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Everything posted by windharp

  1. Looks like that category has been attracting a lot of submissions, without getting the equivalent editor attention. That really is a huge queue.... Anyway, your site is waiting but - sorry to say - it maybe will take _really_ long till it is processed. But at least someone seems to have started some work on the unreviewed lately.
  2. Sorry to say, but that category has a very huge backlog. Your site is waitng among the others.
  3. still waiting for review in the given category.
  4. if you could give a clickable link to the category, it would be quite helpfull
  5. Sorry to say, no there isnt any significant change yet.
  6. Abgelehnt, siehe Richtlinien, Abschnitt Produkt-Einträge für den Grund - Hauptseite des Herstellers bereits gelistet.
  7. This submission did not arrive in the system, sorry.
  8. If you would hand over a link we could have a look at the result. In general, the backlinks have to be present (become an editor, about, add a site), if any copyright is given it should include the original copyright, modificated pages have to be marked as such. Of course you can change layout, design and so on as you wish.
  9. In general we follow a "one entry per company" system. This may be skipped for really large companies (as Microsoft for example), but normally, the addition guidelines say that a site will be listed in the "single best category".
  10. Re: i'm not sure that i'm submitted. i've been tr Hey, we are doublechecking all submissions the spam filter filters out. But since we are only human, this leads to some additional delay. Remember that several 1000 submissions arrive at the ODP every single day.
  11. Thats one of the areas which attract loads of submissions and tons of spam but only few good, experienced editors, sorry to say that. As a result it has a very huge backlog. Your submission is waiting with lots of others.
  12. Your site is still waiting for an editor to review it, the number of sites waiting with it is rather small.
  13. That category has a really huge backlog, sorry to say that.
  14. Site is waiting in the specified category, only a few others are. Please do not submit any further mirrors, thank you. (Btw: You could have used the World/Deutsch part of the forum for an inquiry in german language...)
  15. Sorry, sometimes a posting drops out of the front page to fast to get noticed. Your submission is waiting for review in a medium sized queue (in the category mentioned above).
  16. Sory, no it hasn't.
  17. Now, simple: Someone has to create a Golf-category similar to the one that exists in San Diego. Since most of the editors have a lot of tasks to do, this would be something a new editor could perfectly do - he would have to apply suggesting the apropriate subcategory at the apropriate place (like it already exists for San Diego) and supply some initial links for his application - after being accepted he could add tons of other links to the new category to make it grow :-)
  18. For companies with a brick-and-mortar location a submission to the hometown is adequate. If several relevant sites exist, choose a regional level that contains all of those places.
  19. Sorry to say, but the situation did not change very much - still waiting in a large queue.
  20. Submission rejected due to lack of content.
  21. I only checked http://dmoz.org/Science/Math/Education/Teaching_Resources/ - there your submission is waiting for review with a very small amount of other sites.
  22. Your site is still waiting once in Regional/Oceania/New_Zealand/Maps_and_Views - the last 2 times it was reviewed it was lacking content / under construction - we dont list sites in that state. But as I said, one submission is still waiting, so it will be re-reviewed someday.
  23. Search database is updated about once a week - be patient, it will come up in some time.
  24. We do not list multiple domains per company. Especially not in the real estate categories. --> Rejected.
  25. Of course you can, as long as its not listed this would not count against you. But of course you may give another site instead of it. If you are giving your own site as an example you should consider giving another two sites you are not affiliated with. Dont forget to mention your affiliations when applying to be an editor (those fields are there by purpose ;-) )
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