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Everything posted by windharp

  1. There are less than 10 sites waiting inthe category you submitted to. Sorting by date your submission is on the second place :-) Sorry we can't tell you how long it will take till someone comes around and clears the area, since we are all volunteers here. But your submission is in place and will be reviewed as soon as someone finds some minutes to turn his/her head this way.
  2. Wenn man nach Datum sortiert ungefähr 20. Wobei dies kein Muss ist, ich bevorzuge meist nach URL vorzugehen [und dann nicht unbedingt vorne anzufangen, um die "aaa"-Domains nicht zu bevorzugen] - Vorteil dabei ist, daß man Mehrfachanmeldungen schneller erkennt und dadurch Zeit spart.
  3. Wie Du hättest selber ermitteln können (z.B. durch setzen eines @Links in Deinen Bookmarks) hat diese Kategore doch einige unbearbeitete Einträge, die auf einen Review warten. Nach Datum sortiert ist Dein Eintrag ca. 1/3 von oben entfernt <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  4. Zugegeben, das sieht nicht wirklich sinnvoll aus. Zumindest handelt es sich eher um einen Online-Shop als um eine Site ohne Shop <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Da derzeit die einzige Karnevals-Kategorie (für Kostüme) unter Bekleidung liegt, habe ich den Eintrag mal weiter zum Review nach World/Deutsch/Online-Shops/Freizeit/ verschoben - dort liegt bereits ein Halloween-Shop, ein Karnevals-Shop scheint mir da eigentlich passend, da ein Pendant zur englischsprachigen Shopping/Holidays/Halloween/ nicht mal ansatzweise existiert. Leider wird es wohl auch dort noch eine Weile dauern, bis der Eintrag bearbeitet wird, sorry.
  5. If you provide a clickable link to the category, I'm sure someone will check on it <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  6. Hmmm... I found one submission of this site moved from http://dmoz.org/Arts/Movies/Filmmaking/Makeup_and_Costumes/ to http://dmoz.org/Business/Arts_and_Entertainment/Media_Production/Personnel/Makeup (unreviewed, so still waiting for review) I didn't check if there is one waiting in the shopping category, since you did not provide a clickable link to get there.
  7. Re: home-based-business-opportunities-guide.com This one is still waiting to be reviewed with a bunch of others. Due to resubmissions the submission date was reset lately, so if an editor sorts by time of submission it will be processed after all the others. This branch is not so much fun to editors (as sites are not to interesting at all) and requires loads of work for each individual entry. So it may take a long time, I'm afraid. (Btw: No need to resubmit any further)
  8. Has been listed in february, but a bug that occurred by that time made some listings (including yours) invisible. I just applied the bugfix and it should be corrected in some minutes. Thanks for asking <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  9. Hmmm... ollie, if you reread the question you may see that he submitted a "new description" for the entry, I guess as an "Update URL" request. [Checking... Yes I'm right] The request is still waiting for someone to process it with more than 100 other entries that have to be processed. I didn't touch it, since I normally don't edit there, but to me the old one seems quite OK from the editors point of view. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  10. It would save us some time, if people didn't ask questions in several different fora. Keep to old threads where possible. You could have reused the old german thread for example. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  11. Hmmm... Sorry to say, but something happened, that sometimes occurs: Your site was not accessible (maybe even checking several times) when the editor tried to review it. You may want to resubmit, there are only very few listings waiting for review in that particular category.
  12. Right, I was searching that thread, too. As you can see in my post there, it has been like this for me all the time. :-) :-)
  13. From your post it reads, like you do not understand what we talk about, when we mention "affiliate" sites. Its not about having ads or something. I think that you should know that, when you are in the business. Lets keep it simple and see what I am doing to check a site for listability: 1) What is the main content of the site. (If there is none visible, the site is deleted for "no content") --> In the case of an online gambling site this is the possibility of "online gambling", right? So I examine this further 2) Is the content I identified in chapter 1) good for my category? If not the site will be moved on to the apropriate place. (This is unrelated to your question, just added for completeness) 3) Is the content I identified in chapter 1) unique to the site? If it is not I try to identify where it is from and list that site and only that site. I differ between 2 types of sites that fall out in this test: "mirrors" which are more or less the same, mostly owned by the same company or "affiliates" which act like a doorway, sending users to somewhere else, where they would have been able to walk to on several other paths. I can guess what your next post is, so please let me answer it in advance: > but there are [n] affiliate sites already listed in DMOZ I don't know if you have realized, but DMOZ is based upon volunteer work only. Most of us are having lots of fun editing thematic (non-commercial) categories. Some of us are doing the hard work of sorting spam and affiliates in categories like "online gambling". We try to do our best to a) filter out anything that sghould not be listed and b) keep abusive editors out. If you spot abuse, please contace one of the Meta-Editors (marked as "Meta" in this forum) and they will have a look into it. They are quite busy, so it can take some time. After all they are volunteers, too. I don't know what you do in your spare time, I know some people who like to edit DMOZ all of the time they can afford. [EDIT] A thought I (for myself as a person, not talking for ODP in any way) had right after posting this message: If you read DMOZ listing guidelines, you may have noticed, that we do not guarantee anyone a listing. I just thought that it might be very relaxing for us editors to follow this rule and generate an addon to our guidelines that states "We do not list online gambling sites". I for myself wouldn't miss anything. And I wouldn't miss people trying to argue for listing ther affiliate site... <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
  14. @dstanovic: Till now it was depending on the language you set for the forum, if I am right. Did that change for english? [Having "german" here and being amused about this being a problem <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> ]
  15. Re: Info on site submission I did not look at the category and so I don't know how many unreviewed you can expect there. So this figures may be very unprecise (In fact that is the reasoin why I post them ;-) ) For small categories, I would consider less than 10 unreviewed few, for large categories, about 10% of the amount of listed sites seems OK to me. Torepeat: I have not checked on the stats of single cats, maybe I'm wrong this time :-) (Hey, it's easy to guess why. Like prices in supermarket. I try to avoid, but naturally I consider eveything that's above 9.99 Euro to be expensive <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> )
  16. For the convenience of all others looking at this category, a working link: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Thailand/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Guides_and_Directories/
  17. You already asked this question here - please reuse old threads whenever possible. Still waiting for review with a handfull of others.
  18. <Hüstel> Ich war mir gar nicht bewusst, daß es da so viele unbearbeitete gibt, nahezu 400 (darunter auch Deine, die meisten anderen Einträge jedoch älter) <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Sollte Deine Site nicht in eine der existierenden Unterkategorien passen (Dann könntest Du sie dort noch einmal anmelden, die meisten haben wesentlich kleineren Rückstand - lohnt sich aber nur, wenn sie wirklich in die Unterkategorie passt, sonst wird sie eh nur wieder eins höher geschiben) sieht es für die nächste Zeit wohl leider schlecht aus... Dazu kommt, dass nach einem kurzen Blick viele der unbearbeiteten Einträge gar noicht in diese Kategorie gehören, was einem Editor, der das abbauen möchte noch mehr Steine in den Weg legt, weil er die alle noch passen verschieben muss.
  19. ... and if we want to meet on irc we post the channel in our internal fora <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  20. You can try, but if I was the editor of that category I wouldn't mind. Reason: If submitters knew that mailing an editor would speed up things... No, I don't want to imagine this :-)
  21. Re: Status : http://www.klfs.org/ There are only about 5 submissions waiting, including yours. The category has an editor who seems to be active, too. Can't judge how long it will take, but I guess it wont be to long from now. Btw: You should keep your site up and working (not only for us but for your customers) and not submit to lots of different categories. The latter causes us extra work which stops us from listing sites <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  22. Hmmm... There is just a single submission waiting for review. Guess which one <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> My magical mirror promises that it will be dealed with the next time an editor edits in this category <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  23. Thanks. Most of them where accurate. The last one is running now so I didnt see any need to touch it. Btw: You really should consider becomming an editor. It looks like you would have a lot of fun being one :-)
  24. For the "feedback": Normally you never receive feedback from the editors. That's to prevent us from being mailbombed and from discussing all day with submitters. An editor should spend his(her time editing :-) To your site: Rejected, and not likely to be accepted anywhere. See ODP-guidelines for details.
  25. Hmmm... EIgentlich können wir überall Editoren gebrauchen. Da ich kein metaeditor bin, kann ich leider keine genauen Aussagen darüber machen, ob dort ein Editor akzeptiert werden würde, ich nehme es jedoch an. Derzeit hat die Kategorie einen eingetragenen Editor, mir scheint jedoch sie würde auch genug Arbeit für mehrere bieten. Vorteile... Hmmm... Man weiß, was man in seiner Freizeit tun soll. Wenn einem langweilig ist, kann man mal eben ein wenig editieren gehen. Also im Grundegenommen das gleiche wie bei jeder anderen ehrenamtlichen Arbeit auch :-) (Fällt gerade noch jemandem etwas ein?)
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