3 months since submission, made in accordance with DMOZ rules


Mar 22, 2005
Hello and thank you for your very public-spirited work at DMOZ.

On March 24 it will be three months since I submitted my site to DMOZ. The submission was made carefully, in accordance with the posted rules. The site has not been listed nor has there been any word by e-mail of its rejection.

The site is http://www.naturenoir.com which informs the public about a book of mine, published in February by Houghton Mifflin Co. The site submission was made to Arts:Literature:Genres:Nature Writing.

Is it possible the editor position at that category is vacant, or that my submission was lost?

Considering the time since I first submitted and the way my site is getting killed on Google, would it be wrong to resubmit? Should I pick another category in literature under the theory that there may not be an editor available at Arts:Literature:Nature Writing?

Thanks for your help, editors and participants.

Jordan Fisher Smith


Apr 15, 2003
Read the posting guidelines and read the FAQ - links are below.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I haven't reviewed the site. But I'd warn you that (in my experience) 99+% of all sites "written to inform the public about books published by" someone else, are not eligible for listing -- we see them as advertisements.

I'd recommend you focus on your plan B for promoting the site.


Mar 22, 2005
Thanks for your replies, and.....

Thanks to both respondents for the advice.

I did in fact read the rules and guidelines. If http://www.naturenoir.com had been looked at and rejected for the reasons you state, wouldn't I have gotten an e-mail? I have received no word of the site's fate. How do we know if it's been viewed?

Further, Hutcheson (Meta)--and I thank him respectfully for his prompt reply--has stated in that reply "(in my experience) 99+% of all sites 'written to inform the public about books published by' someone else, are not eligible for listing -- we see them as advertisements."

Again, with respect, it's not clear to me what Hutcheson means by books "published by someone else." All serious writers are published by someone else--that's what major publishing is. You sell your book to a publishing company for the money that enables you to continue writing. It's a job, like playing in a symphony orchestra is. Reviewing the other sites in my Literature:Genre:Nature Writing, they all constitute a way for people to know about the books and buy them. Is the acceptance of those sites a matter of the stature of the writer? If so, does that not constitute a closed system? Which is to say, if you're considered a major writer your site is information, and if the editor hasn't heard of you yet your site is an advertisment?

Further, the Open Directory has listed all sorts of people who offer services--from Architects to Zookeepers; a writer's service is to write books. The question of whether a given book is significant would be an issue of criticism, and I'm guessing that a DMOZ editor would be entitled to say whether or not a book was significant, regardless of what the New York Times has said (although the New York Times and other reviews have been very kind to my book).

The bottom line is: had the site been looked at, would I not have received a reply on its fate?

Thanks so much for reading my questions, and again, thanks for the job you do there.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
As Bobrat wrote please read the forum guidelines.
We need a clickable link for the category.


Apr 8, 2004
First, Jordan, no emails are sent regarding whether a site is listed or declined a listing. This forum provides the means to determine if the suggestion has been received. The guidelines that bobrat referred to are the posting guidelines of this forum which you have not yet followed. In order for an editor to give you the status of your suggestion, you will have to format your request according to those guidelines. Once you have done that, then someone will be able to give you the status.

In the other link that bobrat gave you (the FAQ of this forum) you will find the answer to your other question about not having a named editor in the category you suggested the site.

I also have each of those links in my signature, since we quite often have to point to them.


Mar 22, 2005
Dogbows, thanks....

You have been very patient with me. I will resubmit my status request according to the DMOZ guidelines. I apologize for my transgression.

Many thanks for your explanation.

Jordan Fisher Smith
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