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Everything posted by windharp

  1. Site is still waiting to be reviewed by an editor. Advice for getting listed: Wait patiently for an editor to review the site. It's nothing you could influence from the submitters site. Of course you are free to apply to become an editor somewhere to help the ODP. (Maybe after reading the huge amount of tips you can get in the apropriate forum) Google: Sorry, but that is something we don't care about. We are working on a directory, not on google. Not for google. And especially not for "pagerank" of sites we are listing.
  2. 3 comments: 1) If people were thinking that that special area was attractive for them to see in DMOZ they would volunteer to edit and the area wasnt that backlogged. So it looks like users dont care to much for shopping sites in our directory. And we simply fulfill the demand of people looking for sites, not the demand of people wanting their site listed. 2) Resulting from number 1: submissions are meant to help us building a directory. If we felt like it we could decide that submissions do not help us any more and simply disable the feature. As an editor, looking for high quality sites yourself most times is much more effective than working on submissions. So please do not say we "have to do" something. 3) Rankings of other directories, search engines, ... is not important to us. We use editors decision what to list and what not to list. So even if a site was topranked by any known search engine - if we thought it was not good enough it won't be listed. The point is: Telling us how other engines rate your site wont help you here.
  3. We are only repeating ourselves: The important thing is not what your company is about, its what your website is about. We are listing websites, not companies.
  4. Please post links to Adult content only in the adult forum. Access will be granted after posting in the members section. I would have looked into it, but the system is not accessible right now.
  5. Mostly because of the lartge amount of people asking for their sites status :-) Site is still waiting for an editor to find the time and review it, sorry no change yet.
  6. Re: refused - please review You should have received a notice stating what uzs980 said. Try to choose a small subcategory for the beginning. Try one that has well below 100 entries.
  7. Simply no editor interested enough in the topic to spend the time editing there. Remember the following: 1) Editors are volunteers, editing for fun. That implies that they do as much as they like and in the areas they like best. 2) "2 sites are waiting" means letter "A" - Even if the others had only 2 per letter (I bet there are more) it would be >50 sites waiting for review in the whole alphabet.
  8. Sorry, but no change yet. At least for the first one, the second one wont be listed - we do not list mirrors, deeplinks and so on.
  9. Sorry to say, but the status didn't change much. About the same amount of sites is waiting for review, yours is among them.
  10. Its the editors choice to do so or maybe look for easy submissions to be processed first or choose one of the other sort criteria that are available.
  11. Resubmit. Maybe adding a comment like [added address to xyz-page] to the description, so the editor will notice that he should check again :-)
  12. to quote a previous statement: After looking around for some time, I realized you added the address to your start püage only. As soon as the editor clicks on the "About us" page or "Contact" to check for the address, it is no longer visible. Why dont you - like most other companies do - give your address on the contact page? Do you really expect customers to trust a company that wont give the address in a clearly visible way? Or in this case: Of course a site cant be listed regional when the editor is unable to spot any information on where to list it.
  13. Sorry to say, but due to the voluntary nature of the ODP no timeframes can be given, not even rough estimates. Can be between some minutes and a year.
  14. Hrm... If thats the only interesting thing you give, probably not.
  15. Please leave at least a month before asking again. We could spend our time editing, when we would not have to answer so many questions ;-) We cant make any promises on the time it needs to review a site. Depends on to many things, so we cant even give an educated guess. Normally you receive feedback to your editor application, either positive or negative. Make sure your mailaddress is valid and you reply to the confirmation mail. You should receive a second mail telling you that your reply has arrived and the applicaton willö be processed. Feel free to ask in the edit application status forum if your application is still in the queue.
  16. Before doing that you (or at least someone - but I guess that strangers rarely submit such sites) submitted the site to several other categories. [EDIT] Thats why you should stay in a single thread. Please reuse your old thread. We cant possibly remember all the n*100 sites we visited in the last weeks, so dont blame me for forgetting that I already told you the same I did in this thread. Please continue discussion in the old thread mentioned above
  17. 1) Rejected. See http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#notinclude for our reasons to reject sites. 2) Please stop submitting to totally inapropriate places. That wont help you get it listed. Only result is, that editors are annoyed that they have to delete so many submissions instead of doing more usefull editor work.
  18. The category is slightly crowded with submissions, so I guess it will take a while till the site is reviewed. Btw: It's still waiting.
  19. Please wait _at least_ a month before asking again, as stated in the forum guidelines. Site is still waiting for review.
  20. Status: Still waiting. Estimated time: Not possible to say. There is no lower limit on the number of edits for the editors and no upper limit to the time an entry waits for review. Remember that all editors are working on a voluntary basis in their spare time.
  21. Re: Wie läßt sich dieses Eintragungs-Problem lösen Das kommt drauf an, wieviel später, in welcher Kategorie, wie viel Lust der Editor hat und ob die Änderungen sofort ersichtlich sind. In sehr spamlastigen Kategorien (die teilweise Submission to List Raten von <1% haben) werden die dort arbeitenden Editoren kaum Seiten noch einmal prüfen, die bereits vor einem Monat abgelehnt wurden. Seiten, die bereits 20x wegen des Inhalts abgelehnt wurden, wird wohl kaum jemand noch einmal anschauen wollen... Sonst gucken sich die Editoren die Seiten meist noch einmal an, wenn sie die Hoffnung haben können, dass sich was geändert hat. Sollte man bewusst einen Mangel beseitigen, so macht es Sinn, dies in der Beschreibung der neuen Submission als [Kommentar] anzugeben. Man macht es dem Editor damit leichter, zwischen dem ganzen Spam die interessanten Submissions herauszusuchen. [Hinweis auf Grund einiger Edits, die ich gerade gemacht habe:] Denkt bitte dran: Wer einmal lügt... Ich selber reagiere üblicherweise mit einem sehr säuerlichen Kommentar und einer klaren Empfehlung für andere Editoren, wenn [beispiel ohne jeden Zusammemnhang zu diesem Thread!] ein Webmaster einer Affiliate-Seite sagt, er hat diese Links entfernt und ich dann feststelle, daß er sie nur besser maskiert hat. Ich mag es nicht, wenn mir jemand sagt "Du bist ein Idiot, ich bin so viel schlauer als Du". Egal wie er das formuliert. Genauso ist es mit den Leuten, die ihre Site hinterher wieder zurückändern.
  22. Nothing disappeared - still listed in http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Document_Management/Products/ - not touched since the time it was listed. Make sure you are not looking at a mirror / datauser (like google), remember that the search database may be out of date so that search will not always find up-to-date results.
  23. Re: Status: http://www.fitseek.com that there are only few sites waiting to be reviewed in that category.
  24. The last times an editor checked, the site appeared to be still very much under construction. Remember that we are listing site for current content, not for content that may or may not be there sometime in the future. Make sure your site is complete and finished, then mabe resubmit.
  25. Re: Wie läßt sich dieses Eintragungs-Problem lösen Um es etwas direkt zu formulieren: Das ist noicht unser Problem. Wir erstellen einen Webkatalog nach Richtlinien, von denen wir denken daß sie für den User, der Seiten sucht den größtmöglichen Nutzen bringen. Suchoptimierung für Suchmaschinen betreiben wir nicht.
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