1000++ search sites, is it possible?


Nov 16, 2005
hello sir,
i'm new webmaster with emerging website, and looking for few answers.. i hope it's the right place to ask..

where can i get my site --- status? I submitted few days ago. How long will it take to appear on the dmoz list?

Another is, I had few websites before but never actually participated in submmiting my sites in large scale! Now i want to earn few bucks on the internet with my above site (Please tell me if its not good enough! ;) ), and there are many sites offering to submit my site to :eek: 1000++ search sites, is it possible? i mean , i heard that there are only aprox 50 working sites on the internet.. how far can i trust them? if i choose not to submit my site with their schemes, what will i miss? :confused:

thank you.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
candy_man]where can i get my site [link removed said:
status? I submitted few days ago. How long will it take to appear on the dmoz list?
That question is answered in our FAQ: http://resource-zone.com/forum/faq.php?faq=faq_site_questions#faq_how_long as well as in our submission policies at http://dmoz.org/add.html .

We do not offer status reports for suggested sites any longer.

there are many sites offering to submit my site to :eek: 1000++ search sites, is it possible?
We can't help you there - we can only answer questions about the Open Directory Project. For questions about other sites you'll have to go elsewhere (there are many forums on the net offering general guidance for search engine optimisation).

What I can tell you is that if your site is automatically and repeatedly submitted to the Open Directory by one of those submission sites, it runs a risk of being banned from listing. Automatic submissions are expressly against our submission policies (see link above). So take care if you use one of those services, that they don't auto-submit to the wrong place!


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
candy_man said:
it's like this :

For question 1 : No Ans!
For question 2 : No Ans
For question 3 : go see answer 1!!

This is not true.
For question 1 (can I get a status) the answer was given.
repeat: you can't get a status anywhere
For question 2 (How long will it take to appear on the dmoz list?) the answer was given.
repeat: noone can predict how long this will take
For question 3 (about the sites offering submitting services) and answer in relation to DMOZ was given.
repeat: if these sites suggest your site to DMOZ there is a very big chance your site gets banned
My personal opinion: they will submit your site to a lot of other sites but it is a waste of your money. Quality is very poor. Many quality sites don't accept these submissions and many will ban sites submitted in this way.

candy_man said:
May i know how many editors are there in dmoz? just curious ;) !
This is a little difficult to answer. On the mainpage of DMOZ you will see "70,534 editors". This is the number of people that have contributed to the directory. Many of these people aren't acitive at this moment, but could be reinstated when they ask. A rough guess is that 10000 or just a bit more editors are active. Active means that they do 1 edit per 4 months as a minimum. Some of them only do the minimum others do several 100 edits a week.
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