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Everything posted by giz
There are a lot of specific tools that have already been made by various editors. If you are an editor, then you'll already be aware of the place that these are listed and discussed.
Re: Status of application 835f2c7840054320636 All applications are read and evaluated. If the reply was quite quick then the reviewing editor must have just happened on it as you submitted it, and found that it was an "easy" one to do. There must have been something obvious wrong with the application. There is usually a list of things to consider in that reply email. Look through that and compare it to your copy of the application that you saved to a text editor before you submitted it.
Just a quick tag-on that the RDF is noted as being at http://dmoz.org/rdf but in actual fact it was moved to http://rdf.dmoz.org/rdf/ a few months ago, as one of the first steps of the ongoing upgrades. Some useful RDF notes and a bug list is also linked from http://rodan.ncc.com/rdf/ too now.
Re: photography site Please read the NO STATUS CHECKS THIS WEEK thread. Sorry! Server is OFFLINE. Come back in a week or two and reactivate this thread (bookmark it).
With all the downtime a while back, lots of server errors, and so on, things slowed a little. There are some big changes coming in the next few weeks. After that, if everything goes well, then it might be a lot easier to use the new editing system. That might speed up some applications a little, but which ones and where no-one can possibly know.
I believe that the actual CatID for any given category might change for any given category from dump to dump. Categories can be @links which are "virtual subcategories" of another branch, and I don't know how you could cater for that. eg. Science/Widgets/Blue/Circular points to a subcategory S/C/W/B/History but that is actually the category Reference/Widgets/History for example. You might be interested in pages linked from http://rodan.ncc.com/rdf/ for other useful snippets.
Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c I note that you posted on another forum (WW) and were told that there were lots of obvious coding errors in the site. There are automated online tools that can give you a list of the errors in a matter of seconds. Try http://validator.w3.org/detailed.html for starters. The ODP does not insist on you using valid code or anything even remotely resembling HTML on your site, but everything you can do to make the code better will result in a better experience for your visitors. A teed off surfer isn't going to be a buyer, he's going to be an ex-visitor. Another USD 20 000? Hmmmm. Ask your designer about this [result] and this other [result] as I don't think you have had your moneys worth yet, for what you already paid out.
Motsa said, many months ago, in this thread: >> The fact that there's no editor in the category doesn't mean that no one else can edit there -- every editor in the categories above it as well as editalls+ [so Editall, Catmv, and Meta then] can edit in that category. There's no way to tell how long it will take someone to get there and review all the waiting sites. Sorry. << That was true then and it is still the current situation.
Previously noted in other threads, but not yet here: There is now a mirror at http://de.dmoz.org/ as well.
Re: Multiple Listings in sorted order It is there now.
No category is ever without an editor. It may not have a listed editor, but any catmod, editall or Meta editor can edit there. There is also no way that we can say how long it will take. Someone may breeze in tomorrow and review everything in the category, or it may be some weeks or months. Someone may decide to start by deleting all the spam there, or by listing sites that look listable. I don't know, and neither does anyone else. The best anyone can do, is give you the current status: listed, waiting, likely to be rejected, or rejected.
Re: vintagelegance.rubylane.com/ Is this site in any way related to that discussed in http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=9120 ?
It certainly helps editors to place things if these facts are actually mentioned on the site. Not all regional editors live exactly in the area that they edit, and sometimes the higher level editors can have a hard time finding the correct home for a misplaced but anonymous submission.
... and you can get an idea as to when the RDF has been updated by looking at http://rdf.dmoz.org/rdf/ but please then allow (I think) another 24 hours or so directly after the RDF is produced for the search at dmoz.org to be updated. [Oh my! 400 posts]
>> most of the best sites in this area are missing << Even without being an editor, you can still submit all those sites to the category from the public side. You should keep three back and use those for your application. By submitting the other sites as well, you will then have something to work with if you are accepted. If you are not accepted the category still gets improved.
Re: URL change for the website http://www.praett.c Please be aware that the change may now take several months to follow through to other sites that are using the ODP data. Google is the most well known such site, and usally takes an update every month or so. Other sites may take updates much less frequently, and some haven't been back for an update for several years. The ODP has no control over how often, or when these other sites do their updates.
http://ch.dmoz.org/ can be used for browsing and searching, but please note there are no submit or edit functions on that site. Those are all redirected back to dmoz.org instead. It looks like dmoz.org is back on, but it is wise to be wary of it for the next day or two just in case there are any further lurking problems (keep a copy or make a note of everything you do).
<borrow>In the thread list, the "Last Post" Date/Time of this thread has been stuck on 08/12/02 08:02 PM for me, ever since that date and time. Just posting in here to see if that will clear/reset the date and time. Additionally, the thread above this one in the thread list also has exactly the same problem but with a 08/10/02 12:33 AM date and time instead.</borrow> <edit>Posting didn't make any difference. The date/time is still stuck.</edit> Returning to your regular scheduled programme...
There was at least one other recent thread where this was explained in more detail: http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=general&Number=22493 http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=submissions&Number=21826
The http://ch.dmoz.org/ mirror is simply for users to browse and search. All submission and editor functions point pack to the main dmoz.org servers.
Re: What to submit http://www.pearson-ranch.com to It is rumoured that there was a hardware failure in the server. Use the mirror at http://ch.dmoz.org for a (usually) one day old version of the ODP (at the moment it is three days old, but there has been no editing for 2 days, so it is still one day behind!); or browse http://directory.google.com/ for a copy that is updated about once per month. You might have to wait a day or two for an answer.
Re: i reply to email and says no validation code f The ODP site has been down for a couple of days due to a hardware failure, as explained in other threads here. When it comes back on, people will have a lot of things to do, including verifying that whatever they did just before the problem occured is still intact or needs to be done again. Be patient for a few days, and someone will look into it; when they are able to.
Well no one is able to edit for a couple of days while problems are fixed; so everything is delayed by that amount of time if someone was actually planning to edit during what turned out to be the downtime. When it is all working, we will simply continue where we left off last Thursday. I have no idea if any data is missing, but I suppose that it is possible that there may have been a short gap between the last backup and the system failure (or whatever it was), and anything done in those few hours will have to be done again. Until it is all back on again, we won't know for sure. Be patient for a few days.
Even Wired, NTK and The Register, among many others, went along with the joke for a while. There were even some fake press releases going around. A Google search will still find some of it archived away.
Re: Creating static HTML from a small portion of R Found at the Become an Editor page? That seems a very non-obvious place to have it!