4 Actions You Can Take to Get Into DMOZ


Aug 16, 2009
A nice overview that I put together a while ago on my blog that I believe webmasters may benefit from reading. The blog post is called

<URL removed. We don't discuss individual websites here so they are neither needed nor welcomed.>

If your too lazy to even click on the link, I'll even simplify it for you.

  • Follow their guidelines
  • Become an editor for DMOZ
  • Submit Your URL and Forget
  • Don’t find DMOZ, let DMOZ find you.

This isn't really a trick to get attention, but rather help new webmasters when trying to gain entry to DMOZ. There has been countless webmasters complaining about inclusion to the directory in big webmaster forums like Digital Point and V7n, and I thought it would be nice to clear up what questions people have about DMOZ. :)

The message that many editors in this forum are trying to convey to webmasters is that to gain entry you must provide the fundamentals of actually being a quality website. Stick to that tip and in a couple of months, if not years, you will be listed in DMOZ.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Become an editor for DMOZ
Giving preference to your own website can lead to account removal.

Don’t find DMOZ, let DMOZ find you.
We reckon that around half of our listings were found by category building editors for themselves rather than suggested from outside.
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