16 Month Wait, DMOZ Visit Site. Still Not Listed...


Sep 17, 2011
Just over 16 months ago, after plenty of careful consideration, I submitted my website to DMOZ, I then 'forgot about it' - safe in the knowledge it can take 2 weeks / 2 years / 2 decades etc etc for someone to even consider my site…

On 17th Sept 2011 I had a hit to my website from a DMOZ back link - which when clicked takes me to a log in page.

The domain within the back link tracks back to the directory of my original submission. Therefor its safe to surmise that it was the editor of that page visiting my site.

It could be argued that the editor was simply viewing submissions at that time with no further action, and that doesn't necessarily constitute an actual visit to my website. However, the visitor to my website carried out 3 actions, a visit to my homepage lasting 8 seconds, clicking an outgoing link, then clicking on my contact page where the page was viewed for 12 seconds.

I visited the directory I submitted my site to and the change log date at the bottom shows that the page was updated on the 17th Sept just an hour after the visit.

I looked for my submission thinking that now a DMOZ editor had looked at my site and updated the page that I would be included… But I'm not listed. Nor can I search for my site or find myself via an advanced search in Google.

That leaves me with 2 thoughts:

1 - My submission has been arbitrarily rejected because there are no issues in terms of functionality or tone etc. My site has won multiple 'site of the day' style awards, has enjoyed a rapid upsurge in Google results and has a visitor conversion of 2-3, not to mention it's built to strict standards, is working correctly and has been tested to the hilt across web browsers and platforms and degrades gracefully.

2 - It's been moved to another category. I looked around on the page for other websites/businesses and found multiple entries which matched mine. Amazingly, some of those go to dead sites or splash pages which then lead nowhere. Also, there are a couple where businesses in my own region have been listed - businesses set up after my own submission and have since closed their business down or gone into administration! The category was carefully selected after looking at the legitimacy of where my own site should be placed. My original submission wasn't done on a whim, I was careful to adhere to submissions policy as well as making sure there was no finer grain directory for me to submit to as well as looking at where other website of a similar ilk have been accepted.

To top it all off, there is no editor listed on the actual page. http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Business_Services/Design/Graphic_Design/Designers/Multi-Discipline/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/

I realise that editors are all volunteers, but if my site has been visited (albeit for less than 30seconds which leaves me scratching my head over the validity of any sort of editorial process or value in what that visitor would have been able to glean from their visit in order to make a valid decision to accept/decline) why would it not have been added?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
albeit for less than 30seconds which leaves me scratching my head over the validity of any sort of editorial process or value in what that visitor would have been able to glean from their visit in order to make a valid decision to accept/decline
In the main, I agree with that, but we do have quality control robots you know. OTOH, MFA content mill sites can be spotted and disposed of in much less time than that.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Just over 16 months ago, after plenty of careful consideration, I submitted my website to DMOZ, I then 'forgot about it' - safe in the knowledge it can take 2 weeks / 2 years / 2 decades etc etc for someone to even consider my site…

On 17th Sept 2011 I had a hit to my website from a DMOZ back link - which when clicked takes me to a log in page.

The domain within the back link tracks back to the directory of my original submission. Therefor its safe to surmise that it was the editor of that page visiting my site.
It could have been an editor. Or it could have been one of our tools.
If it was an editor he could be doing a review or just checking if suggested websites do still exist.
If it was an editor doing a review he might have been distracted by real life before the review was completed.
So better not to make any assumptions based on some entries in your visitorslog.

I visited the directory I submitted my site to and the change log date at the bottom shows that the page was updated on the 17th Sept just an hour after the visit.
That only indicates that something has changed.
It does certainly not mean that all suggested websites have been reviewed.
It does not even mean that one suggested website was reviewed.

1 - My submission has been arbitrarily rejected because there are no issues in terms of functionality or tone etc. My site has won multiple 'site of the day' style awards, has enjoyed a rapid upsurge in Google results and has a visitor conversion of 2-3, not to mention it's built to strict standards, is working correctly and has been tested to the hilt across web browsers and platforms and degrades gracefully.
No suggestion is arbitrarily rejected. There is always a reason.
All things you mention are not things we look at when reviewing a website.

2 - It's been moved to another category.
Yes, could have happened. Or not. Your guess is as good as mine.

If you are sure it is the best category and if you are sure the site is listable and if it is not listed than there can only be one conclusion. It is still waiting review.

To top it all off, there is no editor listed on the actual page.
Most categories do not have a named editor. This does not mean that no editor is looking at suggestions in such categories.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
I looked around on the page for other websites/businesses and found multiple entries which matched mine. Amazingly, some of those go to dead sites or splash pages which then lead nowhere.
Please feel free to report these in the Quality Control thread. :)
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.