2 years waiting for being listed - is that long enouph?


May 20, 2004
I have submitted our website http://www.english-to-russian-translation.com

to the following category


about 2 years ago.

Within the period of 2 years I posted 2 requests about the status of our submission and was notified that our website was waiting for approval.

The category does not seem to be updated and I do not seem to have any way of finding out the status of our website submission or whether there is any hope at all to appear at DMOZ.

Could anybody be kind enough to let me know what the prospectives are? Is the category being looked after at all and whether there is any hope to get ever listed in that category? Is 2 years' waiting a long time for DMOZ or not really? Mybe I should resubmit again or change a category to somehow change the situation?

Thank you very much in advance for clarifying.


Jan 23, 2003
Could anybody be kind enough to let me know what the prospectives are?

Be glad to. Your best betis to simply wait. Some categories are updated more often than others, there is no way to predict when an editor will visit a given category. You at least know what your suggestion arrived.

Is the category being looked after at all and whether there is any hope to get ever listed in that category?

Most certainly, every category potentially has more than 200 editors who can visit it, but you can do the math yourself: 600,000 categories, 10,000 active editors.

Is 2 years' waiting a long time for DMOZ or not really?

It truly depends upon the part of the directory. Two years is not unusual, not in the least.

Mybe I should resubmit again or change a category to somehow change the situation?

Resubmissin is unnecessary becaseu you know that we have received your original submission. Submitting to a different category in the hopes of changing your odds is abuse, it buries editors in unnecessary work, and is simply unproductive.

Hope this helps, just hang in there, we will get to it eventually.
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