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Everything posted by windharp

  1. Listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/New_York/Localities/N/New_York_City/Manhattan/Business_and_Economy/Shopping , still waiting in Silver&Flatware.
  2. Die Anmeldungen warten noch auf Bearbeitung. Die bisherigen Bearbeitungen in kamen im Wesentlichen von einer Umstrukturierung bei Erstellung der thematischen Unterteilung der Webdesign-Kategorien, die Einträge waren vorher bereits in anderen Kategorien veröffentlicht.
  3. Re: Sehr geehrtes Editoren-Team, sehr geehrte Besucher Hab mir die Beschreibung und die Site noch mal angeschaut (Falls es nicht aufgefallen ist, bin ich für Online-Shops/Bekleidung eingetragener Editor) und finde sie immer noch in Ordnung. Lasst es mich so ausdrücken: Diese Beschreibung wird nicht geändert. Und erst recht nicht so, wie die Update-Requests aussahen. Die wiedersprachen absolut unseren Richtlinien. Was die Adressen angeht (warum auch immer Du die brauchst, von AOL kommt normalerweise die Auskunft, daß das ODP eine selbstverwaltete Community ist, und deshalb die Editoren zu kontaktieren sind) : 1) DMOZ.DE ist eine privat betriebene Einstiegs-Seite die einfach zu DMOZ weiterleitet, der Inhaber hat in seiner Funktion als Betreiber dieser Site keinerlei Einfluß auf die Inhalte des ODP. Da das deutsche Recht das (zwingend) so vorsieht gibt es dort ein Impressum, aus dem man die Adresse problemlos ermitteln kann. Warum auch immer Du die haben willst. 2) DMOZ.ORG gehört zu Netscape / AOL - Eine Kontakt-Adresse sollte sich relativ einfach rausfinden lassen. Ich hab ungefähr 15 Sekunden dafür gebraucht.
  4. How long to wait: Depends on the area. If you are having a shopping site and you know the competition is hard it may well take some years, since the amound of submissions is so large. In less active areas it may take some days. There is no better advice to give, sorry. What to do: You could ask in the "Submission Status" forum if it is still waiting. Dont ask to often to save us some work. Know its rejected: Only by asking.
  5. The site will be listed in the most apropriate category. Dont worry.
  6. Ich stimme meiner Vorrednerin zu - Ich finde die Beschreibung zutreffend. Zusätzliche Suchwörter würde ich ebenfalls nicht hinzufügen.
  7. Re: icxcnika Every entry is reviewed by a human editor. Nothing is published without one of the volunteers adapting it to the ODP guidelines. So its just waiting at the bottleneck - amount of voluntary human ressources available for reviewing several thousand sites a day. See http://ch.dmoz.org/about.html for some more information about the ODP
  8. I just tried to write an application and it got through. So the system itself seems to work.
  9. please give a link to the category you submited to, thanks.
  10. Your submission was caught by our filter (as the notice stated when you submitted it) and is right now in the process of being sorted back to the directory. No need to worry, just takes some more time.
  11. As you could have known from a lot of other threads in this forum, multuiple submissions of the same URL to the same category overwrite each other.
  12. Please wait at least a month after submission till you enquire about it. Thanks.
  13. The submission is still waiting for an editor to review it. Not very astonishing, since the submission date is 14/Mar/2003... Anyway: You could maybe have used the old thread for this question or enquired in the german language forum.
  14. Your submission is only onbe week old, please leave at least a month before asking. Yes it is in the queue.
  15. Its waiting among with some other sites. please note that resubmission overwrites any old submission already waiting. So any editor who prefers a "sorted by date" view will process resubmitted sites last.
  16. Are you sure you have no adblocker installed, dfy? That could maybe lead to wrong results with an URL like this :-)
  17. I can spot only two things: 1) The Backlinks like "http://dmoz.org/cgi-bin/add.cgi?where=$cat" should contain the actual category instead of $cat <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> 2) You dont own the copyright on the content.
  18. In my terms its below 100. Rewview in different categories is fully independent from each other, so it wont slow the process down <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> . There are no statistics about time-to-list, so we cant promise anything.
  19. Sorry to say, but its still waiting for review.
  20. The site is waiting in a medium sized queue for review. Since its bilingual, it can be submitted to both languages without any problems. (Btw: Nice site :-) )
  21. windharp


    Das trifft zumindest schon mal zu. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Die Seite wartet in einer mittelgroßen Warteschlange mit den anderen darauf, dass ein Editor die Zeit finden sie zu begutachten.
  22. Depends on the person using it. In my terms usually below hundred. (If we wanted to hand out exact numbers we would do so)
  23. Site is waiting in a medium sized queue.
  24. Still waiting for review - please note that there is a typo in the above answer - it is waiting in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Pets/Theme_Merchandise/ and not the Dogs subcategory. Would be a bit to narrow anyway <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" />)
  25. Re: i'm not sure that i'm submitted. i've been tr Bitte, gern geschehen. [no problem talking english here :-) For discussions in other languages see the apropriate language-fora at the bottom of the main forum screen] Why are you confused? The directory is mainly based upon the work of thousands of volunteers. We are using tools, but all of them are only to support our work. Same with a Spam-filter: it devides submissions into "seems to be OK" and "seems to be spam" - last ones are quickechecked by experienced editors and filtered by hand, the rest is put back into the directories queues.
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