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Everything posted by uzs980

  1. You are using Open Directory data. It's not a problem that it's your "own brand", but it's a problem that you fail to provide an attribution statement. Note that this will not only result in delisting from the Open Directory; Netscape may also decide to take legal action against you.
  2. The reason is simple: Sites using Open Directory data must provide an attribution statement. See the number 2 of the Open Directory License. Sites using our data without such an attribution statement will not be listed. I think it should be no problem for you to put the attribution statement on your directory pages. After doing so you may resubmit.
  3. See http://resource-zone.com/forum/showthread.php?p=160156
  4. http://www.freebetting.net/, submitted on January 1st, is waiting for review in that category, along with a large number of other sites.
  5. Your submission was moved to Shopping: Jewelry: Precious Metals, where it is now waiting for review.
  6. If those other sites are closely related to this one, stay in this thread. If they are completely unrelated, start a new one.
  7. Re: photography site Maybe. You never know (before you're listed).
  8. Es steht dir frei, die Seite noch einmal anzumelden und das, was du hier geschrieben hast, in eckigen Klammern der Beschreibung anzufügen, damit der Editor es bei einer erneuten Prüfung berücksichtigen kann.
  9. Ein Editor stellte im August fest, dass die meisten Karten von einer anderen, ebenfalls in dieser Kategorie gelisteten Seite stammen und auch direkt von dort verschickt werden können. Er sah deshalb diese Seite - auch wenn sie die Genehmigung zum Anbieten dieser Karten besitzt - im Wesentlichen als Doppelung desselben Angebotes an.
  10. Still waiting for review with this description: "Provides auction and sale listings from around the nation. All of the items in our site are searchable by date, item, or distance." If you think this should be changed, you may resubmit http://www.lov2bid.com/ to the same category. That submission would probably overwrite the old one waiting for re-review.
  11. Nothing new. Only one submission to this category has been waiting for review longer than yours.
  12. Resubmitting http://www.irisceramica.com/ to Business: Construction and Maintenance: Materials and Supplies: Wall, Floor and Decorative Finishes: Tile won't help, as your site is already waiting for review in that category - along with hundreds of other sites. But there is something else that you could do: http://www.irisceramica.com/contatto/info_contatto.php?lang=en shows that you have a showroom in Fiorano Modenese. Feel free to submit your site to Regional: Europe: Italy: Regions: Emilia-Romagna: Localities. If your site will be accepted, a subcategory for Fiorano Modenese will be created.
  13. Yes, your submission of November 11th is in the queue.
  14. Re: http://www.opalsdownunder.com.au/ I have changed the URL to http://www.opalsdownunder.com.au/, as the old URL redirects there.
  15. I am sorry to say that your status is still unchanged. Your submission is waiting for a volunteer editor. Unfortunately there is a lack of editors in the Consumer Electronics section, so many categories there are backlogged.
  16. That information was wrong. (Our logs look a bit confusing, as several submissions used to be shuffled around from one category to another.) A submission of your site was still waiting for review in Regional: Middle East: Cyprus: Localities: Paphos: Business and Economy: Real Estate, where it got overwritten by your new submission to that category of today. Feel free to ask for a status update after a month or two. Yours, Robert
  17. Re: delete submission for: www.senses-artnouveau.com Submission deleted. See my note in the other thread about this site, where we should try to keep all inquiries about it. Thanks.
  18. The submission of March 17th to Shopping: Antiques and Collectibles: Reproductions was deleted, as wanted by the submitter (see this thread).
  19. A new date on bottom of the category page doesn't mean that all submissions were processed. It just means that something was changed. In this case, a site (unfortunately not yours) was added on August 23rd. Your submission is still waiting for review. Yours, Robert
  20. http://www.eastview.com/russian/books/index.asp Your submission of November 18th, 2002 is one of few waiting for review, and it the queue is sorted by date, yours is the one on top. I admit this is a very long time. Unfortunately Shopping is one of the areas in our directory with lack of volunteer editors. Yours, Robert
  21. Mbartlett2, you are always welcome to come back, but you probably don't need to. Because http://www.art-and-portraits-by-margaret.com/ is listed in Shopping: Visual Arts: Portraits from Photos since August 2003! And it is still in Regional: North America: United States: Arkansas: Localities: G: Green Forest: Arts and Entertainment, of course.
  22. Re: http://www.rubylane.com/shops/vintagelegance Your submission of January 9th is still waiting for review in Shopping: Jewelry: Estate and Collectible.
  23. It still hasn't been reviewed, and there are more than a hundred sites in the same pile of suggestions waiting for review in this category. I think there is a lack of volunteer editors in this part of the directory. A new editor could perhaps start out with the Wedding subcategory. Yours, Robert
  24. And it is now listed! A whole bunch of sites has recently been added to this category. It should be visible on the public category page very soon. Yours, Robert
  25. You have probably noticed that your site has meanwhile been added to both Arts: Visual Arts: Galleries: Europe: United Kingdom: Northern Ireland and Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Northern Ireland: Down: Hillsborough. Your submission of December 14th, 2002 is still waiting for review in Shopping: Visual Arts: Painting: Galleries along with some hundreds of other sites. Yours, Robert
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