2 out of our 3 main websites are not listed since year 2000


Jun 11, 2008
Although I read the 'submit a site' rules and I submitted all our three 'main' websites, I only 'ever' see one listed.

Having also read around the net of 'strange' editors which only are there for their own or friend's interest, I am not surprised 2 our 3 main sites were never listed.

I get our 'living' out of these 3 sites and they are the ones that help us keep bread an butter on our family table - SERIOUSLY - these sites are VERY IMPORTANT to us and we are not getting rich.

Since these sites are:

Site A - sells A products
Site B - sells B products
Site C - sells B and C products (B are also differently prices and not exactly the same)

I do not understand why they are not listed.

I understand DMOZ is supported by voluntary editors an I bet they are busy, but after 8 years it seem strange and also strange thoughts come to mind.

I am sure the majority of editors are good an honest working people, but there must be a minority (or DMOZ would be the only perfect organization in the Galaxy!) of editors that are not exactly there to help, but to help themselves and (£££) friends!

This may be the only reason those 2 sites are not listed.

Any specific reasons?

You can PM me if you prefer a more private conversation - no problem - I do understand.

There must be something not going the right way and DMOZ should be more prone to help the 'tiny' businesses, those that actually get the minimum profit in order to have a 'normal' life - large Companies do not need DMOZ!!!


PS after a lot of work I managed to reach PR2 and PR3 at present raising traffic rank from the dead by Millions of points, but still DMOZ keep them out while my competitors are laughing at us


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
DMOZ prefers to list only one (1) sites out of a group of related sites.
Sites with the same ownership are related to each other.
More than one site with same ownership might be listed if the subjects are totaly unrelated. F.i one site selling clothing and one site about the gardening hobby of the owner.
As you stated that all 3 sites are about selling product I would be surprised if more than one would be listed.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I get our 'living' out of these 3 sites and they are the ones that help us keep bread an butter on our family table - SERIOUSLY - these sites are VERY IMPORTANT to us and we are not getting rich.

If the health of your business depends on the actions of an anonymous bunch of uncontrolled and uncontrollable volunteers, any financial advisor would tell you to close it down now.

Harsh but true. Ask your bank manager :).


Jan 23, 2003
I am not surprised 2 our 3 main sites were never listed.

From your description, neither am I.

It appears, just based on what you have said, that you have chosen to spread your products among multiple websites. That is your right.

It is our right not to list them all.

Your best best (and you certainly do not have to do this) is to use one of the sites as a gateway to all of your other selling sites (both major and minor). Then suggest the one gateway site. That is the one we would be interested in listing.


Jun 11, 2008
jimnoble said:
Please don't. It's already listed twice (which is OK).

Since you decided to be a one way communication!

Site A was born in 1999 and never sold items in site B
Site B was born after and selling only B products

Site A and B have a different database - so they are completely separated and it is the only way I can do it, I am not rich and I am not Dixons or Argos and this does not help tiny businesses like mine (80% of the businesses in the UK!).

Site C came out a few years later and it was not selling the same products as site B for a few years. Last year I decided to add B products on site C as I was asked several times for products C not listed in site B.

All 3 websites are separated at the root! Even the databases and it is easier for me.

That some editors are biased I am completely a believer.

You cannot be 100% paradise or you would be the best group in the Galaxy.

It is just not possible.

Site A and Site B complement each other and they sell DIFFERENT things and site A also has a big link on the MENU - Site B is not disguised - IT IS IN PLAIN SITE.

Have a look at them editors - you are only helping the RICH COMPANIES here and not who needs the most.

Yes I know, you are not a charity, but you use voluntary work and you should behave like a charity then.


Jan 23, 2003
Have a look at them editors - you are only helping the RICH COMPANIES here and not who needs the most

Which explains all those free-hosted Goecities and Tripod listings that all the big companies and SEO-types are always complaining about.


Jun 11, 2008
spectregunner said:
Which explains all those free-hosted Goecities and Tripod listings that all the big companies and SEO-types are always complaining about.

Anybody, just needs to search for:

dmoz biased
dmoz worth it
dmoz editor - corruptdmozeditor.com

or anything similar - there are thousands of entries anywhere ...

never mind



Jun 11, 2008
spectregunner said:
Which explains all those free-hosted Goecities and Tripod listings that all the big companies and SEO-types are always complaining about.

Care to elaborate a bit more.

I am eager to learn from the experts!

I do not have much time for forums unfortunately, too busy trying to earn the crust.

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