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Everything posted by jazz

  1. Submitting to the next level up will not get you listed faster. The editor will need to move it to the proper category. And, if you state that you already submitted to the other category, they could just delete the inappropriate submission knowing it is already waiting in unreviewed in the proper cat. Many of the web design categories are notorious for having lots of spam submitted. You'll need to be patient.
  2. If you are still editing the pages then you should have waited before submitting the first time.
  3. You can be listed in the topical trees once (web designers for you) and the regional tree. If you are in Ireland, then you can submit to wherever under http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Ireland/ . However, I don't see any address on the site, which means that you really can't be listed under Regional as there is no reasonable way for the editor to know where you are located.
  4. A little antsy aren't we... Still sitting in unreviewed after only a week. I notice that http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=4793 also asks about the site. You could have just posted again there....
  5. Must have been a burp or something. I can get there now.
  6. You have a better chance of being listed in Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Hosting/ . Your site hasn't been touched yet.
  7. First, I have to say that the URL you submitted is nonresponsive. Second, that area of the directory is currently undergoing a major reorganization. The editors are more involved with moving the currently listed sites to the new structure than reviewing new sites. Thirdly, everyone and their mother proclaims to be a web designer. The unreviewed queue there is rather large. Even without the reorganization, you have a better chance of being listed in the Regional tree than with the Web Designers category. This assumes your web site is alive and you list your address on the site and the site isn't under construction. Be sure to read the guidelines there as the reorganization is supposed to make the unreviewed queues smaller. Many companies who call themselves "full service" are not according to the category guidelines. Just because your name is "Full Web Service" doesn't make you that... :/images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif
  8. It really helps if you provide a clickable link to the category. The queue of the category is empty and the URL hasn't been touched elsewhere.
  9. Shouldn't http://www.yra.co.uk/ be the URL listed instead? As that is the company....
  10. It really helps if you say what category you submitted to so we can check if the category is still in the unreviewed queue. In your particular case, you are actually already listed in Shopping/Crafts/Supplies/Fiber_Arts/Yarn/ . No personalized notifications are sent out for approval or rejection.
  11. Knowing a category would really help the situation.
  12. Sorry about that.
  13. Besides a topical listing (in Shopping for you), your site can also be listed in the Regional branch. Since your address is clearly listed on the site, feel free to submit it to the Palatine, Illinois category, too.
  14. It was submitted to the latter. Nobody has looked at it yet. 10 days is not a long wait, please be patient.
  15. This category is to check on the status of submissions. Since you have not submitted anything, there is nothing to report.
  16. Please include a clickable link for the category.
  17. If there was an address on the site, it would actually make good sense to list in a Regional topic. (I think somewhere around Cleveland, but can't tell...) As most speakers focus on the local area....
  18. I'd say the best time is ZERO, where the editor finds the site to list without a submission... :/images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif
  19. Read the description for the category.
  20. Duplicate submissions usually get deleted from queue. Submitting multiple times doesn't help your situation. If the oldest duplicates are deleted, and the editor sorts by date, you are actually hurting your situation by repeatedly resubmitting. Of course, the more you submit, the fuller the queue gets and the less likely a site will be listed because the editor will need to take up more time deleting duplicate submissions and not reviewing sites.
  21. The site is still sitting in unreviewed with about 20 others. 2 weeks isn't that long of a wait. Please be patient. As has been said numerous times here, just because a category doesn't have a listed editor doesn't mean nobody can edit there. The category was last edited this month even and the parent category has a listed editor.
  22. Given the shopping nature of the site, I don't think Computers/Software/Business is the best cat on the topical side anyways.... I think Computers/Software/Retailers/ is probably better. Its queue is at least a little smaller, but you'll probably get listed in Arlington quicker...
  23. The site has been listed in the directory since April.
  24. Ummm... side note... You also spell Rockville wrong in your address image ( http://www.lifeinitaly.com/gif/contact_bar.gif )
  25. Re: Stereology Site Looks like your first site is listed in category in question and Chester, MD now. Second site is also listed in Maryland, as you noted.
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