3 submissions in 5 months and site still not visited by editor


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
The site is waiting for review - please do not resubmit it. Thanks!


May 28, 2004
Still not listed over six months

I last posted in May 2004 about www.johnbulluk.com

GOOGLE adwords are costing my business money, and I have paid for a listing on all the top engines, However, it`s now over three months since my last posting, and we are still not listed on dmoz. What do we have to do as a company to get listed?


Apr 15, 2003


May 28, 2004
another 6 months past and still no response

another 6 months have past and still no sign of being listed. can`t pay- can`t chase- can`t email, dmoz must be the No 1 of wind ups!!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Exactly. We try very hard to make sure our strings are out of reach of manipulation, because our experience is that the kind of people who try to manipulate us are not the kind of people we want to help.

You've done what you can at the ODP. We take it from here -- in, of course, our own time, which will never be a substitute for the kind of promotional services you purchase (and control) at Google and elsewhere. For you, it's time to focus energies where the effort would be productive.

I'd recommend focusing on reducing the dead weight of the website. Flash, huh? No way am I going to download flash to look at that website, and there are many security-conscious surfers that will agree. Large blocks of texts in an IMAGE? (What was your webmaster thinking? Torque off the users AND spit on the search engines in one easy stroke? And where did he leave his brain that day?)

Look at the site on a slow dial-up line, and think in terms of "In five seconds, I want this page live and WRIGGLING!" -- that is, the surfer who knows what he wants should have be able to click out on his merrie way.

What you have is good for couch potatoes who'll need five minutes to find the mouse pointer again, perhaps, but ... right now it fails the ADD test [as evaluated by an expert...] and ... it's not something I'd want to invite a friend to.

Quite often we editors triage the unreviewed pool -- find the quick move-to-another-category-so-the-right-person-can-review-them, find the easy adds, pick out the easy rejects. Your site, because of its dilatory load process, would (slowly) move to the back of the pack.

Will this keep it from getting listed? No. Is this causing delays? Possibly. Would it put off potential customers, once you've paid good money to attract them? Oh, absolutely yes!
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