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About djdeeds

  • Birthday September 23

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  1. [r]recd[/r] Both cats.
  2. Still waiting. Note that the link you give does not work. The correct link is Shopping/Clothing/Niche/Genre_and_Subculture
  3. Lick. (Watching my cats drink water made me think of this. Say it lots of times fast.)
  4. On second look, it does belong in Embroidery with the rest of the punchcraft products. Thanks. Oh, and though I could look at some of your products, I couldn't get the "catalogue" link to work; it wanted to download an .exe on my machine. I tried 3 different browsers.
  5. Did you use the "add" or the "update" link? If you use the add link, sometimes the reviewer won't notice it's an update and will delete it since it is visually flagged as already listed. It looks like the submission was deleted along with a bunch of others like that. If you use the "update" link, the submission will be visually flagged as an update. [added] unless you submitted more than once. In that case, the duplicate submission may still be there. Someone with privs there will have to come along with more info.
  6. Re: http://www.treasuredlocks.com/ You seem to be able to write fairly coherently. Why don't you pick a very small category, read http://dmoz.org/guidelines/describing.html and give it another go, paying attention to detail.
  7. What was the error exactly? Seems others have had problems in the recent past and it had to do with browser or firewall or ISP... or something. Take a look at some of the other threads in the "Becoming an Editor" forum. Is your problem like any of those?
  8. Re: http://www.molon.de/galleries/Egypt_Jan01/page Actually, it is conceivable that one might speak in exactly those terms. A 'site' may encompass more than one domain.
  9. http://dmoz.org/Reference/Education/Products_and_Services/Test_Preparation/GMAT/ <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  10. If the site meets the criteria for the Society cat you mention, it can have a listing in both categories. Sites may have a listing in a topical branch as well as in the Regional branch if it meets the criteria for both. The mechanics of updating the url in the cat it's in now: use the Update URL link at the upper right corner in the category. The description in the Regional branch does not repeat the geographical reference in the description, but the description in the topical category may contain the geographical information if it meets the specific category criteria.
  11. Well, you could a) wait. Since your site has not been reviewed, I assume it's still in the queue b) apply to be an editor <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> . Maybe of one of the subcategories of http://dmoz.org/Arts/Crafts/Quilting ; it is too large for a starter itself. c) since you do state a physical address, your site may qualify to be listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Arkansas/Localities/S/Saint_Paul/ so you might try submitting there.
  12. <sigh> to the category. http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Kitchen_and_Dining/Tableware/ We all have our peeves. This is not one of mine. Happy to help. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  13. Listed in Society/Military/Veterans/Vietnam_War/Army_Activities/Units
  14. In reply to your query in the second thread you started, it looks like the submission was deleted from Arizona for not being located there. It probably would have been appropriate to have moved it to Idaho, but I don't want to second guess the reviewing editor.
  15. Here is the other thread http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=6543&page=2&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
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