1 Website - 2 languages - 2 listings possible?

May 13, 2002
Hi everyboy,
We have a website that's already listed in World/Germany . Our Services are global and we have a huge english version and a US Office in CA and of course in Germany. Can we get another listing in the proper english ODP?
Our Website structure is like
www.ourdomain.de - you enter the english version
www.ourdomain.de/german.html - the german version - already listed.
Thanks in advance, Andreas


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
In this case we actually ASK you to submit to categories in ALL appropriate languages. Although editors sometimes try to track down relevant categories in other languages, many editors simply don't have the language skills--so in general you can't expect them to.

Usual caveat -- in each language, it would be the editor's judgment whether to list there, but a listing in, say, an English category would not prejudice the review for listing in World/Deutsch.
May 13, 2002
Thank you very much for the respond. This was exactly my next question - is there any thing like "....oh oh oh, now he is getting greedy and he try to submit a second URL and of course we don't like that so we kick his already listed "butt" out of here..." - this is not my intention, I only think our services are global and we have an english version and we are present in the US so an english listing is only logical.
Anyway, thanks for the explanation, Andreas


Curlie Meta
Mar 27, 2002
Hi Tony,

Just a couple of comments.

It seems many have this idea that editors are somewhat evil and seek some sort of "vengence" on people that irk them when submitting sites. /images/icons/laugh.gif

It really is nothing like that at all... but we are all human and as such, have days when we are not as happy as we would like. We may grumble under our breath /images/icons/wink.gif, but action beyond that is basically non-existant.

Just so you know, removing a perfectly acceptable site (as per guidelines) that is already listed for a purely personal reason is considered a form of abuse and is grounds for editor removal. As far as "spamming" is concerned, the bar is set much higher than just submitting a site to a couple of possible categories.

It is not uncommon for someone with a bi-lingual site to submit to a topical category, (English language) regional category and a World category covering the language. This is by no means "spamming" and in some cases the site is acceptable in all three. In way of an example: a bi-lingual site for a museum located in a Country in Europe. It is a museum (topical), in Europe (English laguage Regional), with a "mother tongue" version (World).

Just some thoughts...
Jeff /images/icons/laugh.gif


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>>I only think our services are global ... and we are present in the US

We don't care whether your services are global, or are only available in a single remote Kamchatkan bog. And we don't care whether you're present in the U.S., or only seasonally available on the planet.

All that really matters is:

>>we have an english version ... so an english listing is only logical.

Now, if your product is only available in that R.K.B., the site would be listed somewhere in Regional/Asia/Russia/bla-bla-bla. But that's still an English-language category.

Conversely, the same logic works for other languages. If a taxidermy site in Chicago had content in Irkutsk, and ODP had a World/Irkutsk category, it would be listed in World/Irkutsk/Regionalsk/Ameriska/Illinoitsk/blatsk-blatsk-blatsk (pardon my pidgin, I'm monolingual. Less linguistically challenged editors would be handling the site reviews.)

This important distinction between REGIONAL and WORLD categories is not universally understood.;/images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif
May 13, 2002
thanks for all the help and explanations. I like it here, I really do. If someone have a question he will get attention and nice help - thanks guys and please don't ask me to move to Kamchatka or Irkutsk to match your profile /images/icons/wink.gif
see ya
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