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Everything posted by windharp

  1. No you dont. It will be processed, but may take some time. If you submit to the higher up cat it just will be moved to the best-fit subcategory unreviewed, whee it already is now...
  2. The good thing in a forum is, that people read old threads before posting. Maybe you just missed this, this and that? /images/icons/wink.gif
  3. Re: No Unique Content >I know you chaps have a tough job but I just fail to see how >I can be included under this same 'no unique content >banner'. I have a hard enough time trying to make a living >in this market and do feel hard done by, Even if I am annoying you with statements you may have read several times in other threads in this fora: 1) ODP does not guaranty to list any sites. 2) ODP is not made for webmasters but for users. They are who our rules are made for. 3) Please dont blame us if you dont get your business in order. /images/icons/smile.gif 3) You dont think that accusing editors in a forum will bring any other editor to rethink about your site, do you? Anyway I looked at the site myself to see if I can find anything. 1) All but 2 links from the starting page go direct to which is an affiliate of http://www.stealthnetinteractive.com/ as stated above. 2) One of the others offers stealthnets SMS-service. 3) In the funonezone I cant spot anything but links to external sites. No content. So I have to agree with apeuro. No Content.
  4. Hmmm... Since there is no "official reply from" you received a fairly customized letter from an editor, please remember that /images/icons/smile.gif To www.buy-tees.com: The ODP does NOT list sites that dont offer unique content. Your site only offers links to other sites selling shirts, passing your ID to the seller. That's called "affiliate links". There are no shirts to buy oin your site (or I am to stupid to see them). To http://www.t-shirtcountdown.com/ and the other one: Will be checked, the second has already been removed from directory.
  5. Hmmm... Looks like I may be the first to provide an answer: From the notes I can see that one of your three submissions is still waiting, for some reorganization to finish. The oher two have been deleted meanwhile, please dont resubmit again, no need to /images/icons/smile.gif Please keep in mind that editors will only in very rare cases send out mails to submitters. That is the only working way to prevent spam and to avoid arguing with submitters that do not understand or accept our guidelines.
  6. Same question occuring every month or so, same answer: DMOZ provides dumps of its database nearly every week. It's up to the users (like Google) how often they want do download the datafiles. Google was dwnloading about once a month, but since times changed it looks like they are doing it by hand. So please don't ask ODP-editors what people at Google are doing. We cant influence it in any way. /images/icons/smile.gif
  7. i didnt look at the site, because I can see the reason for not listing it there from the editor-side: In that category (*not* counting subcategories, only main one) there are 740 entries waiting for review. Thats a huge amount, seems that a lot of people think they should be listed there. Please keep in mind that your chances of being listed grow rapidly when submitting to the most specific category your site fits to. If you are doing 90% of your business in one specific area and your site reflects this (it should, huh? /images/icons/wink.gif ) please submit to the category that fits those 90% best.
  8. Re: Why were so many of the sites I do SEO for rem If you prefer the longer form (I don't like people who want to misunderstand what I write...) : We try to list only sites with unique content. Keep in mind editors are human volunteers, most of them not dealing with spam all day. Just found out after 6 months that in a category I was handling all the time, several entries where mirrors from the time I listed them. I simply didn't recognize them at the beginning. How did I see it now? Doing manual review of all the sites in the category. Thats the thing that makes ODP better than any automated search engine: People digging through all those sites to review them /images/icons/smile.gif
  9. Re: Why were so many of the sites I do SEO for rem Or, in a very short form: We only list sites containing *unique content* .
  10. Your URL has not yet been touched by an editor, and I cant find it in that specific category. But I can see http://www.thecelebritycafe.com/interviews/anthony_robbins.html wating for review, you are sure you didnt submit that one instead? If not, and you cant remember where else you might have submitted it, feel free to resubmit. Anyway: This category has 4 unreviewed entries at the moment, the next editor is just one step up from there and has 10 unreviewed entries to process. But please consider that editing is voluntary and noone knows how often a specific editor will come and edit, so it might take some time anyway...
  11. Sorry for not being able to tell any times, just can tell you the facts. Time depends on the "how many edits do the corresponding editors want to make today" problem /images/icons/smile.gif All volunteers, remember that... There are two editors in place, as you could see yourself. Currently there are 48 unreviewed entries to be processed in that category, including all subcategorie there are more than 400. There are several editors to help out from above (Food_related...) has 5 for example, so its very difficult to guess how long it may take.
  12. Moved your site on as desired /images/icons/smile.gif In the category itself there are 15 unreviewed entries, including all subcategories there are about 100. But I spotted some recent action there, so maybe it will processed in near future.
  13. Only thing we can promise you is that the local editor will check onthe site again /images/icons/smile.gif Process is running again, please be patient.
  14. No problem, done that. Status information on the new category: - 7 unreviewed entries - next editor is one category above and has 31 unreviewed entries in this tree Looks to me as if your site might be reviewed quite soon. But of course noone can say how many edits are done there per time /images/icons/smile.gif
  15. No, your perfectly right. URL is preferred in shortest possible form. If you want to be nice to the editor, use the form http://www.woodshopartisans.com/ /images/icons/wink.gif
  16. www.totallydigitalbooks-online.com Site was looked at on 30/May/2002, thats right. /images/icons/wink.gif "Shopping" is for sites mainly selling things online. Quick glance at the site makes me think it was OK to move the site on inte the Business/ part of ODP - does not look like a shop to me either. And that the editor downloaded some ebooks just means he looked for something to buy in your "Online-Shop" /images/icons/smile.gif --- www.ebooks-and-ezines.com When I look at the site, with some clicks I can only see links to external sources, as you stated yourself. You know that we look for "unique" content in the site itself. (btw: you have some hits again now, of course /images/icons/wink.gif )
  17. After looking into that category, I am 99% sure it was not that category or the one above it. /images/icons/smile.gif Your submission is not waiting there and according to our logfiles has not yet been touched by an editor. I am sorry, but without knowing where you submitted we are unable to locate an unreviewed listing. Anyway, the group of categories that this one belongs too ( http://dmoz.org/Arts/Music/Directories/ ) has about 500 unreviewed entries, so it will take some time if you submit there.
  18. Re: Frage zur Seitenanmeldung @Tina: Hmmm... In der Kategorie sind ca. 100 Anmeldungen, die auf eine bearbeitung warten, darunter auch Deine. Das Problem da ist, wie an vielen anderen Stellen, daß kaum einer wahrnimmt, dass das meiste in Unterkategorien gehört, was den Bearbeitungsaufwand stark erhöht. --> Seite ist noch nicht bearbeitet, wird wohl auch noch eine Weile dauern... habe sie mir nicht angesehen, würde aber fast darauf wetten, daß es eine passende Unterkategorie gegeben hätte, wo es wesentlich geschickter gewesen wäre, sie anzumelden.
  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  20. Remark to that category: Since everyone seems to be unable to sort his/her site into the appropriate subcategory there is a batch of 360 submissions waiting for review. A quick glance showed that most belong into existing subcategories... Even with two active editors it will take some time, so please be patient /images/icons/wink.gif
  21. >I will have to request editing rights in a basic category, like any newbie, right? If an account is reinstated, it normally returns to the state you see when looking at the profile. We hope that you didnt forget what you learned before /images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif If some of the original categories where lost due to reorganizations it should be possible to regain them. Just a remark: If you where away from ODP for very long, make sure your knowledge about guidelines and editing style is up to date. There might have been significant changes /images/icons/smile.gif
  22. Hey bataan, you are not even reading what editors write, do you? You where given all information we can give to you. There is no other way to become an editor but filling the request form, giving good example sites with good descriptions and being honest when filling the form. Even editors who want to edit in a second category have to go through this. That's standard-procedure in ODP as part of our quality management program. /images/icons/smile.gif [but why do I bother writing this as it seems it wont be read anyway]
  23. We are doing something all day /images/icons/smile.gif . But as apeuro stated: Unless you dont tell us what you expect us to do (by asking a specific question) we are just unable to comply to your request. I am afraid that reading this thread I don't understand what to do. I am not seeing any question to answer or any job to do ...
  24. Hmmm... Just had a quick look at the category and thought of several tipps for applying: Special ones: * Since the relevant size of the category is calculated by "listed entries + unreviewed entries" the category is fairly large for a new editor. Remember that all subcategories are included. Maybe you should go for a subcategory first, do some editing there and apply for the category later, when your edits can be looked at. In most cases shopping cats are open for new editors, but there may be problems with some branches which make metaeditors decide its not a good place to start, I dont know for this case. General advice: * Be honest. Especially when applying for Shopping/Business/... -> State your affiliates, nobody will harm you for doing so. If you start all with lying to the ODP, how can one assume you will do a good work as an editor? * find good sites (if you own one to the topic it is a good idea to include it) * The form asks for 2-3 new entries, guess why you can submit 3? /images/icons/smile.gif * write descriptions complying to the ODP guidelines. Thats one of the most difficult parts to do, especially in shopping. Remember a good description not only contains information about the shop, but about the _site_.
  25. There are 135 submissions waiting for review in the mentioned category. There is an active editor who added some sites quite recently, but it may take some time to sort all entries...
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