4 years of trying


New Member
Jan 10, 2011
For the last 4 years I have entered my sites URL to be listed in the directory and it has never been approved. I have followed all the guidelines to no avail. I know the importance of being listed here and it is costing my company money and for the life of me I can not understand why my company is not listed.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
For the last 4 years I have entered my sites URL to be listed in the directory and it has never been approved. I have followed all the guidelines to no avail.
This sounds as if you have suggested several websites and you have done this more than once.
The guidelines say
- not to suggested related sites (websites owned by the same company are related)
- to suggested a wesbiste only once to the on best category

I know the importance of being listed here
We have heard of these myths but know them not to be true.

and it is costing my company money
Impossible. A DMOZ listing is not something magic that will bring money to the owner of a website.
If a website can not make money without a DMOZ listing we can only advise the owner to terminate the business and website as it still will not make money when the listing is available.

and for the life of me I can not understand why my company is not listed.
Most probably because the suggestion is not reviewed yet.
There is ofcourse the possibility that the website is not listable. You can check if this is true at http://www.dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#notinclude



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
If you want to believe the long obsolete myth that a DMOZ listing will magically raise you to the top of any relevant search result and cause money to rain down upon your head, go ahead. However, if you consult in any credible SEO forum (list), you'll find that the weight of informed opinion is against you.

Either way, it's an irrelevant topic in this forum because we aren't about website promotion and we don't care whether or not a listing here gives a website some advantage.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
Debatable Lands, Cumbria UK
Please don't be so defensive - I'm a friendly guy who doesn't take things too seriously, so any comments I make can safely be read with that in mind.
I didn't suggest a DMOZ listing would magically raise a site to the top and I certainly never mentioned the subject of money, regardless of the OP.

I merely submit that DOMZ has an effect in that SEs, by using DMOZ as a source for their directories, will be more inclined to present websites that are listed in DMOZ more readily than those that aren't in response to an enquiry - but only inasmuch as a DMOZ backlink is regarded as a highly authoritative "vote" in favour of that website. We all know that the best way to have a website that performs well in searches or generates a good income, is to have one that offers good content from the standpoint of a visitor - but that doesn't mean SEO is irrelevant. I don't imagine anyone here is any wiser as to the machinations of Google's constantly evolving algorithms than anyone anywhere else other than within Google itself. The truth is that, at any given time, a DMOZ listing might well have an effect - none of us would ever know. To be honest though, I'm really not that bothered about it.

Whatever the toing-and-froing and whilst I don't plan to lose any sleep over it, I don't consider this to be an irrelevant topic within the context of a discussion about the process and merits of suggesting a site - particularly in a forum entitled: "General Discussion > Suggesting a Site".... but then that's just my lowly uninformed opinion - feel free to pay no heed if you care not to - you wouldn't be the only one.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Discussing the merits or process of suggesting a site to DMOZ from a strictly DMOZ point of view is one thing. Discussing it from the point of view of any downstream user of our data (such as Google) or as an SEO tactic is another.


Oct 21, 2010
I first listed a site on DMOZ around eight years ago. At that point I was a total supporter who seen this as a resource removed from the competition for web site rankings and SEO. Whether you like it, I like it or nobody likes it the world and the internet has changed significantly since then. To read the comments of site admins on a variety of posts here is incredulous. Do these people live in some sort of ivory tower trapped in a time warp?

As the original poster has observed here any questions that are not liked are not answered but simply dismissed as 'we don't care'. And as the poster has eloquently pointed out the impact on search engine placements is a fact, proven, accepted. Any time anyone tries to point this out the replies received from 'official' DMOZ admins/editors borders on offensive, demeaning and treating the rest of us like idiots.

I for one now look on this 'directory' as elitest, out of touch and in certain categories compromised. I have become convinced that certain categories are now literally impossible to get listed on. The reason this has happened is that all this wrapping in neautrality has resulted in company gets listing in category, company representative becomes editor for category, editor rejects all listing applications to keep his companies nose in front with other search engines.

What was once a good system with high principals and honourable ideals is now sick and in need of treatment. I'd like to think that this would be identified and accepted but the tone and nature of replies on the forum in general, of which this topic is an excellent example, do not fill me with confidence.

If you'd like to test this then apply to become an editor. Six individuals I am associated with, different backgrounds and geography have all applied for different sections. What makes it almost funny is that all were rejected within three days. All this backlog, years to get listed, no correspondence or acknowledgement of your application for site listing but try offer to help and you get an answer pretty quick. Sorry folks the private club is not letting anyone else in apparently.

BTW, loved the Google didn't get the memo comment.


Oct 21, 2010
If you want to believe the long obsolete myth that a DMOZ listing...

I've had a look at your 'list' Jim and have found references in every single one that a DMOZ listing is an important contribution to listings in other search engines:

Forums at SEO chat for instance:

Yes, getting listed in Google directory has got a lot to do with Dmoz.

In fact you will get listed to many directories that are associated with Dmoz such as Excite, Lycos etc..but only IF you get listed in Dmoz.

Instead of just throwing in references to try back up your nonsense answers perhaps you might want to start reading a few yourself?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
It's no accident that I wrote
the weight of informed opinion is against you.
All this backlog, years to get listed, no correspondence or acknowledgement of your application for site listing but try offer to help and you get an answer pretty quick
Some of us think that evaluating editor applications is more important than evaluating suggested websites because each joined editor can process hundreds (and with any luck, tens of thousands) of websites.

Generally, editor applications that
- demonstrate an understanding of the category requested
- demonstrate adequate communications skills (which include reading)
- Demonstrate adequate integrity
are accepted. If you were evaluating job applications, wouldn't you do the same?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
You better might read the yourself.
Search Engines and Directories are two different things.
Ofcourse getting listed in DMOZ will get the website listed in other directories like the Google Directpry. No wonder if you know that those are copies of DMOZ.
What we are trying to tell people is that a listing in DMOZ will be of no great help for your website in relation to Search Engines. It will not bring you high in the seacrh results. And it certainly will not bring you instant welth. Ofcourse a listing in DMOZ does have some efffect, but that effect is the same as any other link to your website.
It is not only us telling this truth but also Google has mentioned this several times. Webmasters and SEO who understand their business know that a DMOZ is not some kind of magical wand.
In june 2006 Matt Cutts already wrote
Q: Thoughts on the strength of DMOZ?
A (Matt Cutts): If you can get a DMOZ link it's helpful, but there's no special "DMOZ boost" or anything like that.
see http://groups.google.com/group/Google_Webmaster_Help/web/q-a-from-the-junetune-live-chat?pli=1


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
Debatable Lands, Cumbria UK
I thought this was quite interesting, as it also dates from 2006:

An excerpt from the US patent Office database relating to an application by Google with reference to its method for presenting search results.
United States Patent: 7096214

To enhance performance, multiple online topic hierarchies can be used for classification. Moreover, the various techniques used for classifying queries into topics can be combined to increase the level of confidence.

The favored and non-favored sources field 430 may include information that identifies sets of web pages/sites that are either "favored sources" (i.e., identified sources of useful or authoritative content on the desired subject) or "non-favored sources" (i.e., identified as sources of misinformation or over-promotion on that subject) for a particular query theme. For example, for the query theme "sites that provide free downloads," web sites that actually provide free software downloads would be considered "favored sources" and web sites that mislead search engines with words such as "free" and "download" (popularly known as "spam techniques"), but do not in fact provide access to free downloads, would be considered "non-favored sources."

Classifying web sites as "favored" may be based on host names. For example, the web site of the World Wildlife Fund is hosted by www.wwf.org. This web site would be a favored source for queries dealing with wildlife or animals. A host may contain more than one web site. Since parts of a web site may be relevant while other parts are not, the relevant parts can be denoted by a set of URL prefixes (e.g., www.geocities.com/A/B/C).

In an implementation consistent with the present invention, the set of favored and non-favored sources may be automatically determined. To accomplish this, exemplary queries in the query theme may be classified into a set of topics (e.g., an online topic hierarchy, such as Yahoo!, Open Directory, or Google) using the approach for classification described above. Web hosts that appear in the URLs associated with the best matching topics to the query theme may be taken to be favored sources. For example, if the query theme is "sites that help in finding accommodation," then web hosts listed under the Open Directory category "http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Travel/Lodging" can be taken as favored sources.

The editorial opinion parameter field 440 may include parameters that quantify the editorial opinion for specific favored and non-favored sources for search queries that match specific query themes. As will be described in more detail below, the editorial opinion parameter may be used to modify the placement of applicable web pages in the ranking of search results.

Of course, I understand that anything dating from 2006 may well be out of date. ;)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Of course, I understand that anything dating from 2006 may well be out of date.
Indeed. You perhaps missed the later Matt Cutts comments referred to above. "A link from DMOZ is just a link".

Whatever, when I said .Either way, it's an irrelevant topic in this forum because we aren't about website promotion and we don't care whether or not a listing here gives a website some advantage, I meant it.

We've been very patient with you but it's clear that this thread isn't going anywhere so closing. Please don't start a new thread with a similar topic.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.