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Everything posted by windharp
Just checked your site and found the following: 1) Your company is named "Yesco Realty, LLC" If you look at ODP directory guidelines at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/describing.html#titles you will find that we take the companies name as a title. 2) Your office is located at "Charlotte, NC 28217 USA" according to your website. Regarding the guidelines apeuro already linked in his post, it seems perfectly logical placed there.
The site is already listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/North_Carolina/Localities/C/Charlotte/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/Residential . [corrected smalltypo in URL]
For the people who can't read editor hangout at the moment: It is said to be up again after about 3 hours.
Your old change-request was still waiting with the new one. Since I couldn't see any problem with this one I reviewed it.
As good as no backlog in this category, your site is still waiting for someone to review it. You submittes less than a week ago. Please don't ask to soon/to often. Spending our time answering questions we edit less... In most branches normal processing times are at some weeks.
It's not a "killer", but of course it makes your application look better if it has three URLs /images/icons/smile.gif Just think about this question: "Who is more likely to add large numbers of high quality sites to ODP - The one supplying two or the one supplying three URLs?"
And now http://hemsell.com doesnt work. Maybe you have some problems over there?
My best time was about 5 Minutes. I have seen the site appear and instantly started to work on it /images/icons/smile.gif
Some comments: 0) I dont think DMOZ failed. It has a lot less spam than other comparable directories, built by so called "professionals" /images/icons/smile.gif Since its more flexible in reacting (simply by lots of manpower) it can react quicker to spam than all the rest. And of course if there where only 500 editors working in DMOZ on 1h each day, you would need at least 50 employees to replace them. Expensive task, huh? /images/icons/wink.gif 1) Decision what is usefull in a non-comercial-directory may include commercial sites as well (What is usefull for someone seaking information about MS-Office? In my oppinion this should include a link to M$ ) . Even if the rule was that no commercial sites are added, who should hold so called SEOs (its not optimization what they are doing, its spamming.) from getting in there and spam it? Thats a risk every directory with volunteers shares. 2) If a directory would employ paid fulltime editors it would have to make money. See Yahoo. I for myself would not do any tiny bit of volunteer work for such a directory, I think thats the feeling of lots of the editors. And without the big amount of workinghours DMOZ would never have grown to what it is today.
Back to the topic: I said: There is another one waiting for review, and since I told you it would be checked I thought I didnt have to say that I left a note to recheck it. Since some webmasters of those sites (as you surely know when you are in the business) are under the most-wanted spammers of the net, its very hard to find sites that changed from bad to good. Just an explanation why it oculd take some more time.
You didnt tell us what your site was, but I would guess the category was merged with http://dmoz.org/Business/Financial_Services/Mortgages/United_States/California/ which seems to cover pretty much the same. Maybe you could have a look there.
Why do all you guys think you have to resubmit sites every month or so? If its entered it will be processed. Even if it was deleted there is no need to resubmit if there was no increase in content. <Sigh> Only generates lots of useless work for us, deleting all the dupes... To the question: Sites which where once classified as redirects or mirrors are ones the editors don't like to check. So it can take some time, till someone will look at it again. There is one copy waiting for review, so please be patient. Btw: I love the wayback machine, it can tell you a lot about the history of some sites /images/icons/smile.gif
Hmmm... Let me guess what you mean by "the database". I have three possibilities. 1) A site you see for example as http://dmoz.org/Humor These sites are generated almost instantly from the editor side of the wall. Please remember that all sites are verified and described by one of us volunteer editors, giving their free time to do so /images/icons/smile.gif It may take more or less time, depending on the category you submitted to. If you put a specific request we can have a look for details. 2) The search-database Searching inside DMOZ is done by accessing a database, which is rebuilt about once or twice a week. Someties this process is skipped for some time due to works (like its done on the highway, only that we have a single worker only so it may take some more time /images/icons/wink.gif ) 3) Google If you should mean "Why dont I find my site in Google when its listed in DMOZ" please ask those Google guys. They download their DMOZ-copy (which is generated once a week) about once a month or less often. Not our fault and nothing we could change.
There is no "deepness" since its not a queue in the good old english meaning. Editors can sort the list by lots of different criteria, whichever they prefer. I for myself prefer sorting by URL or title and starting at "D" upwards (Yes I am discriminating those "A.A.A. Service").
The simple answert is: When someone will be around and doing some reviews there /images/icons/smile.gif More accurate: Since the category has a listed editor and one <50 unreviewed entries, it might be fast. "Might" because we're all volunteers so noone knows how much work will be done per week /images/icons/smile.gif
Hmmm... There are only few unreviewed waitig there for review, but Shopping/ in General has a large backlog... You entry is still waiting with a couple of others for an editor to review them. Btw: Since http://www.rhtartcherryjuice.com and http://www.tasteatreat.com are the same I removed the tasteatreat submission from the unreviewed queue.
Just tried to look at the site and it took me far to long to load the startpage. Not something that affects a listing, only a remark from a visitor of the site /images/icons/smile.gif
Stimmt. Bei der Anlegung neuer Kategorien lässt es sich aus Effizienzgründen leider nicht immer vermeiden, einige Sites eine Zeit lang in eine temporärere Kategorie zu verschieben.
Ummm... sabre you ment buffy, right? /images/icons/wink.gif
Some comments to that: 1) Submission guidelines say "Submit to the single most apropriate category" - You caused a lot of extra work for us disregarding that. 2) Your site deals mostly with France, that for was moved to http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/France/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging very recently and is still waiting for someone to review it there.
Thanks for the great formatted question with all necesssary information included /images/icons/smile.gif Sorry to say, but the unreviewed-queue in the category is heavily flooded with unaproppriate submissions, which will make it some time to process all entries. Seems that Hosting/Directories is not very clear to submitters /images/icons/wink.gif Lots of Hosting-Services submitted there, and I spottted tons of spanish sites and other stuff not belonging there. That seems to be the reason that your site has not been touched yet, it is still waiting for an editor to review.
I think khym has misread a comment. Just had a look and it's in unreviewed, waiting for an editor to process.
Hmmm... If I remember right, I gave you a hint in http://searchengineforums.com/Forum31/HTML/000703.html ...
Adding value: Please remember that the search engine is updated only periodically. You cann see the date of last update at the bottom of every page with search-results.
Yes, post a link to the category in question so we know what you are talking about /images/icons/wink.gif