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I am to lazy to search for it right now, but some time ago I tried to point out, that this could propably (by mistake) make an inexperienced editor think its an affiliate site of yahoo. Maybe someone thinks, yahoo does something similar to Amazone or Ebay <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Or in other words: Having the logo of a well known company might lead to a false delete - all humans here. So its nothing to really worry about but in some special cases might explain a deletion.. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
1) Bitte nach Möglichkeit demnächst einen Link auf die Kategorie angeben, macht es leichter. 2) Ich war mir gar nicht bewusst, daß es in dieser Kategorie dermassen viele Einträge gibt, die auf Bearbeitung warten. Zugegeben hart ein kurzer Blick gezeigt, daß reichlich Spam dabei ist, aber derzeit liegen über hundert Einträge da und warten. Deiner liegt da auch bei. Sorry, aber ich fürchte das dauert noch eine Weile...
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Please do not submit lots of deeplinks. As the submission guidlines state, pick the one most appropriate category to submit your site. And a hint: Pick the most specific category that your site fits in. Thats exactly what we do, so you save some time this way :-) Of, for the indexing: DMOZ does not index sites. Its a catalogue, so sites are only listed. http://www.travel-culture.com seems to be already listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Pakistan/Travel_and_Tourism/Travel_Services/Tour_Operators http://www.lakahotels.com/ has not been touched by an editor yet. If you submitted it (I can't check without knowing where you submitted) it is still waiting for an editor to review it.
Your submission is still waiting with about 30 others for an editor to review it.
Looks like there could be more editors in that branch, sorry to say that it is waiting for review with more than 100 other entries.
I dislike threads that are moving around (that generates duplicate threads when the user checks for the thread in the wrong forum). And without moving threads over to another forum at some state, nothing would change :-) So I for myself don't see a need.
So I would guess there shouldn't be a problem. At the very moment entries from the directory are displayed (_after_ clicking the link) the user changed to ODP. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Maybe some thoughts on this: 1) Linking to ODP in general is allowed (would be quite stupid anyway to forbid this <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> ) by the license as long as you ... 2) ... provide the appropriate footer. If you just link to ODP this should be formally correct, otherwise ODP wouldn't match its own terms of license :-) 3) You maybe could mention the ODP in the link text, maybe "Sites about XYZ (ODP)" or something similar, but that's just an idea from me <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> 4) I do not see any need by reading the license, but if you want to be absolutely sure you could make the link open on top and not inside a frameset <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Speaking as an individual - not as an editor - I dislike both of them. I prefer names like www.brown_ltd.com or www.netscape.com or such. In other words: I for myself would never buy anything (if there is a choice) at a www.keyword1-keyword2-keyword3.com no matter how it is formatted in detail.
I have to state I was unaware of this article till now. Very nice, huge amount of information. Learned a lot, thanks :-) Needless to say that - since its rather old now and as you stated yourself the ODP evolves - several details are outdated, but I think it still describes the basics very well. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />
There are only a few submissions waiting (yours is too), but till now it seems noone found the time to review them. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
<you have mail with some thoughts about a lisatable site>
Hmmm... I just had a look at http://www.vstore.com/ - the main site of the URL that domain's shop redirects to. You maybe should reread the DMOZ-guidelines regarding affiliate sites. We only list sites having unique content, which in case of an online shop means it sells products by itself. Shops that are just (full or partial) frontends to other stores do not contain unique content in our definition.
Wer ist denn neutral? Jeder: * wohnt irgendwo * hat irgendeinen Job * macht irgendwas im Netz (sonst wäre er kaum hier, hmmm?) Oder anders gesagt: Ca. 100% der Editoren des ODP sind irgendwann mal dazugestossen, weil sie eine eigene Site haben, die gelistet werden sollte ;-) Nur sollte man vorher einsehen, daß es dem ODP nicht darum geht, nur eine Site zu listen, sondern zum Wachstum und der QUalität des Verzeichnisses beizutragen. (Ich gerate schon wieder ins Schwafeln. Naja, ich bin auf jeden Fall dabeigeblieben...)
Editor Application - Question Re: Affiliated Sites
windharp replied to a topic in Becoming an Editor
I am no meta, so I can'T review applications. I would guess that that's a nice category to start with. So if your application is OK (style, spelling, ...) and you filled out the form honestly I guess that it will be accepted. If denied, you maybe want to reread the [uTL=http://dmoz.org/guidelines/]guidelines[/url] about site-descriptions and related topics. -
Statusanfrage www.georgiaonmymind.de
windharp replied to a topic in Deutsch: Statusanfragen für Vorschläge
Das Problem eines Verzeichnisses, das nur freiwillige Editoren beschäftigt ist, daß da zu jeder Zeit massenhaft neue Editoren sind. Da kann es öfter vorkommen, daß Handlungen inkonsistent sind oder z.B. voreilig Einträge gelöscht werden. Wobei ich zugebe, daß ich in manchen kommerziellen Kategorien, wo ich zwschendurch versuche der Flut an Unbearbeiteten Herr zu werden, Einträge, die bereits seit Monaten wartne und wo z.B. ein "Diese Site ist im Aufbau" oder sowas kommt ohne weitere Untersuchung lösche. Natürlich normalerweise keine, die einfach nur ein Time-Out haben oder sonstwie nicht zu erreichen sind. Dafür hab ich eine Mischung aus zwei Gründen: 1) Speziell bei kommerziellen Sites finde ich "Under Construction" oder sowas unerträglich. Experimente kann man auch an einer Kopie machen. 2) Wenn mehrere hundert Einträge auf Bearbeitung warten, dann finde ich es einfach fair, den Leuten, die mir keine Steine in den Weg legen möglichst schnell zu einem Listing zu verhelfen. Je schwieriger man mir das macht, desto weniger geneigt bin ich, da mehr Arbeit rein zu investieren. Zum Thema Foren: Gute Foren zu SEO. Wiederspricht sich das nicht von selbst? Nun, für das beste Forum zum Thema ODP halte ich dieses hier. Aus dem einfachen Grund, dass Du nirgendwo sonst soviel Infos bekommst <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Das kann man mit Google und Co so fortsetzen: Die eigenen Foren sind meist wesentlich besser als die Sammelforen. Ansonste lese ich noch regelmässig das englsiche Searchengineforum (Jims World) - Wenn da nicht gerade wieder einer der üblichen Störenfriede unterwegs ist, ist es da recht nett <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> -
At the moment there seems to be a bug that prevents the search from running stable. Staff is aware of this and (hopefully) working on it (Oops, its weekend now, so I would guess they start fixing on monday).
[Edit: Grrrr... To late. But since it shows, that we look at the site with lots of people and all seem to get to the same result, I won't delete it] I can see a single page describing types of insurances, and several pages mirroring parts of that one. Apart from that I see several links leading to the same inquiry-form. Ah, I forgot that advertising site called "Insurance news". I find it curious that this text can be found somewhere else, too.
Statusanfrage www.georgiaonmymind.de
windharp replied to a topic in Deutsch: Statusanfragen für Vorschläge
Irgendwie grübel ich jetzt schon eine Weile, werde aber nicht sachlau aus diesem Posting. Ich kenne einen Stefan und war heute morgen mehrfach bei ihm. Gemosert hat da jedoch - wenn ich mich recht erinnere - keiner. [Edit: Ach so.... _Das_ Forum lese ich relatriv selten, weil ich die Qualität wirklich mässig finde. Da dort sowieso 90% der Postings Rumgemosere von irgendwelchen Leuten sind fällt das doch kaum auf :-) ] Zur Site gibt es ja schon von uzs alles wesentliche, das einzige was ich dem noch als generellen Tipp für die SIte hinzufügen kann: Kann man eine Site nicht so designen, daß man sie mit jedem Browser betrachten kann? Ich hasse es, nur weil jemand irgendwelche Spielereien einbaut mein Opera beiseitelegen zu müssen... <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> -
The URL of the submission was changed to http://www.yra.co.uk/ in the first go and awaits someone to review that entry now. Please do not submit deeplinks, mirrors and portal-sites, ODP's policy is to list the main site only, especially in places that attract lots of spam (I am not talking about your site when mentioning "spam" - it's just a general thought on that field, as you surely know a lot of companies of the insurance-type show very spammy behaviour)
Resubmitting is not doing you to well. Every new submissions overwrites any old one already in the queue. If the editor decides to edit sorted by date of submission, it'll never get reviewed this way :-) Anyway: There are 80 submissions waiting in the category you mentioned, yours too. Please be patient, it can take some time till an editor finds the time to review those entries.
Die meisten jetzigen Editoren kamen genau auf diese Weise ins ODP. Ich auch. :-)
I really hate it to give that kind of answer, so I'll give a possible reason first :-) Maybe you can imagine, that there are lots of weblogs around, and since a lot of them are quite boring, not containing interesting content, editors may get bored while reviewing them. So as a result, there are more than 170 entries waiting for review in that special category (yes, all with letter S, sorry to say but that letter has the biggest backlog of all). So I recommend one of two things to do: 1) You can just sit tight and wait till the site is listed. Be sure to have a redirector set up that takes the reviewer to the new place, maybe stating that "URL has moved" or something. The editor will then change the URL when reviewing (I would recommend this if possible) 2) Of course you can resubmit with a changed URL. Since most editors process entries nearly in chronological order, this might put you back a lot...
Since this is a very common question, please reread the following threads, I think they might help on this topic: multiple internal pages to be submitted? submission to 2 categories