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Es gibt keine "automatischen" Ablehnungen - alle werden von einem Meta-Editor bearbeitet. Die Mail, die Du enthalten hast, enthält zum einfacheren Handling mehrere mögliche Gründe - bei einer schnellen Ablehnung sind die wahrscheinlichsten: 1) Die Kategorie (einschliesslich aller achten Unterkategorien) ist wesentlich zu groß 2) Du hast keine oder absolut gegen die Guidelines verstossende Beispiellinks angegeben (Btw: Ohne zu wissen, wofür Du Dich beworben hast und was die Beispiele waren wird Dir keiner wesentlich mehr sagen können)
Did I screw up or is iinfosearch.com in the queue?
windharp replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Re: Did I screw up or is iinfosearch.com in the queue Hmmmm..... Best move would be to start again and pretend all the above isnt there. Reading our logs can be quite confusing sometimes, especially when categories change their names in between and several submissions are sorted around... I think motsa wanted to say the same as I do here, but i seems it was not clear enough. Your site has been listed in the above Business/ category for some months 2000 to 2001, then has been moved on, and - something that may happen in a coimmunity with thousands of different editors, but we all hate to see it - was deleted from the unreviewed queue there for being an inapropriate submission for that category. *Sigh* So back to anwering your original question, your site is waiting in the Society/ category you mentioned above - its one of the oldest submissions there, so I assume that an editor coming around to do some work there would process it in the first batch. Since all are volunteers and the order is not necessarily by date we cant promise anything. -
Re: Your site is still waiting in the queue, rather small one btw. I would expect that the next editor who is around would process your entry <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Btw, looking at your site I was unable to find a brick and mortar address. No influence on a listing, but _I_ would never buy at a company from which I havent got the address...
You couldnt maybe have given a link to that category? Live would be so much easier *sigh* "Recently" is 21/Dec/2002 - Please only use this forum for requests on sites which are waiting very long - we could spend our time editing and reviewing sites... And general: It is not by random that the categories do not show how many unreviewed entries are waiting :-)
Please submit only to the one most specific category the site fits in - thats stated in the text you see when adding an URL (which of course noone reads, I know <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> ) Your URL has not been processed in any of those categories, neither is it in the queue. Maybe when submitting you received the message that your site was put to a temporary storage area becuase your IP could not be determined, then it will take some time since those entries are presorted by hand. So if you received that message you can resubmit from another machine - preferably not behind a firewall or proxy. If you didnt see such a note and you are sure you got the category right, you maybe would have to resubmit. But I dont know how that should have happened, no "submission not received" bugs are currently known... Anyway: All editors of higher-up categories and a lot of editors who can edit the whole directory still serve those categories.
OR it means you did not reply to the "confirm your email address" email correctly. You should have received two mails in the application process: 1) "Please confirm your email" 2) "Your application has been received and will be reviewed" If that did not happen, you maybe gave a nonworking mail-address
An Outsider's Report of ODP Multiple Listings
windharp replied to a topic in Quality Control Feedback
Re: Multiple Listings in sorted order If you generate the list by perl or PHP we have some editor-owned servers we could have it run on, if you want to have less work with it <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> -
Back to http://dmoz.org/editors/Shopping/Flowers/Weddings You are right: There are quite a few sites without the possibility to buy anything online (Just checked the first few and found several). I'll try to work on that problem in the next few days.
YOur site is wating with the other unreviewed sites - There is quite a batch of sites waiting, so it may take some time.
I will look into it this evening (my local time of course <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> ) - but the only result will be that all non-shopping sites are removed from the online shopping category. To qualify for a listing in Online-Shops\* a site must provide pricing and ordering information and some possibility for the fellow visitor to place his order. Best way wuzld be a cart or form. See the description of Shopping for some details. Edit: Fixed link
It would be quite helpfull if you could give us a link to the category you submitted to.
As you can see yourself no sites are listed directly in that category. So the editor has to resort it before he can list it <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> PLEASE read submission guidelines which advice you to submit to the one most accurate category - not to several different ones... Anyway: Since your submission does not qualify for online shopping it was moved to the Napa Business category and is awaiting review there.
Nur den, daß bisher noch kein Editor dazu gekommen ist, sie zu bearbeiten. Folglich wartet sie dort noch mit den anderen unbearbeiteten Seiten auf einen Review <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
The only possible answer is quite simple: A site (or more sites from one owner) will not be accepteds into the same branch several times. If this happens - its only by mistake, if an editor thinks you are forcing to get it in several times (by cloaking, mirrors, ...) he might classify the site as a spammer [which you wouldnt want to be called I hope <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> ] If a site offers content for several subcategories in one branch it is placed into the most apropriate category regarding all unique content. Example: A local site offering tourist information _and_ descriptions of local politic groups will not be put in both subcategories but in the main category of the locality. Remember: The ODP is NOT there for optimizing site appearance and site rank but for the end-user.
I cant spot any editorside-addition to a dutch category - and it isn't in the unreviewed of the category you mentioned.
1) Correct spelling+grammar for the language you edit in 2) You should read and understand (and of course follow <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> ) the guidelines - everything else is in there.. And btw: If you had read the "FAQ and general advice" thread that is stuck at the top of this forum you might have already known that <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
@nickel: Schade, dass Du nicht mehr dabei bist... @alle: 1) Bevor ihr postet wäre es echt klasse, wenn ihr mal in die alten Threads gucken würdet. z.B. wurde das schon mal in diesem Posting (und einigen anderen, speziell auch einer ganzen Reihe englischer Threads) angesprochen. 2) Ein Titel sollte eine kurze Zusammenfassaung des Inhalts sein und nicht "Eine Frage" oder so was - Das wird sonst extrem schnell unübersichtlich hier <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> 3) Und nach diesem kleinen Morgen-Rant noch etwas kosntruktiveres: Die meisten Editoren sind beim ODP weil es ein in jeder Hinsicht kostenloses Verzeichnis ist. Sie machen das freiwillig und ohne Zwang. Wenn kommerzielle Seiten jetzt eine Gebühr zahlen müssten, müsste sie auch jemand bearbeiten. Betonung auf "muss" - weil die haben dafür gezahlt... Um den jetzigen Zustand zu halten hat Netscape vor einiger Zeit einen Social Contract erstellt der den Editoren zusichert, dass das ODP weiter frei bleiben wird. Ich würde niemals Einträge bearbeiten wollen, wo jemand was für gezahlt hat oder für ein Verzeichnis was nicht frei zugänglich ist - das entspricht nicht dem Gedanken des freien Internets den ich dabei habe.
I'm sorry I cant help, just for the log: I just submitted a testsubmission to the category and it was received in perfect order. So the Submission system is working.
The entrsy is still unreviewed in that category, among a lot of others - you dont have to change anything, the editor will see the redirect and adjust the URL when reviewing your aubmission.
The URL has not been touched in both of the categories - keep inb mind that lots of categories are extremely backloged. I dont know which is the more accurate category, so I dont know where it might get listed.
The URL has not been touched yet, its waiting in both categories. If the site does not fit a more specific category in Shopping/ it will take quite some time, there is a big backlog which will take a long time to work through...
Wie uzs bereits sagte, die Möglichkeit gibt es so direkt nicht. Wenn die RDF-Generierung wieder funktioniert könntest Du Dir den - normalerweise wöchentlich generierten - RDF herunterladen, ein Programm schreiben was den alten mit dem neuen vergleicht und diese Differenz auswerten. Aber wie schon gesagt: Das wind eine Menge :-) (Da der letzte RDF derzeit den Stand Ende September hat ist es derzeit eh nicht möglich) Wenn es Dich für eine einzelne Kategorie interessiert kannst Du auch das Verzeichnis bei uns mit der gleichen Kategorie bei Google vergleichen - die verwenden den letzten aktuellen RDF-Dump. Zur passenden Google-Kategorie kommst Du (wenn sie nicht umbenannt wurde) über den grünen Ball rechts unten in der Ecke.
Please keep internal questions to the ODP internal fora. You can reach them from your editor dashboard. Thanks.
An editor has decided to not list the site in that category for multiple reasons. Main reason may be found in the ODP guidelines for inclusion Just some personal experience with your site when I visited it right now: It immediately wanted to download a dialer executable. Just as a hint what people might find annoying - that wasnt the reason for rejection (which we dont state anyway, regarding to the forum guidelines ).
That was near enough to find it - it is still waiting where you submitted (in http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Virginia/Localities/A/Alexandria/Business_and_Economy/ btw) with a handfull of others.