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Some days ago staff mentioned that some users (maybe robots) are causing very heavy load to our searchengine. They are aware of the problem and working on it. Hopefully they get it under control soon. (You might not realize, but a malfunctioning search is even more annoying for editors than it is for you <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> )
Still waiting with a handfull of others. Sicne this category looks very lovely to me (I like topics like this) I think I might spend some time there this evening <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Thanks for pointing me to it. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> [Edit:] You really should make your site AnyBrowser compatible. I hate to put my Opera away. And I would like to see the video you promised in the description <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Uiuiui... Da guck ich gar nichr erst in die Kategorie: Der Computer/Firmen Zweig ist extrem mit Neuanmeldungen überhäuft und niemand von den Editoren mit genug Erfahrung für dieses Feld hat wirlich Lust da große Mengen abzuarbeiten. (Denn wir machen das ja alles "zum Spaß" - und selbst ich hab nur wenig Spass an diesem Zweig...) Vorschläge, was Du tun kannst: * Alle Beratungsfirmen die ein spezielles Thema haben werden sowieso in das Thema verschoben. z.B. Netzwerke oder ähnliches. Die Wartezeit könntest Du Dir sparen, wenn das bei Dir der Fall ist. * Wenn es sich um eine irgendwo ortsansässige Firma handelt, kannst Du im Regonalteil im entsprechenden Ort noch eine Kopie anmelden - Der Regionalteil hat meist wesentlich kürzere Wartezeiten.
Statusabfrage www.zyklop.de
windharp replied to marquis's topic in Deutsch: Statusanfragen für Vorschläge
Bist Du Dir sicher, daß Du nicht noch einen Mirror hast der bereitzs gelistet ist? -
Statusanfrage www.schmuck-tempel.de
windharp replied to a topic in Deutsch: Statusanfragen für Vorschläge
Das könnte daran liegen, daß dort derzeit über 200 unbearbeitete Einträge liegen. Einen kleinen Hoffnungsschimmer gibt es jedoch: Dein Eintrag ist (wenn man nach Datum sortiert) weit vorne in der Schlange :-) -
Found the reason. Seems there is an issue that forces you to explicitly update the public page for the category after you applied the bugfix. Should be (and stay) visible now - Please revive this thread if something strange occurs to this entry again. Thanks for spotting it <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Ein direkter Link so wie http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Wirtschaft/Branchen/Hersteller/Haustechnik/Sicherheitstechnik/ wäre extrem praktisch gewesen, aber seis drum... Da liegen nur eine Handvoll Einträge und warten - Deiner auch. Eine andere Anmeldung wartet derzeit in http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Wirtschaft/Branchen/Bauwesen/Innenausbau/Inneneinrichtung_und_Dekoration/ - welche besser geeignet ist, weiß ich nicht, das werden die entsprechenden Editoren rausfinden, wenn sie dazu kommen die Unbearbeiteten abzuarbeiten.
Hinweis zum Posting von knut: Die dort angegebnen deutschen Richtlinien sind veraltet. Die (derzeit gültigen) englischen Guidelines werden derzeit noch ins Deutsche übersetzt. Zeit pro Link: An einem guten Tag mit relative fehlerfrei submitteten Seiten schaffe ich es, ca. 10 Links pro Stunde aufzunehmen. An einem schlechten Tag, in einer Kategorie mit viel Spam komme ich ca. auf 2 in der gleichen Zeit <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
There is a small bunch of submissions waiting, with (sorting by date) yours quite to the end, I'm afraid. But it is still waiting and has not yet been touched by an editor, so no need to resubmit. (For all bypassers: Reading this forum it may look like all submissions are waiting for endless times - Keep in mind that the sites that are listed in a small/medium timeframe will never appear in here. )
That looks weird. I never had this in this form. I'll have a look into it today and if I cant figure out why it is like this, I'll have a look if staff wants to check on this. I never saw revived listings disappear again... Anyway I made me a note to refix this one soon. Thanks for reporting (and for reusing the old thread - makes it easy to spot the problem) Edited to Add: Please understand that fixing the general bug seems more important to me than fast recovery of your listing. I don't know if this problem is still visible to staff after fixing the entry, so I'll leave it as it is for some days.
Der Link befindet sich wirklich in der angegebenen Kategorie (Danke für den Link uzs) und wartet bei Sortierung nach Datum ungefähr in der Mitte. Es gibt bei den Computerspielen einige sehr aktive Editoren, jedoch gibt es auch Unmengen von Spielen und Websites dazu, die bearbeitet sein wollen - Eine Aussage über die Dauer ist leider wirklich nicht möglich <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Wo wir gerade beid er Suche sind: Derzeit kämpft Staff mit Massenanfragen die unsere Suchmaschine häufig lahmlegen. Man hofft jedoch, das Problem bald in den Griff zu kriegen. bei der Bewerbung solltest Du versuchen, Dich nicht hinter einer zu restriktiven Firewall aufzuhalten, damit gabs schon mal Probleme.
A clickable link would have been cool, but at least there where slashes inside so I could copy and paste <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> This category has more than 200 unreviewed entries, so don't hold your breath while waiting. Your submission dates 25/Sep/2002 btw... (I'm still waiting for a submitter asking for status before he submits.)
submission status for www.kallfass.com
windharp replied to tonymarshall43's topic in Site Submission Status
Your english submission is still waiting with more than one hundred others. Sorting by date your submission is nearly the last one, I'm afraid. No need to resubmit since this takes you back to the end each time. For the logs: Your german page is now (after category rename) listed in http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Wirtschaft/Industriegüter_und_-dienstleistungen/Maschinenbau_und_Werkzeuge/Verpackung . Please note that some reorganization is going on in this category and so it is not accessible at the moment. Due to heavy system load it may take some time till the public page is regenerated, but I hope its finished soon. -
And if you split your site into hundreds of subsites which you make accessible by different domains - we will only list your main site. Watching at some of your sites and reading our internal logs I do not see a need for explaining any further. Please read ODP Guidelines for further information. Of course you can gather all your content to the site that is already listed at ODP (I'd leave it to you to figure out which one it is), so your site has lots of information and gets a good ranking that way.
Since the german part is more about parties and party-pictures I wuld suggest a category that is not yet existant but is prepared right now. I don't know when we will find the time to finish the job, but I added your site to that testarea right away, when the category is finished it will be published.
"I thought I may have written it poorly " That makes me think of... Quiz for submitters, question 1: What do you think why reviewing submissions is so timeconsuming? (There is a hint hidden in this post <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> )
There are more than 100 submission waiting for review. Only idea I can offer to you: If your site matches one of the subcategories, the editor would move it there anyway. So maybe you could speed up things by moving it there yourself, huh? Ok, while writing this I checked on your site: Are you sure you submitted exactly that URL to that category? I couldn't spot your site waiting there, and there are no notes that it has been processed in any way. So you maybe should resubmit, but it would be wise to check for more apropriate subcategories first...
1) Little bit of "historical" addon to this, if someone should wonder about areas where huge percentages are without any description: Once upon a time there was no rule that "every listing should have a description". Long, long time ago when thinking in internet-timescale - not so long when being in real live. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> So there are huge areas with descriptionless entries. Needless to say, that correcting thousands of such listings needs a lot of time <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> 2) Another thing I encountered lately: Some of us editors use a lot of tools to speed up simple tasks as correcting usual typos. I know of one (old version of a) tool that choked on some special characters and deleted the description if it found one. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Several other "reasons" why this could happen are imaginable - but nevertheless every entry should have a proper description.
Hmmm... Sorry to say, looks that there is little work done at the moment. There are more than 50 listings waiting there (including yours).
Status http://www.teamplan-holding.de/049home.htm
windharp replied to a topic in Deutsch: Statusanfragen für Vorschläge
Zum Thema Deeplink statt Startseite siehe auch die englischsprachigen Guidelines unter http://dmoz.org/guidelines/describing.html#url . Selbst für mehrsprachige Seiten sehen unsere Guidelines vor, daß wir nach Möglichkeit die Startseite verlinken, siehe http://dmoz.org/guidelines/site-specific.html#multi-lingual . oder andersrum: Wenn jemand nicht will, daß seine Besucher ien Flash-.Video anschauen müssen, sollte er keins in seine Site einbauen... <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> -
Status http://www.teamplan-holding.de/049home.htm
windharp replied to a topic in Deutsch: Statusanfragen für Vorschläge
1) Bitte keine Deeplinks submitten, die Haupt-URL reicht völlig. 2) Bitte demnächst einen Link auf die Kategorie angeben, sonst müssen wir immer so lange suchen <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Die Logs sagen mir ohne in die Kategorie zu schauen, daß die Site inzwischen nach http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Wirtschaft/Branchen/Baugewerbe/Architekten verschoben wurde. Dort gibt es derzeit einen nicht unerheblichen Rückstau ( >700 Einträge) - Ich würde vermuten daß das noch geraume Zeit dauert. Bitte nicht noch öfter anmelden, das Löschen der Doubleten kostet uns nur noch mehr Zeit, Danke! -
windharp replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Re: home-based-business-opportunities-guide.com Of course you have. The easiest way of checking our logfiles for your URL makes our System look at it. So if you posted a question here... You have another one now (since I checked on it again). Please do not ask for checks to often, we could use the time for editing, you know? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> (Btw: No change) -
This should be quite clear by reading http://dmoz.org/add.html which states: * Step Three * Identify the single best category for your site. [...] You should submit a site to the single most relevant category. So what results from it? 1) If you submit to dozends of categores we will have lots of work to remove those submissions, especially since we try to move it to the "single best" category ourselves. So if the first entry that is processed will be in a wrong category, an editor will have the work to find the correct one. He _could_ have done usefull edits meanwhile... 2) If you submit to often (especially mirrors, deeplinks, ... [see the link at the beginning for details] we could get the idea you try to spam the ODP. You don't want us to think that, do you? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
The Open Directory search is temporarily unavailab
windharp replied to a topic in General Curlie Issues
Staff is working on it, trying to resolve the bug. Should already have been done yet, but it seems that the fix didnt work to well this time <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />