1 Year passed.


Jul 8, 2005
I am the productor of Turkish biography page (biyografi.info).

I send the site to directory several times in this year. (http://dmoz.org/World/Türkçe/Kaynaklar/Biyografiler/) I havent got any answer.

As a result i belive that the editor of the directory is not working anymore or owner of one of other biography sites.

For example: "Adnan Oktar - Biyografisi ile bilimsel ve politik eserleri mevcut." What is that? Why one peoples biography page is on Biography sites page?

Please try to find a solution to our problem. I sent site to directory again several days before but i am sure nobody is going to pay attention to it.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
The category was last worked on in June this year so it is certainly being tended. This is a volunteer organisation and editors chosse what they do and when they do it. This means that site owners are sometimes disappointed by the time scales.

I can only suggest that you be patient and find additional means of promoting your website. There's no need to resubmit.


Jun 8, 2005
I sent site to directory again several days before but i am sure nobody is going to pay attention to it.

If you're sure nobody is going to pay attention to it, why did you submit it?

Editors edit in the categories that they're interested in - perhaps the Turkish biography category hasn't caught anyone's interest lately?

Continuously resubmitting a site can be interpreted as spam, which is a bad thing. However, if you are submitting the same site to the same category, all you're doing is overwriting your previous submissions and pushing your submission farther down the list of submissions in that category - which can also be a bad thing for a timely listing once an editor develops an interest in that category.

I really doubt that
owner of one of other biography sites
applies - after all it's only been one year since you first submitted the site.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
First you should start reading our FAQ. It will answers questions like "How long until my site will be reviewed?"
Secondly you should stop suggesting your site over and over again. Suggest it once. If you want to be sure it is received suggest it once after some 6 to 12 months. Never suggest it anymore. Once a suggestion is received it will never disappear from our system.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We don't track whether specific editors are still active. (We are volunteers, not prisoners.) But there are other editors who can edit that category.

There won't be an answer. Editors are advised not to reply to private status requests, and the forum may not be used either.

There is no "problem" to solve. You wanted to help an ODP editor find a site. You did what you could to help. That's the end of it. Whether the site is listed in the ODP or not -- is the editor's judgment, not your problem.

Because whether that site is useful -- is the editor's judgment, which he is VERY strongly advised not to discuss with you. (It is too dangerous: too many webmasters turn vicious and violent when their whims are inadequately catered.)

But when will the editor go looking for sites like that? When will some editor volunteer to pay attention? We don't know what editors will be active tomorrow, or next month -- how can we know what they will be doing?


Jul 8, 2005
This is a volunteer organisation and editors chosse what they do and when they do it.
I know that dmoz editors are volunteers and they do not have to add every site which people sent.

I am as publisher working with students from my university to build that archive. And we all know that dmoz is really important to make people know what is going on at that area of internet. So the reason i am here and writing that things is simple: "why we are not in the directory if we are building something for 1 year, when some useless sites are there?"

I understand all of you... I see that you are getting bored of "Why my site is not on directory still?" questions. Actually you got bored already. If i would be editor, i would act in the same way but i suggest you to think the way of the publishers time to time to make your open directory project better.

Or am i thinking like that because of my situation ?

The way should be:
There is no "problem" to solve. You wanted to help an ODP editor find a site. You did what you could to help. That's the end of it. Whether the site is listed in the ODP or not -- is the editor's judgment, not your problem.
or think as "Hmm, we are getting so much mails from Turkish publishers, maybe Turkish editors really sleeping lately."?

"We are volunteers, if we ll see, if we ll pay attention, if we ll take care suggested sites..." doesnt sounds good from outside. We are all doing volunteer jobs in our lifes but we do not close our ears to people.

Anyway, have a nice day.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
nedo said:
Or am i thinking like that because of my situation ?
To my opinion: yes

nedo said:
The way should be:
There is no "problem" to solve. You wanted to help an ODP editor find a site. You did what you could to help. That's the end of it. Whether the site is listed in the ODP or not -- is the editor's judgment, not your problem.
Yes, this is how it works within DMOZ

nedo said:
or think as "Hmm, we are getting so much mails from Turkish publishers, maybe Turkish editors really sleeping lately."?
And even if they are we don't see this as a problem. They are allowed to do anything with their time. DMOZ does not ask an editor to do a minimum of work nor does it tell an editor where to work. We only ask that if he works on DMOZ he will do so following our guidelines.


Jul 8, 2005
"netbiyo.com" that site just opened and added to the dmoz directory.

Site has the lines from my project. The words of famous people in the top even from my project.

And example page;

My editors are writing these metarials, i am paying for these and we are spending our time to build it.


Take a look at the example. They copy pasted the hole biography. Even "...karşı bir tutum izledi. Atom Bombası..." That "Atom Bombası" is there because we have an article in biyografi.info about it. They even didnt look before copy it.

And that page immidiately added to dmoz. You know why? Coz the editor of the directory the owner of the page or his friend. And of course he is not adding my site to the directory. But when i offered it to the directory it was good idea for him to build copy one of my site to make money.

And you, are talking about hole that volunteer things... Keep going...


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
1) if someone is stealing your content you will have to talk to that person, DMOZ can not help you in protecting what is yours

2) for the other part, if you have prove, you should file an abuse report through DMOZ. One or more meta's will investigate.
Feb 10, 2007
I agree

I see what you mean this is a major issue that should be addressed! If they arn't going to do anything take matters into your own hands and find out what they're doing about this maddness:mad:. They shouldndn't act so :D happy when this issue needs to be addressed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Yes, the ODP can't be the copyright police. But you can use the law (the REAL police, copyright and otherwise) to protect your own copyright. But when the other site removes your content, you can suggest that the ODP re-review it (for possible removal for lack of content.)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Why on earth would you come here to bump a thread that is over a year old? :confused:
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.