site to the qwueue of http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/Costumes/Children's/ - where its still waiting with a few others for someone having the time to review the waiting sites.
  16. Tipp: Es reicht auch abwählen und neu einwählen, zumindest hier ;-)
  17. After a quick check I would think the categories have been moved to http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Financial_Services/Personal_Finance/ and are subcategories of this one now.
  18. Wie gesagt zum "Klappt" - Einige der Einwahlserver klappen ja auch... Ansonsten: Ein Ping zu DMOZ ist übrigens sowieso nicht möglich - Netscape filtert Pings auf den Server sowieso aus...
  19. Tipp für alle T-Online Nutzer: Es scheint einzelne Einwahl-Server zu geben, von denen aus das geht. Sowohl ich als auch ein Editor-Kollege hatten mehrfach Probleme, jedoch durch mehrfache Neueinwahl liess sich das irgendwann beheben... [Heute morgen gehts von hier wieder nicht auf Anhieb]
  20. windharp

    Test 2

    Its not that I didnt try that - if I use the german profile it wont accept it [image]http://www.resource-zone.com/images/odphead.gif[/image]
  21. windharp

    Test 2

    It seems to me that the image tag does not work properly... Testing: [image]http://www.resource-zone.com/images/odphead.gif[/image] http://www.resource-zone.com/images/odphead.gif
  22. The ODP is NOT making a directory for webmasters but for users, the people who search for sites by mining through a directory. Thats the thought the editors had when they developed the guidelines. The goal of a webmaster is that his site is plcaed best of all and the user normally wants to be presented with a range of sites (thats why he uses a directory) - those two ways are not compatible :-) Sorry to say, but you won't talk us into changing our policy in this point.
  23. The site is waiting for review in that category with a hand full of others there. Btw: There is a french forum if you should prefer writing that language.
  24. Ja, die Site wartet da. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Da jedoch die Webdesigner-Kategorie insgesamt relativ von Anmeldungen überhäuft wird und ein Großteil der Zeit in eine derzeit laufende Umstrukturierung gesteckt wird, wäre ich was die Zeit bis zur Listung angeht nicht so optimistisch. Ausser Geduld kann ich jedoch auch nix empfehlen ;-)
  25. To have an entry chenged there is an "Update URL" link at the top right of every ODP category. You can submit any changes there. But be aware, that ODP tries to avoid keyword listings. Its _not_ meant for search engines and its _not_ mainly about what the company does, it should describe what you find on the site. [Edit] Just looked at the entry and the site and could imagine that there is more to say about it. Keeping the above in mind - go on and create a better description. :-)
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