2 Companies, 2 listings?


Oct 12, 2005

This is really a hypothetical question considering that nothing is listed as of yet.

There's 2 companies, 1 manufactuers material handling equipment and the other one distributes material handling equipment as well as offering various services like warehouse management and such. Also note the second company sells much more than just what the first company manufacturers.

I built and maintain both companies websites (well the 2nd companies website is still very much in progress)

So my question I guess is: Should I submit the URL for the 2nd company (once the sites done) even though the two companies have a "close-working relationship"? Also, does it even matter considering that the first company's not listed yet?



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
If they are realy 2 companies they can both be listed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If they are really two DIFFERENT companies.

Different officers, different employees, different owners, different location ... you know, DIFFERENT different.

We see a lot of jerks like the confidence man who boasted in one of the SEO forums that he had "more than 50 companies" (and every one of them had a website and ... nothing else.) So we're a bit ... cautious.

But it is possible (and I've been surprised it doesn't happen more often) that professional web developers create sites for customers, and then submit the main site for each one of their customers.

The problem is that professional web developers are like professional lawyers -- when unemployed, they have ways of drumming up business that are catastrophes for society. And it's altogether too tempting, and too easy, for THEM to start intentionally blurring the difference between real and fake content, to get better (relative) positioning for the fake content.

So -- sure, if you're a professional web developer, submit the real sites you create for real customers -- and don't submit the others. That'll avoid giving you the kind of reputation that is easy to get (like being an ethically agnostic lawyer or an ethically challenged used car salesman and almost impossible to get rid of.
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