2 Languages, 1 URL



Got a question I'm sure someone far wiser than me would be able to answer. Have just submitted www.egyptmyway.com
Regional>Africa>Egypt>Travel and Tourism>Travel Services>Travel Agents

The submitted part is in English, but I'm building the Norwegian translation of same page under the URL www.egyptmyway.com/no

Can I submit this site in its second language even if both language versions will be on same URL?

Unfortunately there is extremely little Egypt information in Norwegian so I had many requests for it - but on the other side I don't want to spam dmoz in any way.

Know it should have a different directory listing to what I gave above as it’s a non-English part - but as said still same URL.

Please help, I'm a bit lost on this one and was unable to answer it myself )-:



Mar 1, 2002
Can I submit this site in its second language even if both language versions will be on same URL?

By all means - please do. Especially since, as you mention, there's so little content on line about Egypt in Norwegian.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Just a note for other readers of this thread:

Of course this only applies for properly translated sites. No machine-translate junk please.


Thank you apeuro, and yes it's unfortunately not only online that there is little available in Norwegian language. A friend is heading the public library in Norway that's considered the specialist library on Egypt - and she confirms that it's little in print as well. So I give the material on the site for free for students, teachers and other non profit users - so to be a tiny help there at least.

Windharp, yes thank you – I have seen some of this machine translated stuff. What actually make me astonished is that some actually buy such software.

How is it possible for users of a non English language to even understand these so called translations, it looks like they just filled a software with tons of words which then again "translates" a text based upon the same logic and grammar as one find in Lotto and Bingo? What I have seen so far of machine "translated" text to Norwegian I am not even able to understand, and Norwegian is my mother language.

Thanks again for the clarifications,
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