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Everything posted by David_1cog

  1. Re: Status: http://www.1cog.com (domain change) Hi Still no change on the domain name update - could someone provide status please. Also, on 4 Sep I submitted to: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Internet/Site_Promotion/Search_Engine_Optimization_Firms/ http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Promotion/Search_Engine_Optimization_Firms/1/ At least 50% of my work is SEO so this seemed appropriate, although I'm half expecting a cool reaction to these additional listings. TIA.
  2. Re: Status: http://www.1cog.com (domain change) Thanks, Neil. I'll do as suggested.
  3. Status: http://www.1cog.com (domain change) Hi I recently moved domain from http://www.1cog-web-design.co.uk to http://www.1cog.com. On 18 June I requested an update for geographic category http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Bristol/Business_and_Economy/Internet/Web_Design_and_Marketing/ and also a move from non-geographic category http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/1/ to http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/Full_Service/1/, which is more appropriate given that many of my clients are from outside the UK. I noticed that the Bristol cat had been updated as requested a week ago. It's now back to the old domain. Could someone let me know status please. Thanks.
  4. Re: UK Betting forum : appropriate category? Thanks for the input, Steve.
  5. Re: UK Betting forum : appropriate category? Thanks, I thought that might be the case. The site is intended for a UK audience but a lot of the content is applicable to betting regardless of location. Any other opinions before I submit? Thanks.
  6. Re: UK Betting forum : appropriate category? I cannot understand why you think that's what I suggested. I'm asking for guidance on which is the most appropriate category.
  7. Hi Not sure where to submit : http://www.bettingforum.net I think : http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Recreation_and_Sports/Gambling/ but there are no forums listed. Perhaps a cat which contains just forums : http://dmoz.org/Games/Gambling/Chats_and_Forums/ Thanks.
  8. I didn't think it had been. I said "I see no reason for the site to be rejected.". Future tense.
  9. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Fixed. Thanks.
  10. motsa, windharp Thanks for the replies. I'm aware of DMOZ policy on affiliate sites and I realise that it may sometimes be difficult to distinguish them from original providers. I also accept there is a higher incidence of affiliate selling in commercial products like diet pills. None of that excuses Hutcheson's behaviour and I wonder if he will be as quick to apologise as he was to call me a liar. I realise inclusion of this site is entirely at the discretion of the category editor, but I'll just restate : the content is original, the product is original and there are tools on the site that give it value outside the purely commercial aspect. I have spent a *lot* of time lurking and occasionally posting in these forums and I see no reason for the site to be rejected. I might be back in a few weeks. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  11. I have asked my client to respond to your veiled allegations. I asked him if the product was sold by another company or he was part of an affiliate program: Mr Hutcheson, I look forward to your reply and I hope you have the good grace to offer an apology. I also hope you demonstrate a little less arrogance and a little more professionalism when acting as a DMOZ editor in future. If another editor could please confirm this submission is in the queue I would be very grateful.
  12. Stephen Do try to suppress the immediate reaction that everyone you come across is a liar. A few more minutes exercising your enormous prowess with Google would soon show I am nothing other than honest, open and accountable. As should be very evident to someone of your prodigious abilities this is not *my* product - I am the web designer. I understood the product was unique and as you've provided little more than shouted insults I am none the wiser. I will discuss this with my client before commenting further.
  13. Hi Could someone just confirm receipt of this submission, given the first two seemed to go astray somehow. TIA.
  14. Thanks for the feedback. That's a little worrying - submitted twice and no record? I've resubmitted. Is it possible to confirm that the submission is now in the queue? Re. "affiliate site" - the product sold by this company is unique, this is not an affiliate site. The site also provides a number of online tools that give guidance on ideal weight, body mass index, etc. which make it useful beyond the purely commercial aspect.
  15. Hi guys I'd be grateful for a status check on : http://www.bio4ce.com/ submitted to : http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Health/Weight_Loss/Supplements/ on 6 December. I realise it's a little early to be asking for status but I just found out the site owner had also submitted a few weeks previously - apologies for wasting the editor's time. <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" /> Thanks.
  16. Ta very much, Richard. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Glad to see I'm not the only one with insomnia! I try me hardest with the descriptions but I've got a sneaking suspicion they'll never be quite right. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> All the best.
  17. I submitted this about (sorry didn't make a note of exact date <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" /> ) 6 weeks ago in: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Cornwall/Penzance/Travel_and_Tourism/Accommodation/Self_Catering/ Could someone let me know if it's still in the queue. Thanks very much.
  18. Hi choster Yeah, I know that most web users don't know about it... which is a shame... it could be a great resource with a few changes, not least of which is the search facility. Oh well, I've sort of made my point so I'll climb off my soap box now. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Thanks to everyone for the replies.
  19. It's just dawned on me that some of you may have thought I am suggesting DMOZ Search should search the internet like Google - nope, just search its own index with some accuracy.
  20. ...and what does the 'escaped MSN or AOL' user want? To find relevant information... which DMOZ evidently does not provide via its search facility. In fact, that's what everyone wants - 'it does what it does' isn't good enough. You're absolutely right, kctipton... which is why I use only Google when searching. I suppose my bigger point, left unsaid in the original post, is: if DMOZ aspires to anything other than an unwieldy directory shouldn't it provide a search facility that works?
  21. Suggestion: read my post again and then look at http://dmoz.org/ - there's a big box at the top of the page with a button next to it that says 'Search'. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  22. Hi It's just occurred to me how ineffective the DMOZ search facility is. Example: search for 'web design bristol' - not one web design company listed in the top 20 results. This is because the search is looking at only the description and key words in the URL and ignoring the page title. Given the ODP guidelines that words from the page title and directory name are not repeated in the description this makes the search facility useless. Or am I missing something?
  23. Re: Changing category - opinion please That's good news. Thanks.
  24. Hi http://www.1cog-web-design.co.uk is listed at: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Bristol/Business_and_Economy/Internet/Web_Design_and_Marketing/ I recently requested a correction in the description (which has been done) and a move to: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/1/ This has not been done and I assume the editor didn't agree with my request. Perhaps because I only recently requested inclusion and I did originally request the Bristol category? My mistake. /images/icons/blush.gif/ I do believe the higher category is more approriate for my site (I have clients from London, Cornwall, with other enquiries from elsewhere in the UK). I also specify clearly on my site that my services are available to anyone in the UK. Comments? Thanks
  25. Hi I didn't think it was aimed directly at me - nor was my reply aimed directly at you! I was just giving my opinion that it's unfair to penalise some sites because the owner made a mistake / lacked experience. On the other hand, obvious spammers should be penalised - *big* time! Thanks for your help. /images/icons/smile.gif Regards David.
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