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Re: www.icreditcentral.com The category in question has about 50 unreviewed entries waiting for review, one of those is yours. From the date of submission it is about the middle of the list.
See http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Industries/Marketing/Marketing_Support_Services
Jemand, der das System versteht - Überraschend :-) Das ODP ist eben wirklich kein Verzeichnis für Webmaster sondern für die User, also die Suchenden. Dass die Downstreamuser wie Google dem ODP so viel Bedeutung zumessen, liegt exakt daran, daß wir *keine* kaufbaren Listings anbieten und uns bemühen permanent am Verzeichnis zu arbeiten und es zu verbessern. Würden wir das ändern würden auch die SuMas ihre Einstellung zu DMOZ ändern. Und damit wäre auch keinem geholfen :-) Auch für die Nutzer ist es natürlich ärgerlich, wenn sie einen Teil der Sites nicht sehen. Aber es führt nun mal kein Weg dran vorbei, da an den meisten Umbaumassnahmen mehrere Editoren für mehrere Tage (bis Wochen, Monate) arbeiten, und welche Struktur die beste sein wird - wer weiss das schon vorher?
Wir basteln gerade an einer thematischen Neustrukturierung der Webdesigner-Kats. Wie ein Blick auf http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Schweiz/Wirtschaft/Internet/Webdesign zeigt (Siehe die bereits stark reduzierte Zahl Buchstaben und die gerade im Aufbau befindlichen Unterkategorien), wird gerade alles in der Gegend rumgeschoben. Ein Blick in die Logs zeigt mir, daß die Site in eine passendere Gegend verschoben wurde, dort jedoch noch auf den Review eines lokal tätigen Editors wartet.
Just tried to see which company runs thast site. Difficult task, I was unable to solve it. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Since there is no information about the company on the site, as a customer I for myself would not buy anything there. Maybe the reviewing editor thought like me?
bulk-questioning, huh? ;-) The site has not been touched yet, and I can't spot it in both of the categories you mentioned. Sorry, but we can't look for it anywhere in the unreviewed entries, we have to know wher we should look. For the Western-Australia-cat: Including all subcategories it has a bit more than 200 unreviewed at the moment. In my oppinion that's not much compared to 2900 listing.
Only as a comment: I am working with the german ODP-Test interface in here, and the date-stamp in each message reads dd-mm-yy :-)
The category has a little more than 20 entries waiting, excluding these in subcategories. It looks like the editor there is doing quite a good job reducing unreviewed entries, which makes me hope your entry will be processed shortly <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />
status www.sof-o.com und www.sof-e.com
replied to a topic in Deutsch: Statusanfragen für Vorschläge
Hmmm... Habe mir das mal angeschaut und fand beide Einträge nicht perfekt. Habe das mal im Sinne der Guidelines des ODP geändert. Ach ja: Die Nicht-Aktualität der Beschreibung liegt daran, daß die Suchdatenbank nur sporadisch aktualisiert wird. Stand siehe immer am unteren Rand einer Seite mit Suchergebnissen. -
Re: Does being listed on yahoo help speed listing Speed in spammy areas is decreased by these things: 1) Lots of unreviewed delivered per time 2) Editors loosing fun in diggind the few good sites out and turning to work in other parts 3) It can be very time-consuming to proove that a site is spam 4) New editors are in most times not accepted for editing there, since we think it needs a lot of exp o judge those sites correctly. So the editors editing there should have done some work somewhere else in de ODP All those result in large stacks of unreviewed entries, that has few to nothing to do wirh the listed ones. Apart from that noone (inside ODP <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> ) is angry about spam-reports <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Be sure you read the ODP-guisdelines about spam before checking the sites <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
status www.sof-o.com und www.sof-e.com
replied to a topic in Deutsch: Statusanfragen für Vorschläge
1) Wir bevorzugen echte URLs, keine Weiterleitungen. Du würdest uns Arbeit sparen, wenn Du demnächst gleich die echte URL angibst, unter der die Site zu erreichen ist <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> 2) Zur ersten Frage: http://www.sof-optoelectronics.com/ liegt noch bei den unbearbeiteten Einträgen, etwas über 20 die noch auf einen Review warten. 3) Zur zweiten Frage: Hmmm... Die URL ist nicht mehr in den Unbearbeiteten dieser Kategorie. Da es vor kurzem ein Problem mit den Logfiles gab, das URLs mit "s" am Anfang betraf, kann ich Dir leider auch nicht sagen, was damit passiert ist, tut mir leid. Entweder ist sie in eine passendere Kategorie verschoben worden oder gelöscht. -
Re: www.polyphonic-ringtone.net 1) To be a bit more accurate it was submitted to Business/Industries/Telecommunications/Wireless/Equipment/Phones/Ringtones <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> 2) The submission was deleted. Looking at the site I would say because of "no content". I can't find any at least.
Your submission dates from 13/Aug/2002 and is not reviewed yet. Maybe you give us some time, remember all editors arte volunteers who do this unpaid work in their spare time...
Grundsätzliche Antwort: Generell sollte jede Site so spezifisch wie möglich angemeldet werden, dann werden die Einträge auch schneller bearbeitet. Bei Literatur hätte Dir auffallen können, daß auf dieser Ebene keine einzige Site gelistet ist. Eine Anmeldung da wird also einmal von einem generellen Editor gesichtet, dieser verschibet die Site dann in die passende Kategorie wo sie noch einmal jemand anschaut um sie zu beschreiben und zu listen... Spezifische Antwort: Weder kann ich im Log feststellen, daß jemand diese Site bereits angepackt hat, noch finde ich ihn in den Unbearbeiteten der genannten Kategorie. Wie auch immer, könntest Du ihn einfach in Online-Literatur noch einmal anmelden.
<Rereading my post> Sorry if it sounded like a rant. Wasn't meant so harsh <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" /> Maybe I shouldn't complain about anything after doing edits in weird places, sorry. For the firewall: I am receiving inbound TCP Packets on port 7869. Size of edit-field: That's new, huh? Can't remember it - Cool feature - Many Thanks! <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /> (Do we have a thread for Bugs yet? Anyway: Looking at the source code od main forum-page I found the tag <br /> Is that anything special or just a typo? )
The changes are nice to see, so much is true. But please: 1) Keep all requests to normal ports. I dislike opening my firewall <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> (lots of request to port 7869 when opening any page) 2) Make the main forum page load fast again. I don't know if this is a result from 1, but it takes more than a minute here... 3) If its possible supply a larger box for posting messages. Only 5 lines at the moment <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
Hmmm... Thats not the best thing to do. Reasons: 1) Nearly every catalogue (so does DMOZ) rejects sites that are lacking content because they are "under cinstruction". Its simply a matter of efficiency while editing. 2) Since DMOZ-Editors write a new descriptiopn for most of the entries and they'll describe what they see, descriptions may become very short, if a site with low content is listed.
As you can see yourself at http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Hong_Kong/Business_and_Economy/Industries/Manufacturing/Bags/ the category has an editor, whos last edit is several months ago. Your site is listed for your locality in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/China/Provinces_and_Regions/Guangdong/Dongguan Is that of any help?
Wanna have another idea? I could imagine that there are only very few submissions waiting with yours, so *maybe* it will be reviewed soon... /images/icons/wink.gif
I agree with hutcheson. Giving an example why: Imagine that in a large category I would review 5 entries every single day, but in the same time 10 new submissions arrive... Apparantly there will be a huge backlog soon, which would need several months to work through. Just checked the mentioned category and had a look into unreviewed queue. If I subtract spam there are less than 15 entries waiting for review. So when someone walks in there to clean, I'm pretty sure he/she will process your site, too.
Unchecked, but from that what is visible in hildeas bookmarks I'd guess it was Norwegian /images/icons/smile.gif
To your site: There is only a small batch of unreviewed entries waiting for review, and as you stated the category has a listed editor. If he/she should find the time to work through the listings, I'm sure your's will be processed too. At the moment it is still waiting, not been touched by an editor yet. >would it be worth my time to request to edit the Rolfing category even though it already has an editor Of course it would. There is no "my category" in the ODP, if new editors apply for a category already having an editor, the category fits the usual "new editor requirements" (not to large, not to much spam, ... --> not too difficult to handle) and your request is acceotble (quality of supplied sites and desriptions, no lies, ...) it will be accepted.
Difficult thing that /images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif But I guess I've done it...
He's njot instantly chaning my footer ... Hmmm...
Looks like I need this thread again /images/icons/smile.gif