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Everything posted by uzs980

  1. Re: Site Status As kokopeli wrote: "nor has it been recently deleted".
  2. Your submission of December 31st is still waiting for review in Arts: Music: Education: Courses and Lessons: Online. It's hard for me to say which category fits best for your site. I'm willing to move your submission to another category if you're convinced that it is more appropriate for your site; the editor in that category will then decide whether you were right. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Note that you may also submit to World: Norsk: Kunst og kultur: Musikk as you also offer a Norwegian version of your site. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  3. This forum is not meant as way to jump the queue. You can get information about your status, but you probably won't be picked and reviewed before all the others. By the way, when I try to look at http://www.immoulin.nl/ using Netscape 4.75, I am redirected to http://www.immoulin.nl/403.php where I get to read: "403 Forbidden Immoulin".
  4. Your site is not waiting for review in Business: Healthcare: Employment: Recruitment and Staffing: Staffing Services. It seems it has never been submitted there. You may (re)submit.
  5. That's true. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Things like these happen: A dedicated editor really improves a category. That's the ODP, that's volunteering. By the way, your site is now waiting for review in Society: Law: Services: Court Reporters: United States: California with less than ten others.
  6. Your site is still waiting for review in Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Hosting: C together with hundreds of other sites. We don't know when an editor with knowledge of the area will take some time to go through these. But you may come back here after a month or two to ask again.
  7. Thank you very much for your input. I've taken care of the sites you mentioned and moved most of them to Business: Consumer Goods and Services: Beauty: Hair Care. I couldn't check http://www.jflazartigue.com/, because it requires flash. So I leave that for another editor. But it says "The on-line shopping cart is only available to US customers", so it seems to me they might sell online. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Yours, Robert
  8. Weil Comics den Schwerpunkt des Angebotes darstellen, habe ich die Seite soeben nach World: Deutsch: Online-Shops: Publikationen: Comics verschoben. Wann die Seite nun veröffentlicht wird, ist schwierig vorauszusagen. Knapp 20 Seiten warten in dieser Kategorie derzeit auf Bearbeitung. Gelegentlich schaut ein Editor vorbei, aber ein eigener Editor würde die Bearbeitung vielleicht beschleunigen.
  9. Your site is currently waiting for review in Reference: Education: Products and Services: Teaching Stores along with some dozens of other submissions.
  10. Ich habe die Kategorie jetzt zumindest teilweise durchgeackert und bin auch zu deiner Anmeldung vorgedrungen. Allerdings kann ich die Seite ohne Javascript nicht benutzen, weshalb ich die Prüfung einem Editor überlasse, der mit Javascript unterwegs ist. Wenn sich in einem Monat noch nichts getan hat, kannst du gerne zu diesem Thread zurückkehren und nachfragen.
  11. Hallo Armin, was dein Freund dir erzählt hat, ist definitiv falsch. Deine Seite ist nicht gesperrt. In den Editoranmerkungen zum URL http://www.funprint.de/ kommt das Wort "Spam" einmal vor: Ein Editor löschte eine Reihe von Anmeldungen verschiedener URLs und gab als Begründung an, es handele sich um Doppelanmeldungen und Spam. In deinem Fall war es aber nicht Spam, sondern eine Doppelanmeldung, denn zu diesem Zeitpunkt war deine Seite in der Kategorie World: Deutsch: Online-Shops: Computer: Hardware: Peripherie: Drucker: Verbrauchsmaterial schon gelistet. Ein Editor hat dann, wie fema schon schrieb, deinen Eintrag in eine neue Unterkategorie "Kompatibles Verbrauchsmaterial" verschoben, allerdings (wohl versehentlich) ohne ihn dabei auch wieder freizuschalten. Ich werde mir gleich mal die Kategorie ansehen. Wenn es nicht zu viel Arbeit ist, gehe ich die nicht die freigeschalteten Seiten in dieser Kategorie durch. Insofern besteht also kein Grund zur Sorge. Wie schon so oft stellt sich auch jetzt heraus, dass eine Anfrage in diesem Forum zu mehr Klarheit führt als manche Diskussion außerhalb. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Schöne Grüße aus Berlin Robert
  12. No, I meant a clickable link to the category - something like http://dmoz.org/Business/Arts_and_Entertainment/Media_Production/Video/Wedding_Videographers/. And yes, your site is waiting for review in that category, but there are literally hundreds in the queue there, so it might take some time. You may come back here after a month or two to ask again. By the way, you may also submit to the category of your locality, which is not so crowded: Regional: North America: United States: Califonia: Localities: V: Vista: Arts and Entertainment.
  13. I am sorry to write that still nothing has changed.
  14. Your site is still waiting for review in the Scooters category. A listing in the category of your locality only makes sense if you have a physical location where people can actually walk in and buy a scooter. I don't find anything about that on your site. The listings in the Shopping and the Regional part of the directory are generally independent. There is no disadvantage in having both. The Shopping listing is for people who want to order something online; the Regional listing is for people who are looking for shops in their locality. Yours, Robert
  15. Your site was added to Business: Business Services: Security: Alarm Systems on December 19th and to Regional: North America: United States: Florida: Localities: O: Orlando: Business and Economy: Services on February 19th. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  16. More than two hundred, so it might take a while. Did you know you may also submit to the Regional category of your locality? That would be Regional: North America: United States: California: Localites: T: Tustin: Business and Economy. We can't promise anything, but there is only one submission waiting for review in that category now, so your site might be reviewed much faster there. And you don't lose your chance for Business listing, as these two listings are independent.
  17. I have found a submission of February 25th in that category. We ask submitters to wait at least one month after submitting before asking for a status. If you have submitted earlier to the same category, your new submission has overwritten the older one. You may ask again in this thread after at least a month if your site has not been added by then. Yours, Robert
  18. One submission has arrived and is waiting for review along with just a few other sites. Although the category hasn't got a listed editor itself, there are editors with permissions for it who have a look at it once in a while. If your site has not been added after a month, you may come back to this thread and ask about the status again. Yours, Robert
  19. Wholesalers aren't listed in the Shopping category, so your submission was moved to Health: Beauty: Salons and Spas: Tanning where was added on January 19th. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  20. Re: Status please of http://www.uk-online-shops.co Yours site was rejected twice. See our Site Selection Criteria for reasons.
  21. Re: listing two official sites in specific scout r 1. When trying to go to http://www.lastfrontiercouncil.org/Districts/eagle.htm, I get an error 403. However http://www.flash.net/~memoryx/eagles/ is listed in the mentioned category. 2. http://www.lastfrontiercouncil.org/Districts/big tepee.htm also doesn't work (neither with the blank between "big" and "tepee" nor with an underline). http://www.bsa.net/ok/lastfrontier/bigtp/ is listed in the same category though. 3. Whether URLs will be changed is up to the editor in charge. But no editor will change from a working to a non-working URL. Robert
  22. Yes, your submission of January 15th is waiting for review in that category, along with about a dozen of other sites. You may come back to this thread after a month to ask again - if your site hasn't been listed by then. Yours, Robert
  23. Nothing new about your site unfortunately. There are still more than a hundred sites waiting for review in that category, including yours.
  24. So kommen wir weiter. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> In der genannten Kategorie liegt eine Anmeldung von http://comicszene.de/ vom 26. Februar vor. Etwaige frühere Anmeldungen sind durch diese neue überschrieben worden. Da in dieser Kategorie über hundert Anmeldungen auf Prüfung warten, kann das eine Weile dauern. Vielleicht wäre World: Deutsch: Online-Shops: Publikationen: Comics eine passendere Kategorie für diese Seite? (Kann ich nicht beurteilen, ich habe sie ja noch nicht gesehen. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> )
  25. Die Seite wurde am 16. Februar in World: Deutsch: Freizeit: Reisen angemeldet. Ich habe zweimal versucht, sie zu begutachten: einmal mit Netscape 4.75, einmal mit Mozilla 1.1. In beiden Fällen funktionierte die Navigation nicht. (Geht die nur mit Javascript?) Die Seite liegt daher weiter bei den Ungeprüften und wartet darauf, dass ein Editor es mit einem dritten Browser versucht. Robert
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