3rd time a charm?


Dec 2, 2003
I just sent in my 3rd application to become an editor. I wondered if I could get some clarification on something. Both of my previous denials had reviewer comments attached. The latest denial had this review comment attached to it:
"The primary reason this application is being rejected is the sites are not appropriate to the category. In the Regional section of ODP, sites for businesses are usually listed in the locality (town) where the business is located. One of the sites submitted in this application is for a company located in XXX, NC. Another is for a company located in XXX, NC. If you would like to apply again, consider selecting a category that has around 20 to 80 sites and no active editor (a good size for a new editor). Be sure the sites submitted with your application are appropriate to the category and are not already listed."

What I decided to do with my last application I just sent in was to go higher up into the tree and find a larger, broader category with no editor. I'm assuming that applying for a larger category is what my reviewer meant in his/her comment. My question is that I wondered if there is some magical number associated with a category that makes it more accessible for a new editor. I had orginally tried to pick a small category but maybe it was too small ;-)

Thanks in advance for any help.


Dec 2, 2003
Nevermind. Just got my 3rd denial and it only took 30 minutes to get. Really confused now! The latest reviewer comments say "Most web design companies should be listed at the locality level. Therefore, you should choose a locality level Internet/Web Design and Development (or Internet if a WD&D category doesn't exist for that category) category when you reapply. State level is not a good place to start out."

Round and round in circles. I thought the last reviewer said to pick a broader category ;-( Now I guess I needed to stay at the local level ;-(

Nevermind. I guess I side with 1234 in his Post

It took me a couple times, too....

Let me explain why I think your rejections mean:

First, the regional guidelines suggest (for a prospective editor, that should be read require) that a company with a single fixed location be listed under the locality (town) which that location is in, and not in any larger County, Metro Area, Region, or State.

If (locality)/Business_and_Economy/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development is too small for you to suggest 3 sites, try (locality)/Business_and_Economy/Internet, or even (locality)/Business_and_Economy (unless that becomes too large).


Mar 25, 2002
No, no - don't go away! :( The types of rejections you are getting seem to me to indicate you are doing fine with titles and descriptions, and just need guidance on choosing the right sites for a category. Part of what may be happening is that you are changing the category and/or the sites you are applying with on each application, so the comments you get for one area may not be applicable to the next category you try applying for.

In Regional sites are generally listed at the lowest level of geography covering all of the offices. This is almost always at the locality level. Most sites are not listed by their service area.

My recommendation is to choose either a small locality 50-80 sites and apply for the main locality level, or to choose a medium size locality and apply for the Business_and_Economy level (assuming its around 50-80 sites.) If an Internet subcat exists, don't apply just for it, since it will be too small a scope to gain editing experience with. If the sites on your application belongs in one of the subcats just put [Internet subcat] in the description and the reviewer will understand you know where to place it. The only other thing to be careful about is that a site in a small community next to a big city doesn't belong in the big city, even if the big city is the target audience and has more extensive subcats.

I hope you try again - it seems like you have a good chance. If/when you become an editor, there's lots of assistance internally to help you get started and figure out nuances of wherever you end up editing.



Dec 2, 2003
Thanks for the encouragement. I did apply again, but I've learned not to hold my breath too long, as the process does seem to be somewhat subjective. I did decide to go to a category with more listings: (locality) Business and Economy: Internet: Web Design and Development. Time will tell I guess ;-) Thanks again.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Ah, now see, that was an excellent category to choose (small, locality level, etc.). :)


Dec 2, 2003
There must be some mistake - my title shows me as an Editor :) Is that good news or a mistake?


Dec 2, 2003
No email yet, but it looks as if it just changed less than 30 minutes ago. Patience, I guess :)
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