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Einfache Erklärung für das Nichtauffinden der Kategorie: Die Kategorie ist verschoben worden, weil wir der Ansicht waren dort passt sie besser hin :-) Die angegebene URL wartet dort mit einem Stapel anderer darauf, daß jemand die zeit findet, sich um die Kategorie zu kümmern. Eine Aussage darüber, wie lange es dauern wird, lässt sich nicht machen - es gibt keine Editierquote die den Editoren vorschreibt, wieviel sie zu tun haben. Dass dort kein Editor eingetragen ist, macht nichts - jeder Editor einer höheren Kategorie und eine ganze Reihe von EditAll oder höher eingestuften Editoren (die überall editoren können ohne eingetragen zu sein) kümmern sich um diese Kategorien.
Please have a look at this thread for contact details.
Diese Oder-Frage kann man jetzt nur mit Nein beantworten. Die URL wartet mit einem Haufen anderer friedlich darauf, daß jemand die Zeit findet sich um die Katergorie zu kümmern. Neu anmelden brauchst Du sie natürlich nicht, da Submissions nicht verrotten können <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
@beebware: You should have a closer look at the category in question. You got something wrong there :-) I only say "greenbust" ... @etadich: Your perfectly right. An editor preprocessed your entry in a project called "greenbusting" - thats about granting limited rights to preprocess entries which then still have to be quickaccepted by someone with full rights. As long as noone comes along to do so, the entry beebware mentioned will not be accepted.
Status [url]http://www.stilundbluete.com[/url]
windharp replied to a topic in Deutsch: Statusanfragen für Vorschläge
Nur am Rande, nicht daß es wirklich wichtig wäre: Die Anzeige der Mailadressen hatte vor kurzem einen kleinen Bug. Daher kann es auch bei nichtzusammenhängenden Seiten leider schon mal vorkommen, das uns intern die gleiche angezeigt wird... -
Status [url]http://www.stilundbluete.com[/url]
windharp replied to a topic in Deutsch: Statusanfragen für Vorschläge
Es wäre wirklch freundlich, wenn wir keine Google-Links sondern Links zu DMOZ bekommen können. Das Original-Verzeichnis liegt unter http://dmoz.org/ oder als Einstiegsseite für den deutschsprachigen Teil http://dmoz.de/ - Das macht es wesentlich einfacher als die URLs immer erst von der Google-Kopie zu dmoz zurückzubasteln... -
Richtig gute Tipps bekommt man, wenn man sich die ODP Richtlinien ansieht. Da steht das drin, auf das wir uns bei unsern Entscheidungen berufen.
I'm no meta, but I can give some general thoughts on why times may differ. In general much energie is put into accepting new editors - but as you can imagine, its very time-consuming * There are lots of Metas/CatMods working primarily on a special branch of the ODP. When you are lucky, they will keep times low in the region where you apply. (so its dependant from "where do I try to get accepted") * In some cases its more difficult to decide what has to happen with an application. Imagine a category that has 20 links on the public page and 200 unreviewed pages waiting. From the outside you see 20 sites and think "Hey, perfect for beginning" - but the Meta maybe doesnt want to confront you with the huge amount of unrevs. He has to prepare it, maybe deleting spam and sorting missubmissions away before he accepts you (so its dependant from the individual case, too) * Now something completely different: There where some technical problems n the last weeks (i.e. DMOZ was down for some time) - so maybe there was less editing and accepting done than normal.
You didnt do it, so I give a link to our guidelines on password protected sites.
Server laufen wieder, ohne die Kategorie(n) lässt sich jedoch nichts ermitteln...
Once a week if the system permits it. As you can see by the long downtimes DMOZ has lately, there are backend works going on. No guess when this may become normal again.
Die liegt von der Größe her schon ziemlich an der Grenze. Könnte vielleicht mit einer besonders guten Bewerbung möglich sein - eine der Unterkategorien ist dies mit Sicherheit :-) Wie wärs also mit einem Anfang in der Unterkategorie Diskotheken? Wenn Du die dann komplett ausgebaut hast, wirst Du sicherlich weniger Schwierigkeiten haben, die ganze Kategorie zu beantragen ;-) Vergiß nicht: * klarzumachen, was Deine "Affiliations" also Verbindungen zu dem Thema sind * drei neue URLs anzugeben und zu beschreiben was man *auf der Site* findet
Just a note on this one: In my experience several sites are translated in a way that makes naviagtion nearly impossible for other languages but the main one. So some thoughts on "How to make it easy for an editor to review a multilingual site" a) We will list the main page (start page) anyway, there should be some possibility to choose languages right there - i.e. at the beginning. b) Keep the languages differed. No buttons that switch over to another language without a notice. I saw sites that forced me to click on "german" for every page I wanted to view in that language... c) Provide a set of buttons for every language <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> This way we can easily spot the contwent that we are looking for. Hey, and if the site pleases editors - its most likely to please customers as well <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
Since these errors occur more often lately, it seems as if it is worth to invest some time <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> I just tried to apply for that category and had no problem from a LAN using IE4. If you would be so kind to supply the following information, I will try to simulate it here. If you dont want to post it to the forum use private mail instead. 1) Browser used 2) Type of internet access (LAN, dialup, dsl, ...) 3) Any firewalls, proxies or routers in use 4) Special software running that might intercept internet-communication Some things you might try: * Clear your browsers cache, restart it and try again. If a corupted site is cached it will be reused for some time * Try another browser * IE: Set the security settings to be able to access everything * Turn off any firewalls and related stuff.
Mit 51 Einträgen (incl. Unterkategorien) sollte die eigentlich geeignet sein für einen neuen Editor. Ich hab nicht nachgeschaut, wie das mit den Unbearbeiteten ist, sollte sich erfahrungsgemäß in den Bereichen jedoch in Grenzen halten...
Sollte eigentlich inzwischen wieder lles gehen...
Statusabfrage www.zyklop.de
windharp replied to marquis's topic in Deutsch: Statusanfragen für Vorschläge
Ich nehme an, Carsten wird sich wieder melden, zumindest hab ich ihn so verstanden <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> -
>Something that I have been told that we cannot do, is to tell submitters that their web site doesn't work in certain browsers. <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> Who said that? I'm doing this quite often since I use Opera all the time. I really hate to put it away for reviewing sites <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Anyway when doing so you should point out that this is nothing that affects the listing in general. But it may affect the time-to-list (Since people like me think "nah... Leave it for someone else to review" which may mean endless waiting in some branches where noone else edits <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> )
Submit Error in Regional/BeverlyHills/..Dentistry
windharp replied to DianeV's topic in Suggesting a Site
Looks like someone already took care of it <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> -
Your site has not yet been touched by any editor. Without knowing _where_ you submitted too out magical hat is unable to work, I'm afraid... So at this point there is no more information available. In general two weeks is very optimistic in some areas. Have a look at other posts in this forum if you want to <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
There is an area for "site submission status" requests on this forum. If you provide the URL and the category you submitted to there, someone will have a look into it.
Since your site is of no regional interest it was moved on to Shopping/Jewelry which hrm... is a bit crowded and has far more than 1000 entries waiting to be processed.
Hmmm... It could be handy if you told us where you think your site should be listed (i.e. where you submitted it).
Bug (RZ): "The host you are trying to send the ..
windharp replied to beebware's topic in Bugs and Features
Re: Bug (RZ): "The host you are trying to send the (Looking into my firewall-settings) I don't really remember which rule is the one I set for this forum long time ago, I don'T even know if its still needed. It _may_ be the "Inbound UDP service: port 28800" rule, since I can't think of anything that needs this rule at the moment... -
An easy way to spot this: Look at http://dmoz.org/profiles/enarra.html and take the time to read all those graphical notes attached to that profile :-)